All about exchange-traded funds: the easy way to get started
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In: Women's studies: an interdisciplinary journal, Band 50, Heft 6, S. 572-596
ISSN: 1547-7045
HISTORIANS HAVE TRAPPED William Henry of Lancaster (1729–86) in the identity of gunsmith. Though meant as a com-pliment—most accounts portray Henry as the most important gunsmith in the "rifle-making hub of colonial America," Lancaster County—this confinement is ironic, since Henry escaped this occupation as soon as he was able. The term gunsmith, then as now, could describe men who repaired guns, who produced specialized gun parts (such as bar-rels or locks), who created an entire gun from scratch (lock, stock, and barrel), or who ran a factory that employed other men. Henry seems not to have engaged in any of these activities after 1760. By the last decade of his life, Henry had achieved a level of financial security (and apparently embodied the virtuous independence thought to derive from it) that led his peers to entrust him with positions of responsibility and that left Henry free to accept them. He served first in local and state governments and was later appointed an administrator and financier for the Continental army and elected twice to the Continental Congress. We have failed to register the shape of his career, the magnitude of his trans-formation; instead, historians have imagined that during all these varied activities, Henry continued to work as a gunsmith. Indeed, the belief that Henry "was engaged in the manufacture of firearms for over thirty years," that he produced the rifles or muskets carried by soldiers from the French and Indian War through the Revolution, has been central to stories about him.
In: Journal for early modern cultural studies: JEMCS ; official publication of the Group for Early Modern Cultural Studies, Band 5, Heft 1, S. 112-114
ISSN: 1553-3786
In: Journal for early modern cultural studies: JEMCS ; official publication of the Group for Early Modern Cultural Studies, Band 5, Heft 1, S. 112-114
ISSN: 1553-3786
In: Active Learning in Higher Education, Band 7, Heft 3, S. 257-271
This article presents the findings of a survey of students' usage of the objective question bank section of an academic publisher's textbook website. The findings are based on a survey of 239 business and management undergraduates conducted using a quantitative research methodology. The results suggest that increased use of the objective question bank improves students' examination performance only where it matches exactly the course assessment format. Other factors, such as usage cross-tabulated with gender and off-campus Internet access were also examined. On the basis of this survey, the authors consider the use of textbook publishers' objective question banks in teaching business and management subjects at university.
In: Hart studies in security and justice volume 4
Introduction -- The counter-terrorism constitution -- Investigatory powers and the constitution -- The military constitution -- Citizenship -- Secrecy -- Justiciability -- Sovereignty
In: The Antitrust bulletin: the journal of American and foreign antitrust and trade regulation, Band 66, Heft 4, S. 470-480
ISSN: 1930-7969
As Professor Ahdar's text shows, New Zealand's competition law has undergone an evolution. Views on various practices have changed and this led to academic disagreements. One area, however, has been free from any controversy and that is vertical mergers. The reason is not uniformity of philosophy—but rather more prosaic. New Zealand has not had any cases. This changed with the Vodafone/Sky merger. This article discusses the Commerce Commission's decision to decline the merger and how it is in line with current thinking on vertical mergers.
In: Paul G Scott, Unilateral Refusals to Supply and the Essential Facilities Doctrine under New Zealand's Competition Law, (2018) 49 VUWLR 371
In: Journal of the Royal United Services Institute for Defence Studies, Band 119, Heft 3, S. 84-86
ISSN: 1744-0378
In: Viewpoints
The enactment of the Covert Human Intelligence Sources (Criminal Conduct) Act 2021 pre-empted the outcome of the appeal against the decision of the Investigatory Powers Tribunal in the so-called 'third direction' case. This legislation article considers the background to the statute in the form both of the (absence of a) legal regime governing informant participation in criminality as revealed by reviews of events within the Northern Irish Troubles and the recent litigation. It analyses the key legal issues raised by the Act and locates it within the modern project of rationalising the law related to national security.