Crossing borders - innovation in the U.S. health care system
In: Schriften zur Gesundheitsökonomie Band 84
8 Ergebnisse
In: Schriften zur Gesundheitsökonomie Band 84
In: Medical care research and review
ISSN: 1552-6801
The number of hospitals screening patients for health-related social needs (HRSNs) has increased substantially in recent years, yet little is known about the extent to which hospitals invest in programs or strategies aimed at addressing identified needs. Using data from the 2022 American Hospital Association (AHA) Annual Survey for 2,468 non-federal general medical and surgical hospitals, this study explored screening rates and related interventions for eight HRSNs: housing, food insecurity, utilities, interpersonal violence, transportation, employment or income, education, and social isolation. Sample hospitals screened for an average of 6.1 HRSNs and had programs or strategies for an average of 5.4 HRSNs. Hospitals that screened their patients for HRSNs were significantly more likely to invest in interventions aimed at addressing these needs. Serving patients more holistically by addressing both medical and social needs has the potential to improve health outcomes and ultimately reduce health disparities.
In: Medical care research and review, Band 79, Heft 3, S. 448-457
ISSN: 1552-6801
Several studies have shown that Medicaid expansion has improved hospital financial performance. All of these studies have either used data from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) or the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), and none of them has examined the state-level impact of expansion on hospital finances. Using data for not-for-profit hospitals from both IRS and CMS for 2011-2016, we described the difference in costs related to uncompensated care and Medicaid shortfalls. We then estimated the impact of Medicaid expansion on hospitals' financial status nationally and by state. Nationally, the estimated net effect of expansion reduced not-for-profit hospital costs by 2 percentage points based on IRS data and 0.83 percentage points based on CMS data. Across expansion states, the estimated net effects varied widely with approximately a 10-fold difference for hospitals based on IRS data and a 2-fold difference based on CMS data. Future studies should further explore the differences across IRS and CMS data.
In: Annual Review of Public Health, Band 36, S. 545-557
In: Medical care research and review, Band 80, Heft 3, S. 333-341
ISSN: 1552-6801
Not-for-profit hospitals (NFPs) frequently partner with community organizations to conduct internal revenue service-mandated community health needs assessment (CHNA), yet little is known about the number of partnerships that hospitals enter into for this purpose. This article uses "American Hospital Associations' 2020 Annual Survey" data to examine hospital-community partnerships around the CHNA and the role that community social capital defined as, "the networks that cross various professional, political and social boundaries to reflect community level trust needed to pursue shared objectives" plays in hospitals' choices to partner with community organizations for the CHNA. After controlling for a set of hospital, community, and state characteristics, we found that hospitals present in communities with higher social capital were likely to partner with more community organizations to conduct CHNA. Greater social capital may thus promote community health by facilitating the partnerships NFPs develop with community organizations to conduct the CHNA.
CONTEXT: Achieving meaningful population health improvements has become a priority for communities across the United States, yet funding to sustain multisector initiatives is frequently not available. One potential source of funding for population health initiatives is the community benefit expenditures that are required of nonprofit hospitals to maintain their tax-exempt status. OBJECTIVE: In this article, we explore the importance of nonprofit hospitals' community benefit dollars as a funding source for population health. DESIGN: Hospitals' community benefit expenditures were obtained from their 2009 IRS (Internal Revenue Service) Form 990 Schedule H and complemented with data on state and local public health spending from the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials and the National Association of County & City Health Officials. Key measures included indicators of hospitals' community health spending and governmental public health spending, all aggregated to the state level. Univariate and bivariate statistics were used to describe how much hospitals spent on programs and activities for the community at large and to understand the relationship between hospitals' spending and the expenditures of state and local health departments. RESULTS: Tax-exempt hospitals spent a median of $130 per capita on community benefit activities, of which almost $11 went toward community health improvement and community-building activities. In comparison, median state and local health department spending amounted to $82 and $48 per capita, respectively. Hospitals' spending thus contributed an additional 9% to the resources available for population health to state and local health departments. Spending, however, varied widely by state and was unrelated to governmental public health spending. Moreover, adding hospitals' spending to the financial resources available to governmental public health agencies did not reduce existing inequalities in population health funding across states. CONCLUSIONS: Hospitals' community ...
In: Medical care research and review, Band 80, Heft 3, S. 342-351
ISSN: 1552-6801
Nonprofit hospitals have been required to conduct Community Health Needs Assessments and develop implementation strategies for almost a decade, yet little is known about this process on the national level. Using a nationally representative dataset of 2019 to 2021 nonprofit hospital community benefit reports, we assessed patterns in hospital identification of community health needs and investments in corresponding programs. The five most common needs identified by hospitals were mental health (identified by 87% of hospitals), substance use (76%), access (73%), social determinants of health (69%), and chronic disease (67%). The five most common needs addressed were: mental health (87%), access (81%), substance use (77%), chronic disease (72%), and obesity (71%). Institutional and community-level factors were associated with whether hospitals identified and addressed health needs. Hospitals often addressed needs that they did not identify, particularly related to the provision of medical services—which has important implications for population health improvement.
In: Medical care research and review, Band 76, Heft 6, S. 830-846
ISSN: 1552-6801
Gender pay equity is a desirable social value and an important strategy to fill every organizational stratum with gender-diverse talent to fulfill an organization's goals and mission. This study used national, large-sample data to examine gender difference in CEO compensation among not-for-profit hospitals. Results showed the average unadjusted annual compensation for female CEOs in 2009 was $425,085 compared with $581,121 for male CEOs. With few exceptions, the difference existed across all types of not-for-profit hospitals. After controlling for hospital- and area-level characteristics, female CEOs of not-for-profit hospitals earned 22.6% less than male CEOs of not-for-profit hospitals. This translates into an earnings differential of $132,652 associated with gender. Explanations and implications of the results are discussed.