8 Ergebnisse
In: Health and social care chaplaincy, S. 21-25
ISSN: 2051-5561
Effective spiritual care must truly interact with its recipients in order to discern need and to engage in a mutual process of exploration. Spiritual carers should be a resource in the individual's search for meaning and purpose, and a support through the sometimes painful re-examination of beliefs in the face of some life crisis. To be effective the carer must have personally engaged with the existential issues which arise. Support for spiritual caregivers is essential in order to increase self knowledge, address sources of anxiety, and work through the difficult feelings which engagement with another person at this level will arouse.
CER® – Corporate Educational Responsibility
In: Stiftung & Sponsoring: das Magazin für Non-Profit-Management und -Marketing, Heft 5
ISSN: 2366-2913
Patient Care—Concerning Matters Spiritual and Religious
In: Contact: the interdisciplinary journal of pastoral studies, Band 92, Heft 1, S. 16-20
Bildungsinnovationen: neue Bildungskonzepte und Geschäftsmodelle
In: Edition Bildungsinnovationen 1
Social Online Learning: Soziales Lernen in Online-Kursen als unternehmerische Gelegenheit
In: Edition Bildungsinnovationen 3