Les forêts du Bassin du Congo et l'adaptation aux changements climatiques
In: Hommes et sociétés
5 Ergebnisse
In: Hommes et sociétés
In: Journal of environmental media, Band 3, Heft 1, S. 11-32
ISSN: 2632-2471
Despite its low carbon emission, Africa is one of the regions most impacted by the adverse effects of climate change. Because of its impacts on health, infrastructure, settlements, agriculture and food security, and forest ecosystems, climate change is an additional burden to sustainable development in Central Africa. As such, there is an urgent need to transfer lifesaving information about the environment and especially the effects and adaptation to climate change in the region. However, in a region where there is still a relatively high incidence of illiteracy, very localized languages and dialects and remote settlements, communicating information can be a challenge. In addition, communication schools and journalists are insufficiently equipped to respond to this demand. A survey in Cameroon revealed that journalists are faced with some challenges (such as lack of training and lack of resource persons) in covering environment topics, especially those related to forest and climate change adaptation. In order to address these challenges and contribute to the improvement of the journalistic style of reporting topics on forest and climate change adaptation with more scientific knowledge and to create a stronger scientific base of event coverage, pilot capacity-building initiatives were initiated with the specific objectives as follows: (1) training of journalists during workshops; (2) fellowships award for research activities to communication master students; (3) mentoring of senior and junior journalists and (4) open reflection on how to mainstream forests and adaptation to climate change in curricula of communication schools in Central Africa. This last initiative of mainstreaming forests and adaptation to climate change in the school curricula was seen as a possible sustainable way to promote scientific and environmental communication in Central Africa. These activities initiated by CIFOR (Center for International Forestry Research) under the framework of CoFCCA project (Congo Basin Forest and Climate Change Adaptation) were pilot initiatives aiming to inspire others on capacity building and research related to scientific and environmental communication in Central Africa.
Ce document présente l'état des lieux des informations et connaissances sur le changement climatique échangées entre acteurs dans quatre pays du Bassin du Congo, à savoir au Cameroun, au Congo, au Gabon et en République démocratique du Congo. Il ressort de cette étude les observations suivantes : la REDD + et plus particulièrement le MNV sont au centre des discussions concernant la réduction des émissions de CO 2 du fait de leurs liens avec les politiques forestières ; l'adaptation est dominée par l'évaluation de la vulnérabilité des communautés locales et, dans une moindre mesure, des systèmes naturels ; les politiques et pratiques d'adaptation des communautés et des écosystèmes sont inséparables des politiques générales de développement et de lutte contre la pauvreté ; les séminaires et les ateliers, principaux canaux de transmission et de partage de l'information et connaissances utilisés dans la région, sont peu appropriés du fait qu'ils ciblent un nombre très réduit d'acteurs ; laissant la plupart en dehors du circuit de l'information ; on note également une insuffisance des compétences nationales, ce qui oblige généralement les pays à recourir aux compétences extérieures et à compter en majorité sur les organisations internationales, tant de recherche que de coopération, ainsi que sur les partenaires au développement pour obtenir des informations nécessaires. Afin de réduire les écarts existants entre les informations disponibles au niveau mondial sur la REDD + et l'adaptation et celles circulant dans les pays du Bassin du Congo, il est important de 1) mettre sur pied des mécanismes de coordination, de gestion stratégique et de dissémination des informations et connaissances ; 2) d'adapter aux contextes spécifiques les informations venant de la sphère mondiale et 3) d'utiliser autant que faire se peut, les canaux d'information et le langage adaptés aux besoins et capacités des différents acteurs.
In: Land use policy: the international journal covering all aspects of land use, Band 134, S. 106922
ISSN: 0264-8377
Background: The vast majority of households in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) depend on wood energy—comprising firewood and charcoal—for their daily energetic needs. Such consumption trends are expected to remain a common feature of SSA's wood energy production and supply chains, at least in the short- to medium-terms. Notwithstanding its importance, wood energy generally has low priority in SSA national policies. However, the use of wood energy is often considered a key driver of unsustainable management and negative environmental consequences in the humid and dry forests. To date, unsystematic assessments of the socio-economic and environmental consequences of wood energy use have underplayed its significance, thus further hampering policy debates. Therefore, a more balanced approach which considers both demand and supply dynamics is needed. This systematic map aims at providing a comprehensive approach to understanding the role and impacts of wood energy across all regions and aspects in SSA. Methods: The objective of this systematic map is to collate evidence from studies of environmental and socio-economic impacts of wood energy value chains, by considering both demand and supply within SSA. The map questions are framed using a Populations, Exposure, Comparators and Outcomes (PECO) approach. We name the supply and demand of wood energy as the "exposure," composed of wood energy production, harvesting, processing, and consumption. The populations of interest include both the actors involved in these activities and the forest sites where these activities occur. The comparator is defined as those cases where the same wood energy activities occur with i) available/accessible alternative energy sources, ii) regulatory frameworks that govern the sector and iii) alternative technologies for efficient use. The outcomes of interest encompass both socioeconomic and environmental impacts that can affect more than the populations named above. For instance, in addition to the direct socioeconomic impacts felt by participants in the wood energy value chain, forest dwellers may experience livelihood changes due to forest degradation caused by external harvesters. Moreover, intensified deforestation in one area may concurrently lead to forest regeneration in another.