17 Ergebnisse
Exploiting the Dividend Month Premium: Evidence from Germany
In: Journal of Asset Management 2021, 22, 253-266.
Working paper
Integrating Sustainability Risks in Asset Management: The Role of ESG Exposures and ESG Ratings
In: Journal of Asset Management, Band 21(1), Heft 2020
Reversal and momentum patterns in weekly stock returns: European evidence
In: Review of financial economics: RFE, Band 37, Heft 2, S. 272-296
ISSN: 1873-5924
AbstractWe analyze short‐term reversal and medium‐term momentum patterns in weekly stock returns in Europe. Focusing on raw and stock‐specific returns, our empirical results show for both return specifications (a) a negative relation between weekly past returns and future returns in the short run and (b) a positive relation in the medium run. However, returns from reversal and momentum strategies based on stock‐specific returns are less volatile. In further analyses, we find short‐term reversal and medium‐term momentum patterns to be connected to stock characteristics. Looking at the potential causes of these effects, our results do not support the idea that short‐term reversal in weekly stock returns is due to an over‐ or underreaction to firm‐specific news nor that it is mainly driven by illiquidity. Medium‐term momentum in weekly stock returns, on the other hand, can be connected to behavioral biases. Our concluding tests confirm that our findings are robust among industries, in subperiods, for the January effect and in varying market states. Finally, while medium‐term momentum strategies remain profitable after accounting for transaction costs, short‐term reversal strategies can be mainly explained by transaction costs due to their high turnover.
Working paper
ESG Rating Events and Stock Market Reactions
ESG and Corporate Credit Spreads
Working paper
Currency Conversion of Fama-French Factors: How and Why
In: The Journal of Portfolio Management Quantitative Special Issue 2021 © 2021 PMR. All rights reserved. Available for download:
Working paper
Success and Failure on the Corporate Bond Fund Market
In: Journal of Asset Management 19(6), 429-443.
Working paper
Does style-shifting activity predict performance? Evidence from equity mutual funds
In: The quarterly review of economics and finance, Band 59, S. 112-130
ISSN: 1062-9769
Momentum in the European Corporate Bond Market: The Role of Bond-Specific Returns
In: Journal of Fixed Income, 2018, Vol. 27, No. 3, 54-70
Working paper
Withholding-Tax Non-Compliance: The Case of Cum-Ex Stock-Market Transactions
In: International Tax and Public Finance 2020, 27, 1425-1452.
Working paper
Working paper
Jensen's alpha and the market‐timing puzzle
In: Review of financial economics: RFE, Band 37, Heft 2, S. 234-255
ISSN: 1873-5924
AbstractTheory predicts that market‐timing activities bias Jensen's alpha (JA). However, empirical studies have failed to find consistent evidence of this bias. We tackle this puzzle in a nested model analysis and show that the bias contains an exogenous market component that is unrelated to market‐timing skill. In a comprehensive empirical analysis of US mutual funds, we find that the timing‐induced bias in JA is mainly driven by this market component, which is uncorrelated with measured timing activities. Measures of total performance that allow for timing activities are virtually identical to JA, even if timing activities are present in the evaluated fund. Hence, we conclude that JA is a sufficient measure of total performance.