48 Ergebnisse
World Affairs Online
World Affairs Online
World Affairs Online
Poverty, Inequality, and Democracy: South African Disparities
In: Journal of democracy, Band 22, Heft 3, S. 105-119
ISSN: 1086-3214
Abstract: South Africa's 1994 transition to democracy was made possible by the change in the international landscape that resulted from the fall of communism in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. South Africa has two important "assets" that will help it to confront the poverty and inequality that beset the country. The first is majority support for democracy: In the 2008 Afrobarometer survey, two-thirds supported democracy, while 12 percent were indifferent, and 19 percent felt that nondemocratic government was sometimes preferable. The second asset is South Africa's relatively low level of corruption. Democratic stability and development are tied to economic growth. Without it, South Africa could be at risk for political and economic disaster.
South African Disparities
In: Journal of democracy, Band 22, Heft 3, S. 105-119
ISSN: 1086-3214
South Africa's 1994 transition to democracy was made possible by the change in the international landscape that resulted from the fall of communism in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. South Africa has two important 'assets' that will help it to confront the poverty and inequality that beset the country. The first is majority support for democracy: In the 2008 Afrobarometer survey, two-thirds supported democracy, while 12 percent were indifferent, and 19 percent felt that nondemocratic government was sometimes preferable. The second asset is South Africa's relatively low level of corruption. Democratic stability and development are tied to economic growth. Without it, South Africa could be at risk for political and economic disaster. Adapted from the source document.
Employment and unemployment in South Africa
In: Journal of contemporary African studies, Band 22, Heft 2, S. 253-278
ISSN: 0258-9001
World Affairs Online
Employment and unemployment in South Africa
In: Journal of contemporary African studies, Band 22, Heft 2, S. 253-278
ISSN: 1469-9397
The political economy of South Africa in the 1970s
In: The South African journal of economic history: journal of the Economic History Society of Southern Africa, Band 14, Heft 1-2, S. 11-36
ISSN: 2159-0850
The New South Africa: Problems of Reconstruction
In: Journal of democracy, Band 7, Heft 1, S. 82-95
ISSN: 1086-3214
III. Problems of Reconstruction
In: Journal of democracy, Band 7, Heft 1, S. 82-95
ISSN: 1045-5736
A Democratic South Africa: Constitutional Engineering in a Divided Society
In: Social science quarterly, Band 73, Heft 2, S. 458-459
ISSN: 0038-4941
Local government finance in South Africa's cities: some preliminary notes
In: Politikon: South African journal of political science, Band 18, Heft 1, S. 46-58
ISSN: 1470-1014
Local Government Finance in South African Cities: Some Preliminary Notes
In: Politikon: South African journal of political studies, Band 18, Heft 1, S. 46
ISSN: 0258-9346
Local government finance in South Africa's cities: Some preliminary notes
In: Politikon: South African journal of political studies, Band 18, Heft 1: Local Government, S. 46-58
ISSN: 0258-9346
Analyse der Finanzierungsstruktur der südafrikanischen Stadtverwaltungen und Regional Services Councils. Die Verwaltungen stellen im wesentlichen Dienstleistungen zur Verfügung, deren Erträge etwa 20% ihrer Gesamteinnahmen ausmachen. Zwei Fallstudien befassen sich mit den besonderen Problemen schwarzer Verwaltungen. Trotz weiterer Einnahmequellen und Transfers bleiben insbesondere hier erhebliche Defizite. Diskutiert werden die Folgen der unterschiedlichen Strukturen von Einnahmen und Ausgaben in Abhängigkeit von der meist sehr heterogenen Bevölkerungsstruktur. Große Schwierigkeit, alle Einwohner eines metropolitanen Gebietes in ein angemessenes einheitliches System eingliedern zu müssen. (DÜI-Hlb)
World Affairs Online
Financing rural development
In: Development Southern Africa, Band 7, Heft sup1, S. 591-601
ISSN: 1470-3637