Book Review: Law and Security in Europe: Reconsidering the Security Constitution, edited by Massimo Fichera and Jens Kremer. (Cambridge: Intersentia, 2013)
In: Common Market Law Review, Band 52, Heft 4, S. 1167-1169
ISSN: 0165-0750
7 Ergebnisse
In: Common Market Law Review, Band 52, Heft 4, S. 1167-1169
ISSN: 0165-0750
In: Org & Demo, Band 16
ISSN: 1519-0110
Este texto tem como propósito discorrer sobre a literatura feminista, relembrando que as lutas feministas pela igualdade entre homens e mulheres clamavam por uma justiça social que contempla o reconhecimento, o direito àmemória e ao não esquecimento, o direito a uma cidadania plena e não minimalista. Outro objetivo do texto é ressaltar os contributos do movimento feminista e de feministas para o aprofundamento do debate em torno da educação para a igualdade de gênero. Suas preocupações são relevantes para a compreensão dos percursos educacionais nas suas trajetórias de acesso, sucesso, de reconhecimento e de justiça.
In: The Wiley Handbooks in Education
Intro -- Title Page -- Table of Contents -- Notes on Contributors -- Introduction -- Structure and Chapter Disposition -- Chapter Contents and Main Messages -- Note on Terminology -- References -- Part One -- 1 Recognizable Continuity -- The Nature of Ethnography -- The Pervasiveness of Interviewing -- The Nature of Interviews -- The Validity of Interviews -- How Is High Status Given to the Accounts of Participants' Perspectives and Understandings? -- Conclusion -- Acknowledgments -- References -- 2 Lived Forms of Schooling -- Education as Schooling -- Ethnography -- Ethnography and Its Four Elementary Forms -- The Ethnographic Imagination -- References -- 3 Tales of Working Without/Against a Compass -- Introduction -- Ethics and Methodological Theory -- Doing Educational Ethnography Ethically or Thinking "Ethics" through Educational Ethnography -- (Re)thinking Ethnographic Ethics Aloud -- References -- 4 Communities of Practice and Pedagogy -- All Too Familiar -- Apprenticeship -- Situated Learning -- Modes of Enculturation -- Some Key Examples -- Higher Levels of Learning and Teaching -- Studying the Tacit -- Conclusion -- References -- 5 Critical Bifocality -- Studying Privilege: Middle‐/Upper‐middle‐class Parents, Schools, and Students Working inside the Press of Economic and Social Restructuration -- Situated Class Analysis: Insights Gained through the Lens of Critical Bifocality -- Dispossession Stories: How Public Space Becomes a Private Commodity -- Critical Bifocality and Circuits of Privilege: Concluding Thoughts -- References -- 6 Ethnographic Writing -- Writing - Field Notes, Memos, and Main Narratives -- Conclusion -- References -- 7 What Can Be Learnt? -- Introduction: Educational Ethnography as a Complex Array of Things -- A Sociology of Knowledge Framework of Educational Ethnography.
In: Laboreal, Band 17, Heft 2
ISSN: 1646-5237
Purpose: This article explores different strands of educational discourse about sexual diversity in Portuguese schools, from the students' perspectives.Method: The methodological approach consisted in conducting focus groups discussions: 36 with 232 young students (H = 106, M = 126) in 12 public secondary schools.Findings: Students reveal a polyphony of discourses that gravitate between liberal acceptance, conditional acceptance and intolerance.Research implications: Attention is drawn not only to discriminatory processes that question school as a democratic place for LGBT youth, but also to the gap between what is legally decreed and a lack of know-how in the approach to sexual diversity in school.
In: Ex aequo, Heft 39
ISSN: 2184-0385
In: Ex aequo, Heft 36
ISSN: 2184-0385