In: Ecotoxicology and environmental safety: EES ; official journal of the International Society of Ecotoxicology and Environmental safety, Band 97, S. 166-175
In: Ecotoxicology and environmental safety: EES ; official journal of the International Society of Ecotoxicology and Environmental safety, Band 167, S. 485-493
South America is unique as it is home of two species of manatees: the West Indian manatee, Trichechus manatus, and the Amazonian manatee, T. inunguis. These species are easily identified by the belly skin coloration, the first is entirely gray whereas T. inunguis has a white mark pattern in the belly, and presence of nails in T. manatus, absent in T. inunguis. The morphology and the range of Trichechus species have been clearly established. However, we show that the belly skin coloration and the presence of nails on the pectoral flipper may be polymorphic. These findings prompted us to check all available information about the manatee. In view of lack of accurate data on manatee locations, we produced a gazetteer and a map of Trichechus spp. in South America using records obtained by regular monitoring of aquatic mammal strandings conducted by the Grupo de Estudos de Mamíferos Aquáticos da Amazônia of the Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi, all available peer-reviewed data, reports, thesis, and newspaper files with photos showing diagnostic characters. These findings showed the need of improving the identification of these species before implementing conservation strategies. Finally, we present a complete report on the extant distribution of these species in South America.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) ; Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) ; Alexander von Humboldt Foundation ; Alexander von Humboldt Foundation: BEX 0128/14-7 ; This study reports three interaction events between the whale shark (Rhincodon typus) and fisheries in Brazilian waters. Two events were described as incidental captures in a gillnet fishery on the northern coast of Rio de Janeiro State, in southeastern Brazil. The last event took place at the Royal Charlotte Oceanic Bank (RCOB), in the southern region of Bahia State, where five fishermen filmed their interaction with a juvenile specimen. For one of the incidental captures, the fish was landed and consumed by locals, and for the other, the shark was released. In the RCOB, the fishermen touched the whale shark with their hands, wooden sticks and even rode on it. In addition, 74 interviews were conducted with fishermen from Bahia about sightings and possible interactions with R. typus. According to statements made by the fishermen, although not frequent, the conduct reported for the RCOB occasionally takes place in the region. Evaluating information of this nature is important to support government plans that regulate fishing activities in order to reduce incidental captures and the harassment of whale sharks. Encouraging the participation of fishermen in a collaborative monitoring program for R. typus may be a good way to better understand the threats to the species at a reduced cost, particularly for developing countries, such as Brazil. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.