159 Ergebnisse
Civic education and democratisation in the Eastern partnership countries
In: Schriftenreihe Band 1697
Transformationen in Osteuropa im 20. Jahrhundert
In: Schriftenreihe 1475
World Affairs Online
Postsozialismus: Hinterlassenschaften des Staatssozialismus und neue Kapitalismen in Europa
In: Studien zur politischen Wirklichkeit Band 18
Diktatur und Demokratie in Osteuropa im 20. Jahrhundert: Antrittsvorlesung 29. November 1993
In: Öffentliche Vorlesungen 43
Gespenster der Vergangenheit: Die Tabuisierung der staatssozialistischen Geschichte in Osteuropa
In: Berliner Debatte Initial: BDI, Band 34, Heft 1, S. 23-31
ISSN: 0863-4564
Die fragile Demokratisierung in Ostmitteleuropa in der Zwischenkriegszeit [The fragile democratization in East Central Europe in the interwar period]
In: Parliaments, estates & representation: Parlements, états & représentation, Band 40, Heft 2, S. 162-169
ISSN: 1947-248X
Weak democracies under pressure, 1918 and 1989 in comparison
In: Przegląd europejski, Band 4, S. 37-51
The article is concerned with the recent crisis of representative democracy. It analyses especially the features and conditions of the democratic decay in East-Central Europe. The method of the study consists mainly in a thorough interpretation of different data from the field of social, political and economic transitions during and after the 1990s. Additionally, the article examines the fate of democratic regimes in the interwar period and the causes of its weakness. The population's expectations towards political transformations was a major driving factor of politics in both periods of time in East-Central Europe. The article tries to answer the question how to deal successfully with the democracy crises in the region. The stabilisation of democratic polities would need both a strong social policy on the basis of an economic catch up with the West and a careful handling of the fears of "globalization".
Communist parties revisited. Sociocultural approaches to party rule in the Soviet Bloc 1956–1991: edited by Rüdiger Bergien and Jens Gieseke, New York, Oxford, Berghahn, 2018, 383 pp., £92 (hc), ISBN 978-1-78533-776-5
In: Journal of contemporary Central and Eastern Europe, Band 27, Heft 1, S. 132-133
ISSN: 2573-9646
Innere Widersprüche in der EU als Hemmnis ihrer weltpolitischen Wirksamkeit
In: Welt-Trends: das außenpolitische Journal, Band 27, Heft 158, S. 45-47
ISSN: 0944-8101
World Affairs Online
Andrea Komlosy (2018): Grenzen. Räumliche und soziale Trennlinien im Zeitverlauf
In: Austrian journal of political science: OZP, Band 47, Heft 1, S. 33
ISSN: 2313-5433
Visegrád-Staaten - regionale Konkurrenz oder Zusammenarbeit?: Avantgarde oder Stachel im Fleisch der EU?
In: International: Zeitschrift für internationale Politik, Heft 2, S. 22-25
ISSN: 1010-9285
World Affairs Online