Las bases del gobierno local en el Perú: territorio, autonomía y representación en municipalidades rurales
In: Estudios de la sociedad rural 33
9 Ergebnisse
In: Estudios de la sociedad rural 33
Resumen basado en el de la publicación ; Monográfico con el título Razón y libertad ; Título, resumen y palabras clave en español e inglés ; Se expone la concepción de la educación para las ciencias y su vínculo con una formación para la democracia de John Dewey (1859-1952). Tal exposición impulsa, por una parte, una crítica de los modelos pedagógicos tradicionales; y, por la otra, una reconsideración de la vigencia de los planteamientos de Dewey en un mundo con grandes posibilidades informáticas. El cuerpo del trabajo se estructura en seis partes: 1.) la promesa de la ciencia moderna como promesa de emancipación democrática; 2.) la relación de esa promesa con la educación; 3.) la concepción de la democracia como ethos; 4.) la justificación de la educación en la escuela tras la revolución informática; 5.) la justificación de la educación para las ciencias hoy y su vinculación con la democracia como ethos; y, 6.) algunas consideraciones para comenzar otra educación en las ciencias. ; ESP
Resumen basado en el de la publicación ; Monográfico con el título Razón y libertad ; Título, resumen y palabras clave en español e inglés ; Se expone la concepción de la educación para las ciencias y su vínculo con una formación para la democracia de John Dewey (1859-1952). Tal exposición impulsa, por una parte, una crítica de los modelos pedagógicos tradicionales; y, por la otra, una reconsideración de la vigencia de los planteamientos de Dewey en un mundo con grandes posibilidades informáticas. El cuerpo del trabajo se estructura en seis partes: 1.) la promesa de la ciencia moderna como promesa de emancipación democrática; 2.) la relación de esa promesa con la educación; 3.) la concepción de la democracia como ethos; 4.) la justificación de la educación en la escuela tras la revolución informática; 5.) la justificación de la educación para las ciencias hoy y su vinculación con la democracia como ethos; y, 6.) algunas consideraciones para comenzar otra educación en las ciencias. ; ESP
"This is a post-peer-review, pre-copyedit version of an article published in Journal of Ornithology. The final authenticated version is available online at:" ; Delayed plumage maturation occurs in birds when subadult plumage is retained until after the frst breeding season. We analysed data from 114 Black Wheatears (Oenanthe leucura), which were trapped during 2014–2016 in southeastern Spain, to explore whether biometric measurements, and more specifcally tail pattern, difered among age and sex classes, and whether there was a relationship between tail pattern and delayed plumage maturation. Males and adults were heavier and had longer wings and tails than females and juveniles, respectively. Adult birds had longer terminal black tail bars than juveniles, which suggests a potential dominance-signalling function for the tail pattern. Further research is needed to investigate the relationship between these traits and sexual selection and dominance in Black Wheatear ; JS works within the Madrid's Government research group network REMEDINAL3-CM (S-2013/MAE-2719)
Advances in textile materials, technology and miniaturization of electronics for measurement instrumentation has boosted the development of wearable measurement systems. In several projects sensorized garments and non-invasive instrumentation have been integrated to assess on emotional, cognitive responses as well as physical arousal and status of mental stress through the study of the autonomous nervous system. Assessing the mental state of workers under stressful conditions is critical to identify which workers are in the proper state of mind and which are not ready to undertake a mission, which might consequently risk their own life and the lives of others. The project Assessment in Real Time of the Stress in Combatants (ATREC) aims to enable real time assessment of mental stress of the Spanish Armed Forces during military activities using a wearable measurement system containing sensorized garments and textile-enabled non-invasive instrumentation. This work describes the multiparametric sensorized garments and measurement instrumentation implemented in the first phase of the project required to evaluate physiological indicators and recording candidates that can be useful for detection of mental stress. For such purpose different sensorized garments have been constructed: a textrode chest-strap system with six repositionable textrodes, a sensorized glove and an upper-arm strap. The implemented textile-enabled instrumentation contains one skin galvanometer, two temperature sensors for skin and environmental temperature and an impedance pneumographer containing a 1-channel ECG amplifier to record cardiogenic biopotentials. With such combinations of garments and non-invasive measurement devices, a multiparametric wearable measurement system has been implemented able to record the following physiological parameters: heart and respiration rate, skin galvanic response, environmental and peripheral temperature. To ensure the proper functioning of the implemented garments and devices the full series of 12 sets have been functionally tested recording cardiogenic biopotential, thoracic impedance, galvanic skin response and temperature values. The experimental results indicate that the implemented wearable measurement systems operate according to the specifications and are ready to be used for mental stress experiments, which will be executed in the coming phases of the project with dozens of healthy volunteers.
© 2018 Flores et al. ; [Background]: The study of biodiversity spatial patterns along ecological gradients can serve to elucidate factors shaping biological community structure and predict ecosystem responses to global change. Ant assemblages are particularly interesting as study cases, because ant species play a key role in many ecosystem processes and have frequently been identified as useful bioindicators. ; [Methods]: Here we analyzed the response of ant species richness and assemblage composition across elevational gradients in Mediterranean grasslands and subsequently tested whether these responses were stable spatially and temporally. We sampled ant assemblages in two years (2014, 2015) in two mountain ranges (Guadarrama, Serrota) in Central Spain, along an elevational gradient ranging from 685 to 2390 m a.s.l. ; [Results]: Jackknife estimates of ant species richness ranged from three to 18.5 species and exhibited a hump-shaped relationship with elevation that peaked at mid-range values (1100–1400 m). This pattern was transferable temporally and spatially. Elevation was related to ant assemblage composition and facilitated separation of higher elevation assemblages (> 1700 m) from the remaining lower elevation species groups. Ant assemblages were nested; therefore species assemblages with a decreased number of species were a subset of the richer assemblages, although species turnover was more important than pure nestedness in all surveys. The degree of nestedness changed non-linearly as a cubic polynomial with elevation. These assembly patterns coincided more clearly over time than between the two study regions. ; [Discussion]: We suggest double environmental stressors typical of Mediterranean mountains explained species richness patterns: drought at low elevations and cold temperatures at high elevations likely constrained richness at both extremes of elevational gradients. The fact that species turnover showed a dominant role over pure nestedness suggested current ant assemblages were context-dependent and highly vulnerable to global change, which threatens the conservation of present day native ant communities, particularly at high elevations. ; The study received most economical support from Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO) and partial support by the Madrid's Government research group network REMEDINAL3-CM (S-2013/MAE-2719, There was no additional external funding received for this study. This is a contribution to project CGL2014-53789-R. ; Peer Reviewed
1. We address associations of taxonomic diversity (TD), functional diversity (FD), and phylogenetic diversity (PD) of ant assemblages with gradients of elevation to assess whether energetic limitations or deterministic or stochastic niche-building processes are more relevant to the assembly of communities. 2. We sampled ant assemblages using pitfall traps in grassland habitats along an elevational gradient of 1712 m in the Guadarrama Mountains of Central Spain. The relationships of alpha and beta diversity metrics with soil temperature, productivity, elevation, and geographical distances were examined with generalised additive (mixed) models. 3. The facets of diversity showed strong and partially coincident responses to the gradients, but the responses and the similarities among them weakened or disappeared when the effects of species richness were factored out. TD and FD changed roughly in a similar manner with elevation and productivity, but PD did not show clear responses to those factors. Taxonomic and functional richness increased with productivity and decreased with elevation. Mean pairwise functional and phylogenetic dissimilarities did not change along the gradients. Elevation and productivity gradients accounted for much of the beta TD among assemblages but only explained a moderate variation of functional traits and phylogenetic relationships, while geographical distances were more explanatory of beta PD. 4. The partial redundancies among facets of diversity suggest that the spatial variation of diversity is mainly related to the sheer number of species. However, both environmental filtering and limiting similarity could be acting in concordance to reduce the number of species present in communities ; Administrative and financial support was received from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Project CGL2014‐53789‐R) and Sierra de Guadarrama Park, which provided the permits for the sampling (ref 10/101642.9/16). Mariola Silvestre, Javier Seoane, and Francisco M. Azcárate work within the Madrid's Government research group network REMEDINAL3‐CM (S‐2013/MAE‐2719). Carlos P. Carmona was supported by the Estonian Research Council (PSG293) and the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund (Centre of Excellence EcolChange). Mariola Silvestre was supported by an FPI grant from MINECO. Special thanks to Héctor Miranda, Laura Morgado, and Miguel Blázquez for laboratory assistance and Violeta Hevia, Joaquin Calatayud, and Anders Forsman for your tips. Alberto González helped us to make the map and Xavier Espadaler to identify some species. We appreciate the use of data from Instituto Geográfico Nacional and Nuria Plaza for provided access with the satellite imagery
Striking resilience of an island–endemic bird to a severe perturbation: the case of the Gran Canaria blue chaffinch. Evidence regarding population trends of endangered species in special protection areas and their recovery ability from catastrophic disturbances is scarce. We assessed the population trend of the Gran Canaria blue chaffinch (Fringilla polatzeki), a habitat specialist endemic to the pine forest of Inagua in the Canary Islands, following a devastating wildfire in July 2007. Using a standardized census program that accounts for detectability, we have monitored the population trend of the species since Inagua was declared a Strict Nature Reserve in 1994. The breeding population density of the blue chaffinch remained stable in Inagua from the beginning of the monitoring program in 1994 until the year before the wildfire. However, in spring 2008, the population density decreased by half with respect to density in the preceding years. Since 2008, the population has gradually increased, reaching its highest recorded density in 2016 (15.8 birds/km2).This represents an average annual increase of 23.7 %, indicating impressive resilience to catastrophic events. The creation of Inagua as a strict nature reserve did not therefore increase the global population or protect the blue chaffinch against a demographic crisis but probably prevented a deepening of the demographic crisis or further declines. Except for the two years immediately after the severe wildfire of 2007, the population density of the blue chaffinch in Inagua has remained relatively stable at around 9–16 birds/km2, the lowest recorded abundance for a small woodland passerine in the Western Palearctic ; Marcada resiliencia de una especie de ave insular endémica después de una perturbación intensa: el caso del pinzón azul de Gran Canaria. Son pocos los datos disponibles sobre la tendencia demográfica de las especies en peligro de extinción en zonas de protección especial y su capacidad de recuperarse de perturbaciones catastróficas. Se estudia la tendencia demográfica del pinzón azul de Gran Canaria (Fringilla polatzeki), un especialista de hábitat endémico de las Islas Canarias, restringido al pinar de Inagua, que sufrió un devastador incendio forestal en julio de 2007. Mediante un programa de censo estandarizado que tiene en cuenta la variación en la capacidad de detección, se ha hecho un seguimiento de la tendencia demográfica de la especie desde la declaración de Inagua como reserva natural integral en 1994. La densidad reproductiva del pinzón azul se mantuvo estable en Inagua desde el inicio del programa de seguimiento en 1994 hasta un año antes del incendio. No obstante, en la primavera de 2008, la densidad de la población se redujo a la mitad en comparación con los años anteriores. A partir de 2008, la población del pinzón azul ha venido aumentando gradualmente hasta alcanzar la densidad más alta jamás registrada en 2016 (15,8 aves/km2), lo que equivale a un incremento anual medio del 23,7 % y pone de manifiesto la resistencia impresionante de estas poblaciones ante catástrofes. Por lo tanto, la creación de la reserva integral de Inagua no promovió el aumento de población ni protegió al pinzón azul frente a una grave crisis demográfica, sino que probablemente evitó que la disminución de la población fuera más profunda o que se produjeran otras reducciones. Aparte de los dos años inmediatamente posteriores al incendio forestal de 2007, la densidad de población del pinzón azul en Inagua se mantuvo relativamente estable alrededor de 9–16 aves/km2, la menor abundancia jamás registrada para un paseriforme forestal de tamaño pequeño en todo el paleártico occidental ; The study was supported by the Conservation Program for the blue chaffinch implemented by the Gobierno de Canarias (1991–2004), Cabildo de Gran Canaria (2005–2015), and was partially funded by the European Union (1995–1996: LIFE94 NAT/E/ 001159; 1999–2002: LIFE98 NAT/E/005354; 2016: LIFE14 NAT/ES/000077) and a research contract between MNCN/CSIC and GESPLAN, S. A. U. (2008). JS currently works within the Madrid's Government research group network REMEDINAL3–CM (S–2013/ MAE–2719
[EN] The next reform ofthe EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) for the period 2021-2027 (currently extended to 2023-2030) requires the approval by the European Commission of a Strategic Plan with environmental objectives for each Member State. Here we use the best available scientific evidence on the relationships between agricultural practices and biodiversity to delineate specific recommendations for the development of the Spanish Strategic Plan. Scientific evidence shows that Spain should (1) identify clear regional biodiversity targets and the landscape-level measures needed to achieve them; (2) define ambitious and complementary criteria across the three environmental instruments (enhanced conditionality, eco-schemes, and agri-environmental and climate measures) of the CAP's Green Architecture, especially in simple and complex landscapes; (3) ensure that other CAP instruments (areas of nature constraints, organic farming and protection of endangered livestock breeds and crop varieties) really support biodiversity; (4) improve farmers' knowledge and adjust measures to real world constraints; and (5) invest in biodiversity and ecosystem service monitoring in order to evaluate how the Plan achieves regional and national targets andto improve measures if targets are not met. We conclude that direct assessments of environmental objectives are technically and economi- cally feasible, can be attractive to farmers, and are socially fair and of great interest for improving the environmental effectiveness of CAP measures. The explicit and rigorous association of assessments and monitoring, relating specific environmental indicators to regional objectives, should be the main criterion for the approval of the Strategic Plan in an environmentally-focused CAP2023-2030. ; [ES] La reforma de la Política Agraria Común (PAC) para el periodo 2021-2027 (extendido en la actualidad a 2023-2030) exige que la Comisión Europea apruebe un Plan Estratégico por cada Estado Miembro con claros objetivos ambientales. En este trabajo desarrollamos recomendaciones específicas para la elaboración del Plan Estratégico para los sistemas agrícolas españoles, basadas en la mejor evidencia científica disponible sobre las relaciones entre la gestión agrícola y los componentes de la biodiversidad. La evidencia científica muestra que España debe 1) identificar objetivos regionales claros relativos a la biodiversidad de los medios agrarios y las medidas a nivel paisajístico necesarias para alcanzarlas; 2) definir criterios ambiciosos y complementarios para los tres instrumentos ambientales (condicionalidad extendida, eco-esquemas y medidas agroambientales y climáticas) de la Arquitectura Verde de la PAC, especialmente en paisajes sencillos y complejos; 3) garantizar que otros instrumentos de la PAC (zonas desfavorecidas, agricultura ecológica y protección de razas ganaderas y variedades de cultivos en peligro de extinción) favorecen realmente la diversidad biológica; 4) mejorar el conocimiento de los agricultores y ajustar las medidas a las limitaciones del mundo real; y 5) invertir en seguimiento de la biodiversidad y sus servicios ecosistémicos asociados con el fin de evaluar si el Plan alcanza los objetivos regionales y nacionales y mejorarlos adaptativamente si no lo consigue. Concluimos que la evaluación directa de los objetivos ambientales es técnica y económicamente viable, puede ser atractiva para los agricultores, es socialmente justa y de gran utilidad en la mejora de la efectividad de las medidas de la PAC. Una combinación rigurosa de seguimiento y evaluación de medidas y objetivos adaptados regionalmente mediante indicadores ambientales directos y claros debería ser el criterio que guíe la aprobación del Plan Estratégico para una PAC 2023-2030 centrada en el medio ambiente y orientada a la conservación de la biodiversidad. ; Peer reviewed