5G Supply Market Trends: Background Paper Second Stakeholder Workshop
The aim of this study commissioned by the European Commission, DG CONNECT, is to conduct an in-depth analysis of possible development pathways of the 5G equipment and services supply market. Departing from the baseline analysis of the 5G supply market trends a foresight exercise on key trends influencing the further development of 5G has been developed. Based upon a selection of key trends, which were deemed to be particularly relevant for the future development of the 5G supply market but associated with a very high level of uncertainty in its outcome, the study team elaborated hypothetical but plausible scenarios for the future development of the 5G supply market with a time horizon of 2030. Four scenarios are illuminating potential pathways for Europe, based on different configurations of key technological, economic, social and political factors. The impact of the four different scenarios are analysed based upon a review of recent academic literature, market analyses, and more than thirty expert interviews with high-level representatives from Mobile Network Operators (MNOs), vendors, standardisation organisations and relevant associations. Where possible, uncertainty related to any quantitative projections included in the sceanios has been accounted for. However, underlying data and assumptions for many projections are proprietary or unavailable for other reasons, therefore an assessment of these underlying data was not possible. The four scenarios and their assessment should inform policy-makers to develop strategies aiming to strengthen the European telecommunication industry and the provision of 5G infrastructure.