Istraživanje slučaja Novi Vinodolski, dio je šireg projekta: "Akteri društvenih promjena u prostoru." U tekstu se polazi od teorijsko-hipotetskog okvira u kome se navedeni slučaj smješta u širi globalni i uži lokalni okvir. S jedne strane Novi Vinodolski je specifičan po nizu svojih karakteristika, a sa druge uklapa se u globalne procese. Jednom riječju odgovara mu kvalifikacija "glokalnog". U tekstu je osnovna podjela na aktere društvenih promjena u prostoru i njihov utjecaj na razvoj grada. Za objašnjenje današnje situacije važan je povijesni razvoj grada i njegove okolice. Isto tako važan je i "Novi Novi", tj. društveni kontekst u kome prevladava tranzicija a potom novi kapitalizam, te uloga novih aktera (privatnog kapitala, političke lokalne samouprave, podijeljenih stručnjaka te pojave aktera civilnog sektora). Istraživanje je kvalitativnog tipa (studija slučaja sa metodama: polu-strukturiranih intervjua i promatranjem s učestvovanjem, sa neizbježnom analizom literature, podataka, studija, planova itd. Rezultati istraživanja potvrđuju pretpostavke da se radi o gradu čija je budućnost neizvjesna a nalazi se na raskrsnici: razvoja, stagnacije ili opadanja. Ta budućnost ovisi o vanjskim i unutarnjim faktorima/akterima. Veća se važnost daje lokalnim akterima i njihovim akcijama, barem na lokalnoj razini. (IN ENGLISH: The case study of Novi Vinodolski is a part of a larger project "Actors of Social Changes in Space". The text begins with a theoretical-hypothetical background against which the case is set in a broad global and a more local context. On the one hand Novi Vinodolski is a specific place with its numerous characteristics, on the other hand it fits in with global processes. In short, it is best described as "glocal". The text is about the actors of social changes in space and how they affect the town development. The history of town and its surroundings is important for the situation today. Equally important is the "New Novi", the social context of transition and new capitalism and the role of new actors (private capital, local political government, experts with different opinions and civil sector actors). The qualitative type of research is used – case study with semi-structured interviews, observation participation method, inevitable analysis of literature, data, studies, plans etc. The research results confirm the assumption that Novi Vinodolski is the town of uncertain future, at the crossroads of development, stagnation or decline.This future depends on both exterior and interior factors. Local actors and their activities are more important, at least at the local level.)
U tekstu se u prvom redu govori o akterima društvenih promjena u urbanom prostoru na primjeru Hrvatske. Polazi se od suvremenih shvaćanja prostora tj. gradova unutar društvenih procesa globalizacije, tranzicije i neoliberalizma. Većina autora (Giddens, Castells, Soja, Ritzer, Sassen.) globalizaciju shvaća kao svjetsko umreženje s lokalnim varijacijama (glokalizacija). Od raznih tipologija aktera u prostoru autorica izabire onu Bassandovu (2001.) koja aktere dijeli na: političke, ekonomske, stručnjake i civilne aktere. Prva tri aktera čine trokut jer međusobno komuniciraju i povezuju se, dok se četvrti akter nalazi u opozicijskoj situaciji slabijega, ali sve prisutnijega aktera u rađanju civilnoga društva i demokracije. Posebna pažnja posvećena je urbanizmu kao djelatnosti (i urbanistima kao akterima), koja se definira brigom za javno dobro, uvažava javni interes, te djeluje unutar pravnih regulacija u demokratskom društvu. S obzirom da autorica pokazuje da tome nije tako, pita se radi li se o "smrti urbanizma", "novom urbanizmu" u zadatom društvenom kontekstu ili o "negativnom urbanizmu", odnosno "antiurbanizmu". Društveni okvir je Hrvatska. (IN ENGLISH: The text is mostly about the actors of social changes in the urban space of Croatia which is used as an example. The author looks at globalization, transition and neoliberalism and how they affect the urban space, i.e. cities. For most authors (Giddens, Castells, Soja, Ritzer, Sassen.) globalization is the world networking with the local variants (glocalization). Among different types of actors, the author chooses Bassand's (2001) classification into political, economic, professional/expert and civil society actors. The first three actors form a triangle because they are connected in communication, whereas the fourth actor is a weak opposition which is nevertheless becoming more and more present during the birth of civil society and democracy. Special attention is paid to urban planning (and city planners as actors) which should, by definition, promote the public benefit, respect the public interest and legislation of a democratic society. The autor shows that our reality is different and wonders whether we are dealing with "the death of urbanism", "new urbanism" in the given social context or "negative urbanism", that is, "anti-urbanism". The social context is Croatia.)
IN ENGLISH: In the paper the author analyses the changes in Croatian society caused by socialist, transitional and neo-liberal periods. The main change is in the deregulation of the State's role and the introduction of the market economy as well as different actors into the game. The spatial changes concern structural rather than numerical content. Many small villages have become even smaller while big cities have grown, but more in their surroundings than in themselves. That is a feature of third and fore urbanizations. Croatia's settlement structure is "mildly" pyramidal with Zagreb at the top of the pyramid; it is the biggest, the best equipped in the technical and social sense, and has the most heterogeneous social structure. Yet those factors do not reduce its problems – largely the huge social inequalities between the very rich and the very poor, in this case in spatial terms. Only fore macro regional centres have developmental capabilities, while middle and small towns and villages do not have them. That is mostly due to political and economic decisions which favour big settlements and not smaller ones. These conclusions have been reached on the basis of several IDIZ sociological research projects. --- IN CROATIAN: U tekstu autorica analizira promjene u društvu izazvane socijalističkim, tranzicijskim i neoliberalnim periodima. Glavna promjena je u deregulaciji državne uloge i uvođenju tržišta i različitih slobodnih aktera. Kako u društvu tako i u prostoru. Prostorne promjene su više u strukturi naselja nego u promjeni njihova broja. Mnoga sela gube stanovništvo dok nekoliko gradova raste ali više u svojim okolicama nego u samim centrima. Struktura je naselja umjereno piramidalna s tim da je Zagreb najveći, najbolje opremljen tehničkom i društvenom infrastrukturom. Ta činjenica ne umanjuje njegove probleme, većinom ogromne socijalne i prostorne nejednakosti između vrlo bogatih i vrlo siromašnih stanovnika. Samo četiri makroregionalna centra pokazuju razvojne sposobnosti dok ih druga naselja nemaju ili ih imaju u najmanjoj mjeri. Iza toga stoji političko i ekonomsko odlučivanje koje preferira veće nad manjim. Ovi zaključci rezultat su nekoliko socioloških istraživanja u IDIZ-u.
In: Seferagić, Dušica and Svirčić Gotovac, Anđelina and Zlatar, Jelena (2009) Sociological approach to landscapes in Croatia: examples of the Mediterranean landscape. Mošćenički zbornik, 6 (6). pp. 37-45. ISSN 1334-6563
In this paper, space and landscape will be understood as naturally predefined and socially created. The sociological approach relies on the analysis of the social context (transition and neoliberalism) as well as on the analysis of the types of social actors and their actions which have their effects in Croatia. In a new social system also new actors appear: political, economic, professional and civil actors. The first three actors form a triangle of power and the fourth appears as a weaker one. The basic approach of this paper is the interest in sustainable development, which is followed by the valorisation of the actors and the actions relating space and landscapes. Several examples of the actors' influence on landscape in the Mediterranean part of Croatia are being analysed. They show a negative attitude towards landscape and its drastic devastation through concreting and apartmentizing of the coast.
IN CROATIAN: Okrugli stol Mreža naselja u umreženom društvu: društvene i prostorne promjene u nekim tranzicijskim zemljama održan je 2. lipnja 2006. godine u Institutu za društvena istraživanja u Zagrebu. Organizirala ga je grupa za istraživanje prostora, sela i grada iz IDIZ-a vezujući ga uz znanstvenoistraživački projekt Sociološki aspekti mreže naselja u kontekstu tranzicije (2002.-2005.). Navedeni projekt i okrugli stol realizirani su uz novčanu potporu Ministarstva obrazovanja, znanosti i športa RH. Okrugli stol bio je podijeljen na dva tematska dijela. U prvom dijelu, pod nazivom Mreža naselja u umreženom društvu, raspravljalo se o tematskom broju Sociologije sela (169/2005.) s radovima na temu Sociologijski aspekti mreže naselja, proizišlim iz spomenutoga projekta. U drugom dijelu otvorena je diskusija na temu Akteri društvenih promjena u prostoru i to kako u Hrvatskoj tako i u nama susjednim tranzicijskim zemljama, Sloveniji i Srbiji. Iz Slovenije su sudjelovali i izlagali prof dr. Zdravko Mlinar i dr. sc. Marjan Hoćevar (obojica iz Ljubljane), a iz Srbije dr. sc. Ksenija Petovar, dr. sc. Sreten Vujović, dr. sc. Miodrag Vujošević (svi iz Beograda) i dr. sc. Ljubinko Pušić (iz Novog Sada). Iz Hrvatske su, uz sudionike iz Instituta za društvena istraživanja u Zagrebu, bili pozvani izlagači iz nekoliko institucija - Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Instituta društvenih znanosti "Ivo Pilar" iz Zagreba, Studijskog centra za socijalni rad Pravnoga fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Ministarstva zaštite okoliša, graditeljstva i prostornog uređenja, te nekih drugih institucija. U spomenutom tematskom broju Sociologije sela objavljena su dva podskupa radova koji se odnose na fenomen umreženoga društva (networked society) i mrežu naselja (settlements network). Prvi podskup čine radovi proizišli iz znanstvenoistraživačkog projekta Sociološki aspekti mreže naselja u kontekstu tranzicije u kojem je objavljeno pet izvornih znanstvenih radova troje istraživača - Alije Hodžića, Dušice Seferagić i Milana Župančića. Drugi podskup sadrži pet predmetno srodnih tekstova šestoro inozemnih autora - Marjana Hočevara i Zdravka Mlinara iz Slovenije, Ksenije Petovar i Ljubinka Pušića iz Srbije, te Zorana Roce i Marije de Nazare Oliveira Roca iz Portugala. Skup je otvorila dr. sc. Dušica Seferagić i njime koordinirala u suradnji s mr. sc. Alijom Hodžicern. U uvodnim izlaganjima sudjelovali su i mr. sc. Alija Hodžić i Antun Petak (obojica iz Zagreba - IDIZ), koji su iznijeli iscrpna izvješća o rezultatima projekta. Zatim je slijedilo izlaganje dr. sc. Ljubinka Pušića (Novi Sad) o teorijskom diskursu i o stanju u Srbiji i Vojvodini u vrijeme tranzicije te promjenama u urbanim i ruralnim prostorima u njima. Milan Župančić (Zagreb - IDIZ) iznio je stanje u ruralnim sredinama Hrvatske u proteklom vremenu. Na temu umreženosti prostora govorili su i mr. sc. Anđelina Svirčić Gotovac (Zagreb - lDIZ) (ukratko je izložila problematiku svoga magistarskog rada o kvaliteti života u zagrebačkoj mreži naselja), te dr. sc. Marjan Hoćevar (Ljubljana) (o globalizacijskim uvjetima unutar postojećih mreža naselja u Sloveniji). Nakon izlaganja u prvom tematskom dijelu nastavljena je plodna diskusija u kojoj su sudjelovali brojni sudionici - Ivan Cifrić, Sreten Vujović, Zdravko Mlinar, Jasenka Kodrnja, Dušica Seferagić, Miodrag Vujošević, Ksenija Petovar, Ljubinko Pušić, Alija Hodžić . Najzanimljivija su bila teoretska izlaganja i diskusije o prostorno-socijalnom diskursu (Pušić, Vujović, Vujošević, Cifrić, Hodžić .) u kojima se dovode u pitanje dosadašnji pristupi prostoru "zapadno-centričnog tipa" te zastarjelo poimanje podjele na ruralno i urbano, s obzirom da su stvarne promjene u prostoru pokazale prožimanje tih dvaju prostora, pa onda i kategorija kojima se više ne mogu objasniti nova zbivanja u prostoru. VI Drugi dio okruglog stola na temu Akteri društvenih promjena u prostoru potaknut je prijedlogom istraživačkog projekta što ga je grupa za prostor, selo i grad IDIZ-a podnijela Ministarstvu znanosti, obrazovanja i športa Republike Hrvatske, ali i prethodnim istraživanjima koja pokazuju da je društveni prostor poprište sučeljavanja i kompeticija različitih aktera za postizanjem određenih ciljeva. U novom kontekstu akteri su svi subjekti koji svojim djelovanjem i interaktivnošću utječu na društvene promjene i razvoj određenog prostora, od lokalne i regionalne sredine do nacionalne i globalne razine. Oni utječu na upotrebu prostora, društveno strukturiranje, prostornu i socijalnu pokretljivost, na naseljenost i naseljsku morfologiju. U svome djelovanju različiti akteri koriste i različite resurse, izvore moći i kompetencije. Hrvatska je (kao i ostale tranzicijske zemlje) nagl koji, pod utjecajem neoliberalizma podliježu deregulaciji, otvorenosti, te društvenoj i prosto moj fleksibilnosti. Na djelu je troces u kojemu raste utjecaj globalnih aktera, a smanjuje se utjecaj državnoga rguliranja na različitim razinama prostorne organizacije društva. To se na lokalnoj razini najviše manifestira kroz sučeljavanje tradicionalnoga i modernoga što je Jjedno izazov i za domaće aktere da se uključe u globalizacijske trendove. Pritom nužno dolazi i do novoga restrukturiranja u prostoru pri čemu će brže napredovatilgradovi i regije koje se svojim intelektualnim kapitalom i informatičkom osposobljenošću mogu efikasnije uključivati u globalno i hijerarhijski umreženo društvo (Castelis, Soja, Sassen), U prostoru postoji snažna koncentracija financijske moći, infprmacija i kulturnog kapitala, pogotovo u megagradovima i svjetskim metropolarna, što ne isključuje i djelovanje prodornijih lokalnih aktera u urbanoj i ruralnoj ~Iredini (Mendras), Stoga bi ciljevi budućih istraživanja trebali biti prepoznavanje r zličitih tipova aktera koji svojim djelovanjem i interaktivnošću formiraju nove obli e društvene strukture, te promjene u prostoru, funkcioniranju grada, sela i lokalne zajednice. Prvo izlaganje na ovu temu iznio je prof. dr. sc. IZdravko Mlinar o brojnim teoretskim pristupima koji se bave akterima i strukturama u fizičkom i virtualnom prostoru. Naveo je niz primjera, oslanjajući se najviše na slučaj Kopra. Zatim je slijedilo izlaganje dr. sc. Sretena Vujovića o podjeli i utjecaju različitih aktera u urbanim prostorima Srbije danas. Dr. sc. Ksenija Petovar govorila je o brojnim uzurpacijama i malverzacijama u prostoru te negativnostima što ih sa sobom donose, također na primjeru Srbije. Dr. sc. Anka Mišetić iznijela je specifičan primjer iz hrvatske ruralne mreže naselja, kroz istraživanje o stanju u selima Lonjskog polja kao dijela europske i svjetske mreže naselja. I drugi dio okruglog stola izazvao je burnu diskusiju brojnih sudionika - Miodrag Vujošević, Ljubinko Pušić, Sreten Vujović, Dušica Seferagič, Anđelina Svirčic Gotovac, Zdravko Mlinar, Alija Hodžić, Marjan Hočevar, Antun Petak . Referati i diskusije o analiziranim fenomenima pokazali su sličnosti i različitosti u trima zemljama - Sloveniji, Hrvatskoj i Srbiji, u europskom i u globalnom kontekstu. Slovenija je visokourbanizirana zemlja, s najvišim standardom života stanovništva. Teza M. Hočevara o sklonosti Slovenaca ruralnom načinu života može se propitati ali i objasniti urbaniziranošču cijelog njezina prostora, fizičkom dostupnošcu svih urbanih dobara te izvrsnim prometnim vezama među naseljima. Hrvatska ima piramidainu mrežu naselja, sa Zagrebom kao metropolom na vrhu, ima tri makroregionalna centra (Split, Rijeka i Osijek), s većim brojem srednjih gradova te mnogo manjih gradova i sela; potonji ne pokazuju razvojne potencijale, što zbog politike centralizacije što zbog inertnosti lokalnih aktera. Srbija je u cjelini oslonjena na glavni grad, Beograd, koji još uvijek privlači najviše stanovnika Srbije te Bosne i Hercegovine, dok provincija propada. Uz Beograd, ističe se još samo Novi Sad, kao glavni grad Vojvodine, premda je Vojvodina više urbanizirana od uže Srbije. Kvaliteta života, posebno u Beogradu, pokazuje velike nejednakosti potencirane neregularnim neoliberalnim ponašanjem aktera u prostoru. Slična, ali blaža konstatacija odnosi se i na Zagreb. Pitanje mreže naselja u trima navedenim tranzicijskim zemljama ovisi o stupnju njihove opće društvene razvijenosti ali i o različitim koncepcijama razvoja prostora: policentričnosti u Sloveniji, piramidalnosti u Hrvatskoj, te monocefalnosti u Srbiji. Cilj ovoga skupa bio je potaknuti daljnju suradnju medu istraživačima iz zemalja koje su, kako se ovdje i pokazalo, dijelile slične probleme i sličnu tranzicijsku sudbinu, a potom ušle u grube neoliberalne sustave. Svaka od prisutnih zemalja specifična je na svoj način, te je namjera sudionika okruglog stola bila osvijetliti postojeću situaciju u njima, aktualizirajuči pri tom problematiku umreženosti prostora odnosno društva u cjelini. --- IN ENGLISH: The round table Settlements network in a networked society: Social changes and changes in regional space in some transitional countries took place on the 2nd of June 2006 at the Institute for Social Research in Zagreb. The round table was organized by the Group for research of the regional space, village and town from the Institute that associated it with their own research project: Sociological aspects of the settlements network in the context of transition (2002 - 2005). The said project and the round table were subsidized by the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports. The round table was divided into two parts. The first part The Settlements Network in the Networked Society included the discussion on the speciai theme edition (169/2005) Sociology of Viliage Sociological Aspects of the Settlements Network resulting out of this project, while the second consisted of the discussion on Protagonists of Social Changes in Regional Space in Croatia and in our neighboring transitional countries such as Slovenia and Serbia, as well. The participants from Slovenia were professor Zdravko Mlinar (Ljubljana), Ph.D. and Marjan Hoćevar, Ph.D. (Ljubljana) and from Serbia Ksenija Petovar, Ph.D. (Belgrade), Sreten Vujović, Ph.D. (Belgrade), Miodrag Vujošević, Ph.D (Belgrade) and Ljubinko Pušić, Ph.D. (Novi Sad). Besides the participants from the Institute for Social Research in Zagreb, the participants from some other institutions were also invited - from the Faculty of Philosophy, Institute of Social Sciences "Ivo Pilar" from Zagreb, University Study Center for Social Work at the Law Faculry in Zagreb and Ministry of Environmental Protection, Physical Planning and Construction and also some individuals. OI Two groups of papers related to the phenomenon of networked society and the settlements network were published in the special theme edition Sociology of Village =Sociological Aspects of Village Network. The first group consists of the papers resulted from the said research project Sociological aspects of the settlements network in the context of transition where were published five original papers made by three authors - Alija Hodžić, Dušica Seferagić and Milan Župančić. Another group consists of five topically related papers by six foreign authors - Marjan Hočevar and Zdravko Mlinar from Slovenia, Ksenija Petovar and Ljubinko Pušić from Serbia and Zoran Roca and Maria de Nazare Oliveira Roca from Portugal. The conference was opened and coordinated by Dušica Sefaragič, Ph.D. and Alija Hodžić, MD. Alija Hodžić, MD (Zagreb, Institute for Social Research) and Antun Petak (Zagreb, Institute for Social Research) o also made the keynote speeches with detailed reports on the project and its results, After that followed the reports by Ljubinko Pušić, Ph.D. (Novi Sad) on the situation in Serbia and Voivodina in the period of transition and changes in urban and rural spaces there. Milan Župančić (Zagreb, Institute for Social Research) presented the situation in the past years in Croatia from the aspects of the rural milieu. After that Andelina Svirćić Gotovac, MD (Zagreb, Institute for Social Research) made ashort presentation of her MD thesis on the quality of life in the Zagreb settlements network and Marjan Hočevar, Ph.D. (Ljubljana) spoke about globalization conditions within the existing settlements network in Slovenia and in the world context. The first topically related part was followed by a creative discussion in which many speakers and participants took part (Cifrić, Vujović, Mlinar, Kodrnja, Seferagić, Vujošević, Petovar, Pušić, Hodžić and others), The most interesting presentations and discussions were those on the socio - regional space discourse (Pušić, Vujović, Vujošević, Cifrić, Hodžić and others) that question the past approach es to the regional space "of Western- centric type" and an obsolete concept of division between rural and urban, having in mind that the real changes in the regional space have shown the interpenetration of these spaces and of categories as well which can not explain the new occurrences in the regional space any more. The second part of the round table with the ma in topic Protagonists of Social Changes in the Regional Space was incited by a research proposal of the Group for the regional space, village and town of the Institute for Social Research in Zagreb to the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports, and it was also based on previous researches that have shown that social space is the arena of confrontations and competitions of various protagonists aiming at achieving certain goa ls. In the new context the protagonists are all those entities that by their acting and interacting affect social changes and development in a certain space, from the local and regional rnilieu to the national and global level. They influence using the space, social structuring, spatial and social mobility, population density and morpbology of the settlements. Different protagonists use different resources, sources of power and competences. Croatia has been (as well as other countries in transition) suddenly affected by globalization processes, which, under the influence of neoliberalism, set forth the requirements of deregulation, openness, and social and spatial flexibility. The presumption is that we are facing right now a process of an increasing influence of global protagonists and a diminishing impact of govemmental regulation at various levels of spatial organization of society. At the local level it is manifested the most through the confrontation of the traditional and modem and this is a challenge for different local protagonists to join the trends of globalization. This inevitably leads to the new restructuring in the regional space. The towns and regions that, with the ir intellectual capital and IT competence, can integrate into a global and hierarchically networked society (Castells, Soja, Sassen), will advance quicker. There is a strong concentration of financial power, information, culturai capital in the megapolises and world metropolises, but this does not necessary exclude the activities of some more penetrating 10- cal protagonists in the urban and rural area (Mendras). This is the reason why the objective of future researches should be the recognition of the different types of the protagonists that by their acting and interacting create new forms of social structure, changes in the space, functioning of town, village and local community. The subject matter of the first presentation by professor Zdravko Milinar, Ph.D. (Ljubljana) comprised the various theoretic approaches dealing with the protagonnists and structures in the physical and virtual space. He quoted many examples, with a stress on the city of Koper. After that Sreten Vujović, Ph.D. (Belgrade) spoke about a division and influence of different protagonists in urban areas today on the case of Serbia. Ksenija Petovar, Pb.D. spoke about many so-called usurpations and malversations in the space and the negativities that they bring, also on the case of Serbia. Anka Mišetić, Ph.D. (Zagreb, Ivo Pilar Institute) presented a specific exarnple from the Croatian rural settlements network on the research of the present situation in the villages of Lonjsko polje as a part of the European and world settlements network. The second part of the round table also set off an ardent discussion of many participants - Miodrag Vujoševič, Ljubinko Pušić, Sreten Vujović, Dušica Seferagić, Andelina Svirčić Gotovac, Zdravko Mlinar, Alija Hodžić, Marjan Hočevar, Antun Petak etc. The presentation and discussions showed the similarities and differences of the three countries: Slovenia, Croatia and Serbia (which have also existed before) in a European and global context. Slovenia is a highly urbanized country with the highest standard of living. The thesis of M. Hočevar of an inclination of the Slovenians to a rural way of life can be questioned but also explained by the urbanization of the whole territory, physical availability of all urban goods and excellent traffic connections. Croatia has a pyramidal settlements network with Zagreb as the metropolis on top, three macro-regional centers, a number of medium-size towns and many small towns and numerous smail villages. The latter don't show the developmental potentials due to the centralization policy and the inertness of local protagonists as well. Serbia is by and large leaned on its capital Belgrade that stiil attracts the most of the inhabitants from Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, while the provinces are decaying. Besides Belgrade, only Novi Sad stands out as the capital of Voivodina, although Voivodina is more urbanized than Serbia proper ("narrower" Serbia). The quality of life, especiaily in Belgrade, shows huge disparities intensified by irregular and neoliberal doings of the protagonists in the regional space. The similar but less emphasized statement can be applied to Zagreb as well. The question of the settlements network in the three above mentioned transitional countries depends on the degree of the ir general social development but also on various concepts of development of the regional space: policentricity in Slovenia, pyramidality in Croatia and monocephality in Serbia. We hope that this conferenee will help the future cooperation of the scholars from the countries that, as it was seen here, shared the similar problems and similar transitional destiny and after that entered the rough neoliberal systems. Each of the present countries is specific in its own way, so the intention is to explain the present situation in them and make the problems of the networked space, respectively, current society as a whole, actual.