Chemical tunnel-splitting-engineering in a dysprosium-based molecular nanomagnet
Total control over the electronic spin relaxation in molecular nanomagnets is the ultimate goal in the design of new molecules with evermore realizable applications in spin-based devices. For single-ion lanthanide systems, with strong spin–orbit coupling, the potential applications are linked to the energetic structure of the crystal field levels and quantum tunneling within the ground state. Structural engineering of the timescale of these tunneling events via appropriate design of crystal fields represents a fundamental challenge for the synthetic chemist, since tunnel splittings are expected to be suppressed by crystal field environments with sufficiently high-order symmetry. Here, we report the long missing study of the effect of a non-linear (C₄) to pseudo-linear (D₄𝒅) change in crystal field symmetry in an otherwise chemically unaltered dysprosium complex. From a purely experimental study of crystal field levels and electronic spin dynamics at milliKelvin temperatures, we demonstrate the ensuing threefold reduction of the tunnel splitting. ; M.A.S., U.B.H., K.L., and J.Be. acknowledge financial support from the Danish Research Councils for Independent Research (12-125226). M.A.S., U.B.H., M.R, and K.L. acknowledge DANSCATT for financial support for the neutron scattering experiments. For the experiments conducted at FRM II, this project has received funding from the European Union's 7th Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under the NMI3-II Grant number 283883. M.A.S. thanks the Oticon Foundation (16-2669), and the Augustinus Foundation (16-2917) for financial support in relation to a research stay at Institut fur Physikalische Chemie, Universitat Stuttgart, Germany. M.P. and J.v.S. thank the DFG for funding (SL104/5-1). K.S.P. thanks the Danish Research Council for Independent Research for a DFF-Sapere Aude Research Talent grant (4090-00201). E.B., A.A, and, J.Ba. acknowledge the financial support of Spanish MINECO project MAT2017-83468-R. M.J. acknowledges the ...