10 Ergebnisse
Camisea: ¿por qué cuesta tanto el gas barato?
In: Iconos: revista de ciencias sociales, Band 0, Heft 21, S. 47
ISSN: 2224-6983
La Science du droit de l'information en Espagne
In: Communications: the European journal of communication research, Band 13, Heft 3, S. 89-118
ISSN: 1613-4087
The starting point of the Science of Communication Law in Spain can be situated in 1973. That year, Communication Law was taught for the first time in three University Schools of Journalism. Between 1973 and 1978 we can underline doctrinal efforts with a view towards firmly establishing this new field, especially those of Professors Conesa, Desantes, Fernández Areal, Gómez Reino, Gorostiaga, Molinero, Quadra Salcedo, Sánchez Ferris and Soria. Professor Desante's works stand out for their depth, extension and originality. Between 1979 and 1985, after the promulgation of the new Spanish Constitution, some 150 monographical studies have been published. The central idea dominating the Spanish doctrine is the consideration of communication as a human right which seeks to freely develop all its virtualities. This approach is far removed from any type of instrumental configuration of communication - as power or as a technique for domination - as well as from a sociological point of view.
Límites jurídicos a la información sobre delincuencia juvenil
In: Revista española de la opinión pública, Heft 40/41, S. 101
Organizing a failure. The saltpeter monopoly. Peru, 1873-1874 ; Organizando un fracaso. El estanco del salitre. Perú, 1873-1874
The objective of the work is to know the actions of Manuel Pardo's government between 1873 and 1874 in the implementation of the saltpeter watertle. A tax measure that recorded a state tax and share in the marketing of the saltpeter exported from Iquique. It explains, from the actors, the failure of the application of the box. The sources are the memoirs of the President of the Republic, the Minister of Finance, and Trade and government officials. ; El objetivo del trabajo es conocer las acciones del gobierno de Manuel Pardo entre 1873 y 1874 en la implementación del estanco del salitre. Esta medida de carácter fiscal gravaba un impuesto y permitía la participación del Estado en la comercialización del salitre que se exportaba desde Iquique. Se explica, según los actores, el fracaso de la aplicación del estanco. Las fuentes lo constituyen las memorias del presidente, del ministro de Hacienda y Comercio y funcionarios del gobierno.
Billinghurst y las salitreras de Tarapacá (1872-1876)
In: Desde el Sur Revista de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales de la Universidad Científica del Sur, Band 10, Heft 1, S. 93-113
ISSN: 2415-0959
Billinghurst y las salitreras de Tarapacá (1872-1876)
In: Desde el Sur Revista de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales de la Universidad Científica del Sur, S. 93-113
ISSN: 2415-0959
Prensa, paz, violencia y terrorismo: la crisis de credibilidad de los informadores
In: Colección Ciencias de la información 52
Homenaje a Gustavo Rodríguez Ostria (1952-2020)
In: Revista Latinoamericana de Trabajo y Trabajadores, Heft 3, S. 145-183
ISSN: 2667-3231
Large acquisition of rights on forest lands for tropical timber concessions and commercial wood plantations
The recent attention given to the growing large-scale acquisition or leasing of public and private lands by commercial investors fails to pay attention to the extensive practice of and current trends in the leasing of industrial-scale forest concessions in forest lands claimed by the state. There are important lessons to be learned from assessment of these concessions, as well as important linkages between these and the acquisition or leasing of lands for commercial agriculture, wood, and energy plantations. 1. Allocations of forest land to industrial-scale timber concessions and plantations are relatively stable or declining, but are still orders of magnitude larger in the most forested developing countries than community ownership or administration of forest lands. 2. Despite an increase in independent certification and country reforms, there is a gap between mandated social and environmental standards and current practice. Many concession areas planned for long-term sustainable logging rotations continue to be converted or reassigned for commercial plantations as degraded lands. 3. While negative impacts on local tenure, livelihoods, and income are greater in areas acquired for non-forestry use, developing countries continue to fail to support community and smallholder forest management and enterprises that generate more jobs and a much wider range of benefits to local and regional economies, along with conservation values. 4. Policy-makers require a better understanding of the economic, social, environmental, and poverty impacts of large- and small-scale forest land use options. They must support those forest land policies that respect tenure and rights, and comply with desired minimum standards, rather than substituting one form of unsustainable forest land use for another.