Consequentialism is a focal point of moral philosophy. Recently, new wave consequentialists have presented theories which proved extremely flexible and powerful in meeting influential objections. The volume explores new directions within this project, raises fundamental problems for it, and gives a balanced assessment of its scope in commonsense moral practice.
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Consequentialism is a focal point of discussion and a driving force behind developments in moral philosophy. Recently, the debate has shifted in focus and in style: by seeking to consequentialize rival moral theories - in particular those with agent-relative characteristics - and by framing accounts in terms of reasons rather than in terms of value, an emerging new wave consequentialism has presented, at much higher levels of abstraction, theories that proved extremely flexible and powerful in meeting long-standing and influential objections. This volume on new wave consequentialism initiates and stimulates novel lines of discussion among proponents and their critics
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Der Klimawandel wirft eine Reihe von neuen ethischen Fragen auf: Sind wir wirklich verpflichtet, den Klimawandel zu stoppen? Wer muss wie viel Klimaschutz leisten? Dürfen wir am Ende nicht mehr in den Urlaub fliegen? Die Antworten auf diese komplexen Fragen bestimmen sowohl den heutigen Lebensstil als auch die zukünftigen Lebensmöglichkeiten der Menschen. Der vorliegende Band bietet einen einführenden Überblick über die aktuelle klima-ethische Diskussion. Er führt leicht verständlich durch die verschiedenen Positionen und unterstützt den Leser dabei, in kritischer Auseinandersetzung mit den je
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In: Schuppert , F & Seidel , C 2017 , ' Feasibility, normative heuristics and the proper place of historical responsibility – a reply to Ohndorf et al. ' , Climatic Change , vol. 140 , no. 2 , pp. 101-107 .
In this comment, we pick up three points raised by Ohndorf et al. (2015) in their reply to our ethical assessment of the German Advisory Council's Budget Approach (WBGUBA). First, we discuss and clarify the relationship between ethics and political feasibility, highlighting that the way Ohndorf et el. use feasibility creates an unwarranted status quo bias. Second, we explain the proper place historical responsibility should have within the WBGUBA, stressing the fact that the reasons why we choose one policy proposal over another matter. Third, we analyze the limited extent to which a normative heuristic should motivate an ethically ambitious policy proposal like the WBGUBA.
In politischen Debatten und den Medien ist regelmäßig zu hören und zu lesen, man solle das Moralisieren lassen, denn es führe zu nichts, bringe die Menschen nur gegeneinander auf und sei damit sogar unmoralisch. Doch stimmt das? Und was ist überhaupt Moralismus? Wann moralisieren wir und wann machen wir anderen berechtigte moralische Vorwürfe? Der Band versammelt Originalbeiträge, die sich diesen Fragen auf unterschiedliche Weise nähern - einige kritisieren den Moralismus, andere verteidigen den Bedarf an moralistischer Kritik. Gemeinsam ist ihnen das Ziel, die philosophischen Grundlagen für eine differenziertere Betrachtung des Moralisierens in öffentlichen Debatten zu erschließen
The link between justice and climate change is becoming increasingly prominent in public debates on climate policy. This clear and concise philosophical introduction to climate justice addresses the hot topic of climate change as a moral challenge. Using engaging everyday examples the authors address the core arguments by providing a comprehensive and balanced overview of this heated debate, enabling students and practitioners to think critically about the subject area and to promote discussion on questions such as: Why do anything in the face of climate change?; How much do we owe our descendants - a better world, or nothing at all?; How should we distribute the burden of climate action between industrialized and developing countries?; Should I adopt a green lifestyle even if no one else makes an effort?; Which means of reducing emissions are permissible?; Should we put hope in technological solutions?; Should we re-design democratic institutions for more effective climate policy? With chapter summaries, illustrative examples and suggestions for further reading, this book is an ideal introduction for students in political philosophy, applied ethics and environmental ethics, as well as for practitioners working on one of the most urgent issues of our time.
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