22 Ergebnisse
Four Generations of Uyghurs: The Shift towards Ethno-political Ideologies among Xinjiang's Youth
In: Inner Asia, Band 2, Heft 2, S. 195-224
ISSN: 2210-5018
AbstractAlthough most Uyghurs in Xinjiang maintain strong Uyghur national identities, not every social group subscribes to the separatist ideologies of the late eighties and nineties. The elderly generation of Uyghurs grew up during the chaotic, unstable years of the Warlord Period. Most are grateful for recent improvements in standards of living and do not want to 'rock the boat'. Middle-aged Uyghurs suffered persecution during the Cultural Revolution and fear a return of Maoist ideology. Furthermore, they have homes and families to protect. The younger generation, however, has grown up amid the relative freedom of post-1980 conciliatory minority policy. It has known the 1989 pro-democracy movement in China, the collapse of Eastern Europe and the USSR, the subsequent formation of the CIS, and the burgeoning of Islamic fundamentalist movements world-wide. These significant events have provided inspiration for a Uyghur youth that is ever more militant in its aspirations to independence. Unlike their elders, they have both less to fear and less to lose. This paper presents a number of portraits of Uyghur youth, based on fieldwork conducted in Xinjiang during 1995 and 1996. ·öhrat represents the young urban male intellectual, whose aim is to achieve goals for Uyghurs by encouraging the youth to penetrate the Han education system. Ghayrät represents the young petty entrepreneur who hopes to take advantage of domestic turmoil or international conflict to seize the chance to secede from China. Azatgül represents the politicised teenager who listens to radio broadcasts emanating from émigré Uyghur sources in Qazaqstan and claims that Xinjiang separatists are being funded by Muslim countries in a bid for independence. Then there is the next generation: as the grievances of Uyghur parents against Han immigrants in turn rub off on their children, the latter are growing up with an ingrained dislike of the Han Chinese. Are Uyghurs in a transition period? Once the cautious older generation passes away and the young grow up to raise their own children, will Uyghurs finally unite in nationalist spirit?
Research Report: Maintaining Margins: The Politics of Ethnographic Fieldwork in Chinese Central Asia
In: The China journal: Zhongguo-yanjiu, Band 56, S. 131-147
ISSN: 1835-8535
Maintaining margins: the politics of ethnographic fieldwork in Chinese Central Asia
In: The China journal: Zhongguo yan jiu, Heft 56, S. 131-147
ISSN: 1324-9347
In contemporary China, conditions for doing fieldwork are increasingly dependent on locality. Access to the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region has come under repeated threat as a series of domestic and international events (the pro-democracy campaign and Tian'anmen incident of 1989, the collapse of Marxist-Leninist parties in Eastern Europe in 1989, the Baren uprising of April 1990 in south Xinjiang, the formation of independent Central Asian states in 1991, the Ghulja riots of February 1997, and the events of 11 September 2001) in turn affected local conditions. Researchers and journalists have subsequently come under intense state scrutiny. Yet state politics are only one facet of the difficulties faced in Chinese Central Asia; this article also explores the personal "politics" of gender, culture, religion and values as these affect the negotiation of research roles. It is about operating within shifting margins: the margins of the state, gender margins, inter-cultural and religious margins. The discussion, drawing on a total of fifteen months' research conducted between 1995 and 2004, may prepare first-time ethnographers for the field experience in Xinjiang, while also allowing seasoned researchers to share methodologies, and may be relevant to other sensitive research settings as well. (China J/GIGA)
World Affairs Online
Xinjiang: China's Muslim Far Northwest. By Michael Dillon. [London and New York: RoutledgeCurzon, 2003. ix+201 pp. £65.00. ISBN 0-415-32051-8.]
In: The China quarterly, Band 178, S. 519-521
ISSN: 1468-2648
Xinjiang: China's Muslim Far Northwest is, as the preface notes, primarily a work of synthesis. The author gathers together an impressive amount of documentary data from a range of sources, including domestic Chinese and world news media, Han Chinese scholarship, and, to a lesser extent, reports by Uighur émigré organizations. These data are employed to illustrate patterns of separatist opposition and state reaction in Xinjiang, particularly since the 1990 Baren riots, identified as the 'turning point' in regional state-minority relations. In this, the book might be characterized as the extension of Dillon's earlier paper "Xinjiang: ethnicity, separatism and control in Chinese Central Asia' (1995).Part one, an introduction to Xinjiang, is the section that most closely approaches the stated goal of providing an updated 'survey of breadth and depth' in the style of Owen Lattimore's celebrated Pivot of Asia (1950). In it, the author sketches a broad outline of Xinjiang's geography, history, ethnic make-up, and economy. As he forewarns, the result of his attempt to cover such a wealth of topics may disappoint the specialist. It nonetheless provides a timely snapshot of a rapidly developing society and political economy in a region of growing strategic importance; this is likely to be of interest to non-specialists from a wide range of disciplines.
Xinjiang: China's Muslim Far Northwest. By MICHAEL DILLON. (London and New York: RoutledgeCurzon, 2003. ix+201 pp. (GBP)65.00. ISBN 0-415-32051-8.)
In: The China quarterly: an international journal for the study of China, Heft 178, S. 519-520
ISSN: 0305-7410, 0009-4439
Braiding Legal Orders: Implementing the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. Edited by John Borrows, Larry Chartrand, Oonagh E. Fitzgerald & Risa Schwartz. Montreal & Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2019. 236 + xvi pages
In: The Canadian yearbook of international law: Annuaire canadien de droit international, Band 57, S. 652-658
ISSN: 1925-0169
Challenging times: building a health, housing and social care local workforce strategy
In: Housing, care and support, Band 21, Heft 3/4, S. 108-122
ISSN: 2042-8375
The purpose of this paper is to stimulate a wider debate around the coordination of workforce planning in non-statutory services (in this case, specialist housing for older people or those with long-term health and social care needs, such as learning disabilities). The authors argue that current NHS reforms do not go far enough in that they fail to include specialist housing and its workforce in integration, and by doing so, will be unable to optimise the potential efficiencies and streamlining of service delivery to this group.
The paper used exploratory study using existing research and data, enhanced by documentary analysis from industry bodies, regulators and policy think tanks.
That to achieve the greatest operational and fiscal impact upon the health care services, priority must be given to improving the efficiency and coordination of services to older people and those requiring nursing homes or registered care across the public and third sectors through the integration of service delivery and workforce planning.
Research limitations/implications
Whilst generalisable and achievable, the model proposed within the paper cannot be fully tested theoretically and requires further testing the in real health and social care market to evidence its practicality, improved quality of care and financial benefits.
The paper highlights some potential limitations to the current NHS reforms: by integrating non-statutory services, planned efficiency savings may be optimised and service delivery improved.
Lending Jobs to Global Cities: Skilled International Labour Migration, Investment Banking and the City of London
In: Urban studies, Band 33, Heft 8, S. 1377-1394
ISSN: 1360-063X
The agglomeration of skilled international migrants in global cities' financial communities has parallelled the globalisation of financial capital, international markets and deregulation. International workers have clustered in global cities as a response to their geo-economic functions, and in particular those labour market demands created within transnational corporate headquarters. Within this context, this paper will provide a discussion of the significance of skilled international labour migration within a global city: the City of London's transnational investment banking community.
Social psychology: revisiting the classic studies
In: Psychology: Revisiting the classic studies
Intergroup emulation: An improvement strategy for lower status groups
In: Group processes & intergroup relations: GPIR, Band 18, Heft 2, S. 210-224
ISSN: 1461-7188
The social psychological literature on social change has focused on how groups overcome oppression and inequality. In this paper, we investigate an alternative strategy that groups employ for social change—the emulation of successful outgroups. We propose that lower status group members will be likely to employ a learning strategy when they perceive the status relations as legitimate (i.e., fair system) and unstable (i.e., own position is improvable). In Study 1 (Romanian undergraduate students, N = 31), we manipulated status legitimacy, while in Study 2 (British undergraduate participants, N = 94), we manipulated legitimacy and stability orthogonally. Overall, when they perceived status hierarchies as legitimate and unstable, participants exhibited higher admiration for the higher status outgroup, higher support for learning-related help (e.g., transfer of know-how, training) from the outgroup and had the most positive attitudes toward intergroup help. We propose that social change sometimes occurs gradually, through help and learning from successful models, and this paper offers insight into such gradual social change.
Predicting online privacy protection for Facebook users with an extended theory of planned behavior
In: The Journal of social psychology, S. 1-17
ISSN: 1940-1183
Impact of partial fuel switch on household air pollutants in sub-Sahara Africa
The authors acknowledge the support provided by the European Union through the African Component of the ACP Research Programme for Sustainable Development as well as the African Union Commission (No. AURG/2/058/2012). Furthermore we are grateful to Afri-Flame network, Esther Pedie, Thierry Tame, Niccolo Merigi and Jelte Harnmeijer for their collaboration, contributing their knowledge, experiences and opinions. ; Peer reviewed ; Postprint
Introduction: Social influence in action
In: Group processes & intergroup relations: GPIR, Band 14, Heft 5, S. 599-603
ISSN: 1461-7188
The study of social influence is central to social psychology and to understanding group processes and intergroup relations. Social influence research covers a broad range of topics, from persuasion and attitude change, to compliance and conformity, to collective action and social change. This Special Issue presents eleven empirical articles that represent the diversity of current basic and applied research on social influence.
Pizza and Pop and the Student Identity: The Role of Referent Group Norms in Healthy and Unhealthy Eating
In: The Journal of social psychology, Band 147, Heft 1, S. 57-74
ISSN: 1940-1183