Sokszínű kapitalizmus: pályaképek a magyar tőkés fejlődés aranykorából
In: HVG könyvek
3 Ergebnisse
In: HVG könyvek
"The essays in this book provide interesting contributions to the ongoing debate concerning the representation of differing cultures, i.e., the 'image of the Other' in the early modern period. They deal with images, projections, and perceptions, based on various experiences of coexistence. Although the individual contributions contain sources and references of iconography, this is not just another volume of art history or visual studies. As examples of practices in diverse historical contexts, the book includes a variety of textual material, such as literary productions, rhetorical exercises, dramatic applications, chronicles, epistles, and diary-like historical accounts that express ethnographic sensitivities. Thus, supported by a thorough research apparatus, these studies propose a new cultural history of the early modern coexistence of various communities, as identified in current research by young scholars. Another novel feature of the volume is the deliberate digression of traditional scholars' focus and the investigation of rarely examined regions and practices. This approach allows the contributors to spotlight their special areas of research and to share a fresh new look at the Renaissance"--Publisher description
More than sixty friends and colleagues pay tribute to the distinguished professor János Bak's 70th birthday. Notable contributors from many countries dedicate previously unpublished essays and articles in this celebratory Festschrift. Reflecting the intellectual calibre of János Bak, scholars not only of medieval history, but also from the fields of modern history, philosophy, linguistics, art history and political science provide a broad range of perspectives on a wide range of disciplinary areas thus allowing a wide readership audience