Beyond Liberal Egalitarianism: Marx and Normative Social Theory in the Twenty-First Century
In: Historical Materialism Book Series Volume 142
"Contents" -- "Preface" -- "List of Figures" -- "Chapter 1. Liberal Egalitarianism" -- "Introduction" -- "Well-being" -- "Autonomous Agency" -- "Access to Resources" -- "The Development of Essential Capabilities" -- "Democratic Will-Formation" -- "Chapter 2. Towards a Liberal Egalitarian Normative Theory of Institutions" -- "The Household" -- "Market Production and Distribution" -- "The State" -- "Civil Society: The Public Sphere and Voluntary Associations" -- "The Regime of Global Governance" -- "Chapter 3. Misunderstandings, False Starts, Further Questions" -- "Some Marxian Objections to Liberal Egalitarianism" -- "Liberal Egalitarian Criticisms of Marx" -- "Conclusion" -- "Chapter 4. The Beginning Level of Marxian Theory" -- "The Beginning Level of Theoretical Abstraction (1): The Commodity, Value, Abstract Labour" -- "The Beginning Level of Theoretical Abstraction (2): Money" -- "Normative Considerations" -- "Conclusion" -- "Chapter 5. Marx's Concept of Capital" -- "Marx's Concept of Capital (1): Capital as a 'Dominant Subject'" -- "Ontological and Normative Implications of the General Formula of Capital" -- "Normative Implications" -- "Marx's Concept of Capital (2): Capital as a 'Pseudo-Subject'" -- "Chapter 6. Human Flourishing and the Structural Tendencies of Capitalism" -- "The Capital/Wage Labour Relationship" -- "Overaccumulation Crises" -- "Financial Crises" -- "Environmental Crises" -- "Severe Global Inequality and Poverty" -- "Conclusion" -- "Chapter 7. A Liberal Egalitarian Response to the Marxian Challenge" -- "The Critique of Economism" -- "A Reform Agenda" -- "Chapter 8. Towards a Marxian Theory of 'The Political'" -- "Five Theses on the Capitalist State