8 Ergebnisse
An Evaluation of the Denver Community Mental Health Questionnaire as a Measure of Outpatient Treatment Effectiveness
In: Evaluation quarterly, Band 1, Heft 3, S. 475-492
Results of randomly administering interview and a self administering form of the Denver Community Mental Health Questionnaire to two samples of outpatients are reported. One sample completed the questionnaire both at intake and 90 days later, while the other sample did so only at 90-day follow-up. Method of administration, sex, and test-retest effects were studied. Differences between outpatients at intake and follow-up, between clients at intake and the Denver nonpatient sample, and between client intake scores and the "minimum desired program outcome" score were also investigated. Results indicated troubling method of administration interaction effects at follow-up, minimal client at intake-public norm differences on most scales, minor but confounding practice effects, and prominent sex differences on several scales.
An Evaluation of the Denver Community Mental Health Questionnaire as a Measure of Outpatient Treatment Effectiveness
In: Evaluation quarterly: a journal of applied social research, Band 1, Heft 3, S. 475-492
ISSN: 0145-4692
Nonverbal Communication of Affective Information: Some Laboratory Findings Pertaining to an I nteractional Process
In: Comparative group studies, Band 3, Heft 4, S. 409-423
Effects of Marathon Group Therapy Short-Term MMPI Changes
In: Comparative group studies, Band 1, Heft 4, S. 397-404
A survey of mental health district structure and effectiveness
In: Evaluation and Program Planning, Band 3, Heft 4, S. 289-296
A Survey of Mental Health District Structure and Effectiveness
In: Evaluation and program planning: an international journal, Band 3, Heft 4, S. 289-296
ISSN: 0149-7189