The demographic dimension of the struggle with Israel - as seen by the PLO
In: The Jerusalem journal of international relations, Band 11, Heft 4, S. 27-51
ISSN: 0363-2865
Aus palästinensischer Sicht
8 Ergebnisse
In: The Jerusalem journal of international relations, Band 11, Heft 4, S. 27-51
ISSN: 0363-2865
Aus palästinensischer Sicht
World Affairs Online
In: The Jerusalem journal of international relations, Band 11, Heft 1, S. 37-57
ISSN: 0363-2865
World Affairs Online
In: The Jerusalem quarterly, Heft 52, S. 37-54
ISSN: 0334-4800
Untersuchung des Verhältnisses zwischen dem nationalen und dem islamisch fundamentalistischen palästinensischen Lager vor allem im Kontext der Intifada. Im nationalen Lager wird unterschieden zwischen der Hauptströmung innerhalb der PlO, der Fatah, und den linken Organisationen; im fundamentalistischen Lager zwischen "Islamic Jihad" und dem palästinensischen Zweig der Muslimbrüder. (DÜI-Hns)
World Affairs Online
In: The Jerusalem quarterly, Heft 49, S. 3-16
ISSN: 0334-4800
Comparative survey of how the US is perceived in Arab eyes today. The study is based on public references to the US made by the leaders and the media in five Arab states from the beginning of 1985. These five countries - Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Libya, and Iraq - were chosen because they appeared to the author to represent the entire gamut of Arab perceptions of the US. (DÜI-Hns)
World Affairs Online
In: The Jerusalem quarterly, Heft 47, S. 3-26
ISSN: 0334-4800
The article examines the foundations of the PFLP's ideological and operational worldview. Special emphasis is placed on how the radical Palestinians orientation grapples with obstacles in the path of realizing its goals. (DÜI-Hns)
World Affairs Online
In: The Jerusalem quarterly, Heft 48, S. 88-104
ISSN: 0334-4800
The article explores the roots and content of the ideology of Abu-Nidal's organization, "Fath-The Revolutionary Council". It is based on the organization's official weekly, "Filastin at-Taura" (also the name of the PLO's publication) and on interviews Abu-Nidal has given to the Arabic and Western press since his break with the Fath leadership in 1974. (DÜI-Hns)
World Affairs Online
In: The Jerusalem journal of international relations, Band 9, Heft 3, S. 85-98
ISSN: 0363-2865
World Affairs Online
In: Le débat: histoire, politique, société ; revue mensuelle, Band 193, Heft 1, S. 81-91
ISSN: 2111-4587