Livelihoods and Vulnerability in the Arid and Semi-Arid Lands of Southern Africa
In: Hunger and Poverty: Causes, Impacts and Eradication
Intro -- Hunger and Poverty: Causes, Impacts and Eradication -- Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data -- Contents -- Acknowledgments -- Conceptualising the Links between Ecosystems and Poverty -- Abstract -- 1.1. Introduction -- 1.2. Exploring Key Concepts -- 1.2.1. Poverty and Well-Being -- 1.2.2. Risk and Vulnerability -- 1.2.3. Indicators and Measures of Poverty and Well-Being -- 1.2.4. Ecosystem Goods and Services -- 1.2.5. Trade-offs -- 1.2.6. Drivers of Change -- 1.2.7. Thresholds -- 1.3. An Overview of the Dependence of the Poor on Ecosystem Services -- 1.4. Arid and Semi-Arid Lands of Southern Africa -- 1.4.1. Broad Ecoregions of Southern Africa -- 1.4.2. Deserts and Dwarf Shrublands (Arid Ecoregion) -- 1.4.3. Semi-Arid Savannas -- 1.4.4. Rivers and Wetlands -- Rivers -- Dams -- Wetlands -- Ground Water -- Local Point Sources of Water -- 1.5. Approach in Writing this Book -- 1.6. References -- Provisioning Services and Human Well-Being -- Abstract -- 2.1. Introduction -- 2.2. The Roles Provisioning Services Play in Local Livelihoods -- 2.2.1. Subsistence Use -- 2.2.2. Income Generation -- 2.2.3. Safety Nets -- 2.2.4. Harvesting for Cultural and Spiritual Uses -- 2.3. Fuelwood as a Provisioning Service -- 2.3.1. Importance of Fuelwood for Livelihoods of the Poor -- 2.3.2. Drivers of Change in the Supply of Fuelwood -- 2.3.3. Trade-Offs in the Provision of Fuelwood Services -- 2.3.4. Interventions to Promote Continued Provision of Fuelwood -- 2.4. Traditional Medicines as a Provisioning Service -- 2.4.1. Importance of Traditional Medicines for Livelihoods of the Poor -- 2.4.2. Drivers of Change in the Supply of Medicinal Plants -- 2.4.3. Trade-Offs in the Provision of Medicinal Plants -- 2.4.4. Interventions to Promote Continued Provision of Medicinal Plants