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13 Ergebnisse
In: Studies in comparative international development: SCID, Band 16, Heft 3-4, S. 36-63
ISSN: 1936-6167
In: Hazards and Disasters Series
In: Hazards and disasters series
"Volcanic Hazards, Risks, and Disasters provides you with the latest scientific developments in volcano and volcanic research, including causality, impacts, preparedness, risk analysis, planning, response, recovery, and the economics of loss and remediation. It takes a geoscientific approach to the topic while integrating the social and economic issues related to volcanoes and volcanic hazards and disasters. Throughout the book case studies are presented of historically relevant volcanic and seismic hazards and disasters as well as recent catastrophes, such as Chile's Puyehue volcano eruption in June 2011"--
In: Hazards and disasters series
"Landslides are the most costly geo-hazard in the world, and they're often the cause or the result of other hazards and disasters such as tsunamis, earthquakes, wildfires, and volcanic eruptions. Landslide Hazards, Risks, and Disasters makes a close and detailed examination of major mass movements and provides measures for more thorough and accurate monitoring, prediction, preparedness, and prevention. It takes a geoscientific approach to the topic while also discussing the impacts human-induced causes such as deforestation, blasting, and building construction--underscoring the multi-disciplinary nature of the topic"--
In: Hazards and Disasters Series
Earthquake Hazard, Risk and Disasters presents the latest scientific developments and reviews of research addressing seismic hazard and seismic risk, including causality rates, impacts on society, preparedness, insurance and mitigation. The current controversies in seismic hazard assessment and earthquake prediction are addressed from different points of view. Basic tools for understanding the seismic risk and to reduce it, like paleoseismology, remote sensing, and engineering are discussed. Contains contributions from expert seismologists, geologists, engineers and geophysicists selected by
Snow and Ice-Related Hazards, Risks, and Disasters provides you with the latest scientific developments in glacier surges and melting, ice shelf collapses, paleo-climate reconstruction, sea level rise, climate change implications, causality, impacts, preparedness, and mitigation. It takes a geo-scientific approach to the topic while also covering current thinking about directly related social scientific issues that can adversely affect ecosystems and global economies.Puts the contributions from expert oceanographers, geologists, geophysicists, environmental scientists, and climatologists selec
Front Cover -- Hydro-Meteorological Hazards, Risks, and Disasters -- Hydro-Meteorological Hazards, Risks, and Disasters -- Copyright -- Contents -- List of contributors -- I - Floods -- 1 - Flood processes and hazards -- 1.1 Introduction -- 1.2 Flood types and their processes -- 1.2.1 River floods -- 1.2.2 Flash floods -- 1.2.3 Dam-break floods -- 1.2.4 Ice-jam floods -- 1.2.5 Glacial-lake floods -- 1.2.6 Urban floods -- 1.2.7 Coastal floods -- 1.2.8 Hurricane-related floods -- 1.3 Flood hazard probabilities -- 1.4 Floods in a changing world -- References -- 2 - Paleoflood hydrology: reconstructing rare events and extreme flood discharges -- 2.1 Introduction -- 2.2 Paleoflood approaches and methodology -- 2.3 Geological and botanical paleoflood data -- 2.3.1 Sedimentological indicators -- 2.3.2 Botanical-based evidence -- Flood reconstruction based on tree-ring analyses -- Flood reconstruction based on lichenometry -- 2.4 Dating paleoflood evidence -- 2.5 Paleoflood discharge estimation -- 2.6 Flood frequency analysis using paleoflood data -- 2.7 Estimation of paleoflood volume -- 2.8 Applied paleoflood hydrology -- 2.8.1 Paleofloods as an analog of present and future flood disasters -- 2.8.2 Paleoflood hydrology applied to the design of sensitive infrastructures -- 2.8.3 Flood hazards in the context of climate change -- 2.8.4 Floodwater recharge by extreme floods -- 2.9 Conclusions -- Acknowledgments -- References -- 3 - Global and low-cost topographic data to support flood studies -- 3.1 Introduction -- 3.1.1 Growing availability of global earth observation data -- 3.1.2 Recent progress on evaluation of global topographic data in supporting flood modeling -- 3.1.3 Uncertainties in inundation modeling and probabilistic flood mapping -- 3.1.4 Different types of data in constraining uncertainty in flood modeling.
In: Hazards and disasters series
Hydro-Meteorological Hazards, Risks, and Disasters provides an integrated look at major atmospheric disasters that have had and continue to have major implications for many of the world's people, such as floods and droughts. . This volume takes a geoscientific approach to the topic, while also covering current thinking about some directly relevant social scientific issues that can affect lives and property. Hydro-Meteorological Hazards, Risks, and Disasters also contains new insights about how climate change affects hazardous processes. For the first time, information on the many diverse topi
In: Hazards and Disasters Series
Sea and Ocean Hazards, Risks and Disasters provides a scientific approach to those hazards and disasters related to the Earth's coasts and oceans. This is the first book to integrate scientific, social, and economic issues related to disasters such as hazard identification, risk analysis, and planning, relevant hazard process mechanics, discussions of preparedness, response, and recovery, and the economics of loss and remediation. Throughout the book cases studies are presented of historically relevant hazards and disasters as well as the many recent catastrophes. Contains contributions from
Front Cover -- Safeguarding Mountain Social-Ecological Systems, Vol 2 -- Copyright Page -- Contents -- List of contributors -- About the editors -- Foreword by Jack D. Ives -- Preface by Xiaomeng Shen -- References -- Preface by Martin F. Price -- References -- Preface by Roland Psenner -- Acknowledgments -- 1 Introduction -- The importance of mountains and why applied mountain research is critical? -- The purpose and timing of publishing this book -- Structure of the book -- Acknowledgments -- References -- 1 Latin America and the Caribbeans -- 2 Social-ecological challenges and opportunities for Latin American mountains (Latin America - Introduction) -- References -- 3 Integrated volcanic disaster risk management in Mexico: insights, challenges, and opportunities -- Introduction -- Volcanic disaster risk -- Civil protection and InVolDRiM frameworks -- Concluding remarks -- Acknowledgment -- References -- 4 Manizales' urban risk innovations: enhancing future resilience of an Andean city in transition -- Introduction -- Risk governance: development with transformation -- Lessons learned -- References -- 5 Extractive industry for the Green Transition: mining, and land conflicts in the lithium triangle of South America -- Introduction -- Governance issues around lithium mining in the triangle -- Legal issues around lithium mining in the triangle -- Conclusions -- References -- 6 Coping with change in the Equatorial Andes. Environmental and socioeconomic change in the Colombian coffee lands -- Coffee in Colombia -- From shade-grown to sun-grown coffee -- The next wave of adaptation: market and climate changes -- References -- Further reading -- 7 Climate services and energy production in Guatemala: forecasting streamflow in the upper Samalá River watershed -- Introduction -- Precipitation and discharge in the upper Samalá River.
In: Hazards and disasters series
Hazards, Risks, and Disasters in Societyprovides analyses of environmentally related catastrophes within society in historical, political and economic contexts. Personal and corporate culture mediates how people may become more vulnerable or resilient to hazard exposure. Societies that strengthen themselves, or are strengthened, mitigate decline and resultant further exposure to what are largely human induced risks of environmental, social and economic degradation. This book outlines why it is important to explore in more depth the relationships between environmental hazards, risk and disasters in society. It presents challenges presented by mainstream and non-mainstream approaches to the human side of disaster studies.By hazard categories this book includes critical processes and outcomes that significantly disrupt human wellbeing over brief or long time-frames. Whilst hazards, risks and disasters impact society, individuals, groups, institutions and organisations offset the effects by becoming strong, healthy, resilient, caring and creative. Innovations can arise from social organisation in times of crisis. This volume includes much of use to practitioners and policy makers needing to address both prevention and response activities. Notably, as people better engage prevalent hazards and risks they exercise a process that has become known as disaster risk reduction (DRR). In a context of climatic risks this is also indicative of climate change adaptation (CCA). Ultimately it represents the quest for development of sustainable environmental and societal futures. Throughout the book cases studies are derived from the world of hazards risks and disasters in society.Includes sections on prevention of and response to hazards, risks and disastersProvides case studies of prominent societal challenges of hazards, risks and disastersInnovative approaches to dealing with disaster drawing from multiple disciplines and sectors