Vertical juridical disputes over legal bases
In: Peace research abstracts journal, Band 44, Heft 5, S. 321-322
ISSN: 0031-3599
12 Ergebnisse
In: Peace research abstracts journal, Band 44, Heft 5, S. 321-322
ISSN: 0031-3599
In: Yearbook of European law, Band 20, Heft 1, S. 611-615
ISSN: 2045-0044
Without a doubt 2020 will be remembered worldwide as the year of risk and emergency, in this case a health emergency, and of new communication technologies. When work began in 2018 on the organisation of "HERITAGE2020 (3DPast | RISK-Terra), International Conference on Vernacular Architecture in World Heritage Sites. Risks and New Technologies", the new technologies applied to vernacular heritage and risk were on the rise, although nobody could have foreseen how central they would become to everyday life in 2020. "HERITAGE2020 (3DPast | RISK-Terra), International Conference on Vernacular Architecture in World Heritage Sites. Risks and New Technologies" is organised within the framework of two research projects. The first, "3D Past – Living and visiting European World Heritage" (2017–2020), was co-funded by the European Union as part of the Creative Europe Programme, led by Escola Superior Gallaecia (Portugal) in partnership with Universitat Politécnica de València (Spain) and Università degli Studi di Firenze (Italy). The main aim of this project has been to promote the inhabited vernacular heritage declared as World Heritage Sites in Europe by trying to promote its valorization through new technologies, both for local residents and potential visitors. Vernacular heritage, new communication technologies and heritage management for valorization and sustainable tourism are the central themes of this European project. In 2020, these issues have become even more important for the survival, understanding and valorization of heritage, particularly vernacular heritage, which today provides a solid opportunity for cultural and sustainable tourism, where these new technologies make it possible to reach a wider public in search of locations better suited to social distancing. The second project involved in this conference is "RISK-Terra. Earthen architecture in the Iberian Peninsula: study of natural, social and anthropic risks and strategies to improve resilience" (RTI2018-095302-B-I00) (2019–2021), funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities. This project is geared towards the conservation of earthen architecture in the Iberian Peninsula, both monumental and vernacular, which continues to be undervalued and barely recognized. The RISK-Terra project aims to provide scientific coverage of the study of natural threats (floods, earthquakes, climate change), social threats (abandonment, social discredit, demographic pressure, tourist development), and anthropic threats (neglect, lack of protection and maintenance), as well as the mechanisms for deterioration and dynamics and transformation (replacement, use of incompatible techniques and materials, etc.) to which architecture is exposed. The objective of the project is to establish strategies for conservation, intervention and rehabilitation which make it possible to prevent and mitigate possible damage through compatible actions and/or actions to increase resilience. As these two projects have major points of contact with potential for common reflection, their main themes have been combined in this Heritage2020 conference. The topics established for the conference are: vernacular architecture (study and cataloguing of vernacular architecture; conservation and restoration of vernacular architecture; urban studies on vernacular architecture; sustainability in vernacular architecture); new technologies applied to architectural and archaeological heritage (digital documentation and state-of-the-art developments; digital analysis in heritage; digital heritage related to social context; digital heritage solutions and best practices for dissemination); architectural heritage management (management and protection of UNESCO World Heritage Sites; social participation in heritage management; regulations and policies in heritage management; intangible heritage: the management of know-how and local building culture); risks in architectural heritage (studies of natural risks in architectural heritage; studies of social and anthropic risks in architectural heritage, preventive actions in order to improve resilience in architectural heritage; actions and strategies in post-disaster situations); earthen architectural heritage (study and cataloguing of earthen architectures; construction techniques that employ earth; sustainability mechanisms in vernacular earthen architectures; restoration and conservation of earthen architecture). The scientific committee was made up of 98 outstanding researchers from 29 countries from the five continents, specialists in the subjects proposed. All the contributions to the conference, both the abstracts and the final texts, were subjected to a strict peer-review evaluation system by the members of the scientific committee. Out of the over 300 proposals submitted, over 150 papers by 325 authors from 27 countries from the five continents were chosen for publication.
Without a doubt 2020 will be remembered worldwide as the year of risk and emergency, in this case a health emergency, and of new communication technologies. When work began in 2018 on the organisation of "HERITAGE2020 (3DPast | RISK-Terra), International Conference on Vernacular Architecture in World Heritage Sites. Risks and New Technologies", the new technologies applied to vernacular heritage and risk were on the rise, although nobody could have foreseen how central they would become to everyday life in 2020. "HERITAGE2020 (3DPast | RISK-Terra), International Conference on Vernacular Architecture in World Heritage Sites. Risks and New Technologies" is organised within the framework of two research projects. The first, "3D Past – Living and visiting European World Heritage" (2017–2020), was co-funded by the European Union as part of the Creative Europe Programme, led by Escola Superior Gallaecia (Portugal) in partnership with Universitat Politécnica de València (Spain) and Università degli Studi di Firenze (Italy). The main aim of this project has been to promote the inhabited vernacular heritage declared as World Heritage Sites in Europe by trying to promote its valorization through new technologies, both for local residents and potential visitors. Vernacular heritage, new communication technologies and heritage management for valorization and sustainable tourism are the central themes of this European project. In 2020, these issues have become even more important for the survival, understanding and valorization of heritage, particularly vernacular heritage, which today provides a solid opportunity for cultural and sustainable tourism, where these new technologies make it possible to reach a wider public in search of locations better suited to social distancing. The second project involved in this conference is "RISK-Terra. Earthen architecture in the Iberian Peninsula: study of natural, social and anthropic risks and strategies to improve resilience" (RTI2018-095302-B-I00) (2019–2021), funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities. This project is geared towards the conservation of earthen architecture in the Iberian Peninsula, both monumental and vernacular, which continues to be undervalued and barely recognized. The RISK-Terra project aims to provide scientific coverage of the study of natural threats (floods, earthquakes, climate change), social threats (abandonment, social discredit, demographic pressure, tourist development), and anthropic threats (neglect, lack of protection and maintenance), as well as the mechanisms for deterioration and dynamics and transformation (replacement, use of incompatible techniques and materials, etc.) to which architecture is exposed. The objective of the project is to establish strategies for conservation, intervention and rehabilitation which make it possible to prevent and mitigate possible damage through compatible actions and/or actions to increase resilience. As these two projects have major points of contact with potential for common reflection, their main themes have been combined in this Heritage2020 conference. The topics established for the conference are: vernacular architecture (study and cataloguing of vernacular architecture; conservation and restoration of vernacular architecture; urban studies on vernacular architecture; sustainability in vernacular architecture); new technologies applied to architectural and archaeological heritage (digital documentation and state-of-the-art developments; digital analysis in heritage; digital heritage related to social context; digital heritage solutions and best practices for dissemination); architectural heritage management (management and protection of UNESCO World Heritage Sites; social participation in heritage management; regulations and policies in heritage management; intangible heritage: the management of know-how and local building culture); risks in architectural heritage (studies of natural risks in architectural heritage; studies of social and anthropic risks in architectural heritage, preventive actions in order to improve resilience in architectural heritage; actions and strategies in post-disaster situations); earthen architectural heritage (study and cataloguing of earthen architectures; construction techniques that employ earth; sustainability mechanisms in vernacular earthen architectures; restoration and conservation of earthen architecture). The scientific committee was made up of 98 outstanding researchers from 29 countries from the five continents, specialists in the subjects proposed. All the contributions to the conference, both the abstracts and the final texts, were subjected to a strict peer-review evaluation system by the members of the scientific committee. Out of the over 300 proposals submitted, over 150 papers by 325 authors from 27 countries from the five continents were chosen for publication.
World Affairs Online
In: Materials and design, Band 96, S. 424-430
ISSN: 1873-4197
In: Materials & Design, Band 64, S. 535-541
In: Vernacular Architecture: Towards a Sustainable Future, S. 411-417
In: Advances in applied ceramics: structural, functional and bioceramics, Band 112, Heft 4, S. 179-183
ISSN: 1743-6761
In: Natural hazards and earth system sciences: NHESS, Band 13, Heft 7, S. 1745-1758
ISSN: 1684-9981
Abstract. Cloud-to-ground lightning in a sector covering the Iberian Peninsula, the Balearic Islands and nearby seas (36–44° N, 10° W–5° E) is analysed in the period from 2003 to 2009 (7 yr). Two Iberian lightning detection networks, composed of 18 sensors over Portugal and Spain, are combined for the first time in the present study. The selected characteristics are cloud-to-ground flashes (CGFs), first stroke peak current, polarity and multiplicity (number of strokes in a given flash). This study examines the temporal (on hourly, monthly and seasonal timescales) and spatial variability of CGFs. The influence of five forcing factors on lightning (elevation, lifted index, convective available potential energy and daily minimum and maximum near-surface air temperatures) over the Iberian sector is also assessed. For regional-scale assessments, six subsectors with different climatic conditions were analysed separately. Despite important regional differences, the strongest lightning activity occurs from late spring to early autumn, and mostly in the afternoon. Furthermore, CGFs are mainly located over high-elevation areas in late spring to summer, while they tend to occur over the sea in autumn. The results suggest that (1) orographically forced thunderstorms over mountainous areas, mostly from May to September, (2) tropospheric buoyancy forcing over western-central and northern regions in summer and over the Mediterranean regions in autumn, and (3) near-surface thermal contrasts from October to February largely control the location of lightning in Iberia. There is no evidence of different forcings by polarity. A clear correspondence between summertime precipitation patterns and CGFs is also found.
In: Social science journal: official journal of the Western Social Science Association, Band 58, Heft 1, S. 77-90
ISSN: 0362-3319
In: Balkema Book