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27 Ergebnisse
Reykjavik and Beyond -- Copyright -- Foreword -- Contents -- 1 Reykjavik and Beyond: Implications of Deep Reductions in Strategic Nuclear Arsenals and the Futur... -- 2 The Purpose and Effect of Deep Strategic Force Reductions -- 3 The Impact of Defenses on Offensive Reduction Regimes -- 4 The Impact of New Technologies and Noncentral Systems on Offensive Reduction Regimes -- 5 Alliance Issues -- 6 Implications for Conventional Forces -- 7 The Future of Arms Control -- THE PAST OF ARMS CONTROL-TRIUMPHS AND MISSED OPPORTUNITIES -- THE FUTURE OF ARMS CONTROL.
The Future of the U.S.-Soviet Nuclear Relationship -- Copyright -- Contents -- Foreword -- Executive Summary -- NOTE -- I Introduction: the Changing Political/Military Environment for U.S. Nuclear Weapons Policy -- THE EMERGING SECURITY POLICY -- EUROPE -- EAST ASIA -- OTHER STRATEGIC AREAS -- NOTES -- II New Objectives for Nuclear Weapons Policy -- INTRODUCTION -- U.S. DETERRENCE POLICIES -- NUCLEAR DEPLOYMENTS -- III Prospects for Cooperative Security Arrangements and Nuclear Nonproliferation -- EUROPE -- ASIA -- NUCLEAR NONPROLIFERATION -- NOTE -- IV Nuclear Forces -- INTRODUCTION -- CENTRAL STRATEGIC NUCLEAR FORCES -- Numbers of Targets and Weapons -- A Next Step After START -- A Lower Level for Later -- Sample Survivable Force Structures -- NUCLEAR WEAPONS IN EUROPE -- NUCLEAR WEAPONS ELSEWHERE -- REDUCTIONS IN THE STOCKPILE OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS -- BAN ON NUCLEAR TESTING -- NOTES -- V Controlling Strategic Force Operations -- INTRODUCTION -- COMMAND SYSTEM PROTECTION -- PERMISSIVE ACTION LINKS (PALS) -- COOPERATIVE WARNING -- RESILIENT SECOND STRIKE TARGETING -- NOTES -- VI Summary of Conclusions -- THE CURRENT SECURITY CONTEXT -- THE FUTURE EVOLUTION OF THE SECURITY CONTEXT -- GENERAL PRINCIPLES AFFECTING THE EVOLUTION OF NUCLEAR FORCES -- SPECIFIC CONCLUSIONS ON STRATEGIC FORCE CONFIGURATIONS -- SPECIFIC CONCLUSIONS ON NONSTRATEGIC NUCLEAR FORCES -- Appendix A Current U.S. and Soviet Strategic Forces and the START Limits -- EXPLANATION OF THE FIGURE -- Appendix B Target Allocation Issues -- NOTES -- Appendix C The Sensitivity of Strike Results to Preattack Planning Factors -- NOTE -- Glossary.
Challenges for the 1990s for Arms Control and International Security -- Copyright -- Foreword -- Contents -- 1-Challenges for International Security in the 1990s -- 2-Introductory Remarks: From INF to New Agreements -- 3-Soviet "New Thinking" About International Security -- 4-The INF Treaty: A Status Report on INF Inspections -- 5-Whither Conventional Arms Control? -- NEW INITIATIVES IN CONVENTIONAL ARMS CONTROL -- THE END OF THE BEGINNING -- OPENING POSITIONS -- OBSTACLES AND HOPE -- THE OUTLOOK -- 6-Prospects for a Chemical Weapons Disarmament Treaty -- 7-Vitality of the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty Regime -- I -- II -- III -- IV -- V -- VI -- VII -- 8-Summary Remarks.
Nuclear Arms Control -- Copyright -- Contents -- Foreword -- Preface -- 1 Overview -- ARMS CONTROL AS A PROCESS -- THE OBJECTIVES OF ARMS CONTROL -- APPROACHES TO ARMS CONTROL -- Limits -- Freezes -- Restructuring -- Reductions -- Bans -- Special Stabilizing Measures -- THE U.S.-SOVIET STRATEGIC RELATIONSHIP -- OTHER NUCLEAR POWERS -- VERIFICATION -- RECORD OF COMPLIANCE -- POLITICAL OR MILITARY "LINKAGE -- THE NEGOTIATING PROCESS -- DOMESTIC POLITICAL ACCEPTABILITY -- SPECIFIC PROPOSALS -- 2 Strategic Offensive Nuclear Arms Control -- PART I THE STRATEGIC ARMS LIMITATION TALKS (SALT) -- Introduction -- Background -- The Origins -- SALT I Negotiations -- The SALT II Negotiations -- The Provisions of Salt I and Salt II -- The SALT I Interim Agreement -- The SALT II Treaty -- The Main Issues Surrounding Salt II -- The Strategic Relationship -- SALT II Supporters -- SALT II Critics -- The Rationale for SALT II: Preserving Essential Equivalence -- SALT II Supporters -- SALT II Critics -- Verification -- SALT II Supporters -- SALT II Critics -- Compliance -- Compliance with SALT I from 1972 to 1979 -- Compliance with SALT I and SALT II from 1980 to 1984 -- PART II THE STRATEGIC ARMS REDUCTION TALKS (START) -- Background -- The Origins -- Initial START Proposals -- The Scowcroft Commission and Build-Down -- The Revised U.S. START Proposal -- The U.S. START Proposal Incorporating Build-Down -- U.S. and Soviet Start Proposals -- The U.S. START Proposal as of December 1983 -- The Soviet START Proposal as of December 1983 -- The Main Issues Surrounding Start -- The Strategic Relationship -- START Supporters' Assessment of the Strategic Relationship -- START Critics' Assessment of the Strategic Relationship -- The Soviet View of the Strategic Relationship -- The Rationale for START: Selective Deep Cuts to Restore Stability -- START Supporters' Approach.
Front Matter -- PREFACE -- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS -- CONTENTS -- Executive Summary -- Introduction -- 1 Stockpile Stewardship Considerations: Safety and Reliability Under a CTBT -- 2 CTBT Monitoring Capability -- 3 Potential Impact of Foreign Testing: U.S. Security Interests and Concerns -- Appendix A Biographical Sketches of Committee Members -- Appendix B List of Committee Meetings and Briefings.
Cover -- Half Title -- Title -- Copyright -- Contents -- Panel on Microcomputers for Developing Countries -- Contributors -- Introduction -- Overview -- Conclusions and Recommendations -- SECTION 1 DEVELOPMENT-ASSISTANCE POLICIES AND STRATEGIES -- 1 Microcomputers, Informatics, and Development: Issues in Foreign Assistance -- 2 The Role of Computers and Informatics in Developing Countries: Issues and Policy -- 3 Selected Donor-Agency Policies on Computers and Informatics in Third World Countries -- 4 Information Technology in Development Projects: A New Role for Donor Assistance -- SECTION 2 DEVELOPING-COUNTRY EXPERIENCES -- 5 Microcomputers in the West African Region -- 6 Obstacles to a Wider and More Efficient Use of Microcomputers in Tunisia and Suggested Remedies -- 7 Computers and Education in Kenya: Problems and Prospects -- 8 Microcomputers in Zimbabwe: Problems and Suggested Remedies -- 9 Microcomputers in Egypt: Problems and Recommendations -- 10 Microcomputers, Small Institutions, and Markets: The Case of Paraguay -- 11 Bureaucratic Reform and Microcomputer Use in Indonesia's Ministry of Finance -- SECTION 3 TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER AND DEVELOPMENT -- 12 Development for Microcomputer Use by Individuals and "Communities": An Anthropologist's Perspective -- 13 Engineering Considerations in Microcomputer Policy Issues for Developing Countries -- 14 Microcomputers Throughout the University: A New Metaphor for Development -- 15 Software-Industry Development in the Third World: Policy Guidelines, Institutional Options, and Constraints -- 16 Copyright Responsibilities: Maintenance of Software Owned by International Development Organizations, -- SECTION 4 ACQUISITION AND MANAGEMENT OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY -- 17 Microcomputer Acquisition in Developing Countries: Problems and Recommendations.
SCIENTISTS AND HUMAN RIGHTS IN GUATEMALA -- Copyright -- Contents -- Preface -- Guatemala, An Overview -- CIVILIAN GOVERNMENTS -- A HISTORY OF VIOLENCE -- The Conflict -- Universities, Professors, and Students -- Disappearances -- The Myrna Mack Case -- THE COMMITTEES' WORK IN GUATEMALA -- VISIT TO GUATEMALA, JUNE 1991 -- The 1992 Mission -- TERMS OF REFERENCE -- GOVERNMENT PERSPECTIVES -- The Mack Case -- Disappearances and Political Killings -- The Police and the Armed Forces -- Judicial System Officials -- Ministry of Public Health -- Office of the Ombudsman for Human Rights -- Presidential Coordinating Committee on Human Rights Policies -- UNIVERSITIES AND RESEARCH INSTITUTIONS -- University of San Carlos -- Association for the Advancement of the Social Sciences -- SERVICE AND HUMAN RIGHTS ORGANIZATIONS -- National Coordinating Committee of Guatemalan Widows -- Human Rights Office of the Archdiocese -- Christian Children's Fund -- Behrhorst Foundation -- Findings and Conclusions -- THE GUATEMALAN GOVERNMENT -- NONGOVERNMENTAL HUMAN RIGHTS EFFORTS -- INTERNATIONAL SUPPORT -- POLITICAL KILLINGS AND DISAPPEARANCES -- THE CASE OF MYRNA MACK -- SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH -- Appendix A The Committees -- COMMITTEE ON HUMAN RIGHTS -- COMMITTEE ON HEALTH AND HUMAN RIGHTS -- Appendix B Cases in Guatemala -- CASES PRESENTED ON MISSION -- Political Killings -- Disappearances -- ADDITIONAL CASES IN GUATEMALA -- Political Killings -- Disappearances -- Threats -- Other Human Rights Abuses -- Appendix C Members of the Delegation -- Appendix D Guatemalan Judicial Procedure and the Mack Case -- INITIAL INVESTIGATION -- THE PREPARATORY OR ''SUMARIO'' PHASE -- THE INTERMEDIATE OR "ABRE A JUICIO" PHASE -- THE ACCUSATORY PHASE -- THE APPELLATE PROCESS.
In: Series on prospering in a global economy
Linking Trade and Technology Policies -- Copyright -- Preface -- Contents -- Technology and International Trade Competition-Historical Trends -- Technology and International Competition: A Historial Perspective -- WHY WORRY ABOUT HIGH TECHNOLOGY? -- External Economies within Sectors -- External Economies Across Sectors -- TRENDS IN HIGH-TECHNOLOGY TRADE -- SOURCES OF TRENDS IN HIGH-TECHNOLOGY TRADE -- SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS -- NOTES -- REFERENCES -- Technological and Trade Competition: The Changing Positions of the United States, Japan, and Germany -- TECHNOLOGY, INDUSTRIAL STRUCTURE, AND INTERNATIONAL COMPETITIVENESS -- THE UPSURGE OF JAPAN IN WORLD MARKETS -- THE DETERIORATION OF THE U.S. COMPETITIVE POSITION -- THE STABLE PATTERNS OF GERMANY'S TRADE PERFORMANCE -- CONCLUDING REMARKS -- NOTES -- REFERENCES -- APPENDIX SIE-WORLD TRADE DATA BASE -- REFERENCES -- Summary of Panel Discussion -- NOTES -- New Paradigms for Linking Technology and Trade Policies -- Managing Trade Conflict in High-Technology Industries -- TRADE BARRIERS, STRUCTURAL IMPEDIMENTS, AND STRUCTURAL DIFFERENCESAS SOURCES OF TRADE CONFLICT IN HI... -- TRADE BARRIERS, STRUCTURAL DIFFERENCES, AND NEW MULTILATERAL RULESFOR TECHNOLOGY TRADE: A LONG-TERM... -- Government Procurement Practices -- Intellectual Property Protection -- Antidumping Procedures -- Industrial Targeting and Subsidies -- Foreign Direct Investment Policy -- Competition Policy -- IMPROVEMENTS IN NATIONAL TRADE POLICIES: AN INTERIM POLICY AGENDA -- Antidumping Laws -- Countervailing Duties -- Section 301 and Super 301 -- CONCLUSIONS -- NOTES -- References -- Summary of Panel Discussion -- Technology Challenges to Trade Policy -- Technology Challenges to Trade Policy -- WHY IS HIGH TECHNOLOGY DIFFERENT? -- WHY TRADE POLICY IN HIGH TECHNOLOGY IS DIFFERENT.