Voucher privatization: implications for macroeconomic policy1
In: Economics of transition, Band 6, Heft 1, S. 211-227
ISSN: 1468-0351
AbstractThis paper analyses the impact of voucher privatization schemes on the behaviour of households and the consequences for macroeconomic policy. The stylized facts of the voucher privatization scheme are described for the Czech case. The consumption as well as portfolio decision of households during the voucher scheme are modelled within the framework of a consumption function and a system of demand functions for financial assets. The envelope theorem is used to modify the standard Almost Ideal Demand (AID) system. The empirical results are presented. The paper concludes that the interdependence between privatization and macroeconomic stability should be better understood by policy‐makers in transitional countries that are going to adopt a similar approach to privatization to that applied in the Czech Republic.