Reauthorizing No Child Left Behind: facts and recommendations
In: RAND Corporation monograph series
18 Ergebnisse
In: RAND Corporation monograph series
In: R 4282
In: Rand Library collection
This report describes a framework used to organize available empirical information on one form of performance-based management, a performance-based accountability system (PBAS), which identifies individuals or organizations that must change their behavior to improve an activity's performance, an incentive structure to motivate those changes, and measures tailored to inform the incentive structure.
In: Rand Corporation monograph series
Examines five accountability models--two from the manufacturing sector; a performance incentive model used in the evaluation of job training programs for the poor; accountability in the legal sector; and accountability in health care as shown by clinical practice guidelines, use of statistical risk-adjustment methods, and the public reporting of health performance measures. The authors summarize the models? effectiveness and draw lessons for implementing the No Child Left Behind Act
In: Program evaluation kit 2
In: Rand research review, Band 31, Heft 3, S. 16-25
ISSN: 1557-2897
World Affairs Online
In: Rand research review, Band 31, Heft 3, S. 16-25
ISSN: 1557-2897
In: Rand Corporation monograph series MG-1019
Performance-based accountability systems (PBASs) link incentives to measured performance to improve services to the public. Research suggests that PBASs influence provider behaviors, but little is known about PBAS effectiveness at achieving performance goals. This study examines nine PBASs that are drawn from five sectors: child care, education, health care, public health emergency preparedness, and transportation.
In: Rand Corporation monograph series
In: Rand research review, Band 33, Heft 2, S. 14-19
ISSN: 1557-2897
World Affairs Online
In: Alcoholism treatment quarterly: the practitioner's quarterly for individual, group, and family therapy, Band 10, Heft 3-4, S. 171-186
ISSN: 1544-4538