Notes on Jean-Luc Nancy's Acosmology
In: The Oxford literary review: OLR ; critical analyses of literary, philosophical political and psychoanalytic theory, Band 46, Heft 2, S. 146-160
ISSN: 1757-1634
This essay engages with the question of how to open a sense of the world that would be capable of de-totalizing the world's totalization. It discusses the works of Jean-Luc Nancy on the end of the sense of the world today and on the way this end and the void it exposes existence to are already an open sense, the open sense of existence existing—transitively—every single existence. The void of sense demands the distinction between sense and signification or meanings, proposing sense as the praxis of transitive existence. It opens an open sense of the open itself by reconsidering the difference between world and cosmos and by showing the urgency of thinking today an acosmic cosmology or a acosmology that would correspond to this praxis of transitive existence.