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19 Ergebnisse
The article provides an overview of the "Lehrstuhl" (professorship) for digital libraries at the Berlin School of Library and Information Science. The "Lehrstuhl" teaches both bachelor and masters students, and offers support for its doctoral students. The main areas of teaching are (1) research methods, with a particular focus on statistics and ethnography, and (2) digital libraries, with a focus on the development, scope, structure and metadata standards of digital libraries. Research covers the areas of long-term digital archiving - including "digital cultural migration". The Berlin School is a partner of the LOCKSS ("Lots Of Copies Keep Stuff Safe") long-term archiving network. A second research focus is on information behavior especially in the digital environment, and using ethnographic methods. Other research areas include the impact of copyright legislation and the history of information. ; Der Beitrag gibt einen Überblick über den Lehrstuhl "Digitale Bibliothek" am Institut für Bibliotheks- und Informationswissenschaft. Gelehrt wird im Bachelor- und im Master-Studiengang sowie im postgradualen Fernstudium des Instituts. Der Lehrstuhl betreut zahlreiche Doktoranden. Die Schwerpunkte der Lehre liegen (1) im Bereich Forschungsmethoden, mit einem besonderen Schwerpunkt auf statistischen und auf ethnologischen Methoden, und (2) im Bereich Digitale Bibliotheken (Entwicklung, Standards, Metadaten). Die Forschungsaktivitäten des Lehrstuhls richten sich auf den Bereich Digitale Langzeitarchivierung einschließlich der Frage nach kultureller Migration. Das Institut ist deutscher Partner im LOCKSS ("Lots Of Copies Keep Stuff Save") Netzwerk für digitale Langzeitarchivierung. Der zweite Forschungsschwerpunkt liegt im Bereich Nutzerforschung, vorwiegend im digitalen Umfeld und unter Einsatz von ethnologischen Methoden. Weitere Forschungsbereiche sind die Auswirkungen des Urheberrechts auf die Informationspraxis und die Geschichte der Information. ; L'article présente la chaire bibliothèques numériques à l'IBI (« Institut für Bibliotheks- und Informationswissenschaft »), l'Institut de bibliothéconomie et des sciences de l'information. La chaire propose des études de niveau bachelor et master, ainsi que des études du troisième cycle en enseignement à distance. Elle encadre également de nombreux doctorants. Les principaux domaines d'enseignement sont: (1) les méthodes de recherche, avec une attention particulière sur les statistiques et l'ethnographie, et (2) les bibliothèques numériques, avec une attention sur le développement, les normes et les métadonnées. La recherche couvre le domaine de l'archivage à long terme ; y compris la « migration culturelle numérique ». L'institut fait partie du LOCKSS (« Lots Of Copies Keep Stuff Safe »), un réseau spécialisé dans l'archivage numérique. Un second axe de recherche se situe au niveau de l'étude du comportement des utilisateurs, en particulier dans l'environnement numérique et en faisant appel à des méthodes ethnologiques. D'autres sujets de recherche étudient l'influence des droits d'auteurs dans le domaine de l'information, ainsi que l'histoire de l'information. ; Peer Reviewed
Interlibrary lending and document delivery have become an integral part of the services that contemporary libraries offer. The copyright laws in most countries authorized this copying within reasonable limits, but tensions with publishers may be growing. For interlibrary services to remain effective, libraries must continue to lobby politicians to defend their legal basis. Libraries must also continue to work with publishers to address legitimate economic concerns. This paper looks at the legal basis for interlibrary services, particularly document delivery, in the US, Canadian, and German law. ; Peer Reviewed
Outcome-based evaluation is increasingly used for digital library projects. The point of outcome-based evaluation is to establish a project's effectiveness with its target audience. Although many small-scale human-oriented project outcomes do not readily lend themselves to survey or statistical analysis, other research methods can be used to evaluate the amount and quality of a project's effect. Anthropology offers not only a suite of observational methods, but standards for persuasiveness that apply equally to academics and to legislators. ; Peer Reviewed
Internet-based distance education has become big business for both universities and the commercial world. The new TEACH Act was intended to make US copyright law friendlier toward Internet-based distance education. In fact it hedges the privileges it grants with a host of exclusions and restrictions. The Act's promotion of technological protections could have international consequences that further restrict access to digital works. ; Peer Reviewed
Every page on the Web represents an international publication. A client machine in Germany can easily access a server in Michigan, but the copyright laws in the USA differ in a number of significant ways. This column looks at two specific examples, one where there is a difference in the length of protection, and another where German moral rights legislation gives privileges not found in the US law. Although the examples are German and American, similar differences exist between other legal systems. ; Peer Reviewed
In: Educating the Profession
In: Synthesis lectures on information concepts, retrieval, and services #53
Institutions typically treat research integrity violations as black and white, right or wrong. The result is that the wide range of grayscale nuances that separate accident, carelessness, and bad practice from deliberate fraud and malpractice often get lost. This lecture looks at how to quantify the grayscale range in three kinds of research integrity violations: plagiarism, data falsification, and image manipulation. Quantification works best with plagiarism, because the essential one-to-one matching algorithms are well known and established tools for detecting when matches exist. Questions remain, however, of how many matching words of what kind in what location in which discipline constitute reasonable suspicion of fraudulent intent. Different disciplines take different perspectives on quantity and location. Quantification is harder with data falsification, because the original data are often not available, and because experimental replication remains surprisingly difficult. The same is true with image manipulation, where tools exist for detecting certain kinds of manipulations, but where the tools are also easily defeated. This lecture looks at how to prevent violations of research integrity from a pragmatic viewpoint, and at what steps can institutions and publishers take to discourage problems beyond the usual ethical admonitions. There are no simple answers, but two measures can help: the systematic use of detection tools and requiring original data and images. These alone do not suffice, but they represent a start. The scholarly community needs a better awareness of the complexity of research integrity decisions. Only an open and wide-spread international discussion can bring about a consensus on where the boundary lines are and when grayscale problems shade into black. One goal of this work is to move that discussion forward