La tutela del Caregiver nel diritto del lavoro: profili legislativi e contrattuali
In: Sociologia e politiche sociali, Heft 3, S. 45-72
ISSN: 1972-5116
6 Ergebnisse
In: Sociologia e politiche sociali, Heft 3, S. 45-72
ISSN: 1972-5116
In: Collana Fondazione Marco Biagi 5
This book addresses the impact of Covid-19 on employment relations and provides a reconstruction and a critical assessment of the measures enacted worldwide to tackle the economic and social crisis triggered by the global health emergency. The pandemic has been a booster of critical issues that for years have been silently shaping society and the labor market and so it can represent an opportunity to relaunch a critical analysis on the future of work. Beginning from this assumption, this book collects contributions from different disciplines, including law, economics and organization theory. It covers topics such as the measures enacted to protect workers' health and cushion the labour, the new inequalities that emerged during the pandemic and the strategies to construct a sustainable and human-centred development in the post pandemic scenario. It is highly relevant to scholars and students of organisation studies, resilience, the labour market and labour law.
Contributing to recent debate on the emergence of digital and agile work, this book explores the implications for labour and employment relations within and beyond organizational boundaries. Taking a multidisciplinary approach to the key issues and challenges of digitalization, this collection covers topics such as the gig economy, crowdworking and Industry 4.0. Theory and analysis are combined as the authors examine the impact of digital and smart work on organization, HRM and labour law. With comprehensive empirical evidence for those interested in understanding the more complex trajectories of today's transforming work relationships, this book will not only appeal to students and academics but also to policy-makers, trade unionists and employers' organizations.
In: Collana Fondazione Marco Biagi 7