Front Cover -- Title -- Imprint -- Acknowledgements -- Declaration of Authorship -- Abstract -- Contents -- List of Figures -- List of Tables -- Chapter 1 -- Introduction -- 1.1 Structure and Contributions of this Thesis -- Part 1: Ubicon and Its Applications -- Part 2: Anatomy of Conferences -- Part 3: Mining Social Links for Human Contact Prediction -- Part 4: Mining Social Links for Indoor Localisation -- Part I Ubicon and Its Applications -- Introduction -- Chapter 2 -- 2.1 Ubiquitous Computing -- 2.2 Working Group Management Systems -- 2.3 Conference Management Systems
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Dieser Text dokumentiert ein Interview, das Ingo Pies mit der Katholischen Nachrichtenagentur KNA geführt hat. Im Mittelpunkt steht das Apostolische Schreiben von Papst Franziskus. Erörtert wird, dass und warum dieses Schreiben in den medialen Spontanreaktionen gravierende Missverstände hervorgerufen hat. Die Hauptthese lautet, dass Papst Franziskus nicht marktfeindlich argumentiert.
Der Strompreis steigt. Die Politik steht unter Handlungsdruck. Eine grundlegende Reform des Erneuerbare Energien Gesetzes (EEG) steht bevor. Die Privilegien der EEG-Anlageninhaber sollen eingeschränkt werden. In der öffentlichen Debatte um eine Strompreisbremse wird dabei nicht immer differenziert zwischen Belastungen für neue EEG-Anlagen und für bereits an das Netz angeschlossene Bestandsanlagen. Die Autoren machen deutlich, dass eine Verringerung der EEG-Einspeisevergütung für Bestandsanlagen verfassungswidrig wäre. Der Gesetzgeber hat die Einspeisevergütung für einen Zeitraum von 20 Jahren
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Ehegatten können in Deutschland durch die Zusammenveranlagung und gemeinsame Besteuerung ihrer Einkünfte mit dem Ehegattensplitting gem. § 26 Abs. 1 i.V.m. § 26b EStG einen möglichen gemeinsamen Steuervorteil gegenüber vergleichbaren unverheirateten Paaren erzielen, einen sog. Splittingvorteil. Voraussetzung ist insbesondere, dass eine gültige zivilrechtliche Ehe zu Beginn des Veranlagungszeitraumes, dem Kalenderjahr, vorgelegen hat oder im Laufe des Jahres geschlossen wurde. Der mögliche Splittingvorteil wird dann, unabhängig vom Zeitpunkt der Eheschließung, für das gesamte Jahr gewährt. Untersucht wird daher, ob es auf Grund des Steuerrechts zu einer Verhaltensanpassung in Bezug auf den Zeitpunkt der standesamtlichen Eheschließungen kommt. So wird das Vorliegen von Vorziehungseffekten bzw. eines Dezembereffektes zur Sicherung des Splittingvorteils vor Ablauf des Veranlagungszeitraumes in Deutschland aufgezeigt. Dieser Effekt wird außerdem mit der monatlichen Verteilung standesamtlicher Eheschließungen in der ehemaligen DDR sowie der monatlichen Verteilung kirchlicher Trauungen in Deutschland verglichen. Des Weiteren wird die Ehegattenbesteuerung in der weiteren EU15 Länder analysiert, ein möglicher Steuervorteil quantifiziert und die monatliche Verteilung der Anzahl der Eheschließungen betrachtet.
AbstractBackground and Study Objective One risk of established decompression techniques for lumbar spinal stenosis is the resection of facet joints, especially if they are steeply configured, promoting destabilization. Minimally invasive bilateral crossover decompression aims to preserve the facet joints and thus stability of the spine. The purpose of this study is to demonstrate the feasibility and early results of this technique.Methods This retrospective case series includes 10 consecutive patients with lumbar stenosis and steep-angle (<35 degrees) facet joints who were treated with minimally invasive bilateral crossover decompression. Eleven segments were decompressed, most commonly L3/L4 (63.6%), followed by L1/L2 and L2/L3 (18.2% each). The effectiveness of surgical decompression was assessed by self-reporting questionnaires.Results After a follow-up of 10.5 months, the Symptom Severity Scale and Physical Function Scale of the Swiss Spinal Stenosis Questionnaire improved by 0.9 (p < 0.05) and 0.7 points, respectively. The mean Oswestry Disability Index improved from 53.9 to 34.6 (p < 0.05). Local and radiating pain under strain showed statistically significant improvement on the Visual Analog Scale (8.9 vs. 5.0 and 8.4 vs. 4.6, respectively). Maximum walking distance increased from 190 to 1,029 m. Apart from one patient requiring surgical decompression of an adjacent segment, there were no reoperations, neurological deteriorations, or other complications.Conclusion The results of this study indicate that minimally invasive bilateral crossover decompression is a promising technique for the treatment of spinal canal stenosis. With its design to spare facet joints, it can potentially reduce the risk of spinal instability, especially in patients with steep facet joints.
Objective We report on our experiences of navigated posterior C1–C2 spondylodesis in the elderly (≥ 70 years of age). Patients This retrospective cohort study evaluated all patients ≥ 70 years of age treated with navigated posterior spondylodesis C1-C2 (at the most to C3) from 2008 to 2015 with a minimum follow-up of 1 year. Minor and major complications within 30 days after surgery, patient outcome, and the rate of solid fusion in computed tomography were recorded. The follow-up over 1 year was conducted by outpatient examinations and via telephone interviews. Results Twenty-two patients with a mean age of 79.9 years (range: 71–91 years) were treated. Minor complications were mild pneumonia (18.2%), postoperative confusion (9.1%), and urinary tract infection (4.5%). Major complications were severe pneumonia (4.5%) and clinically asymptomatic vertebral artery injury (4.5%). The mortality rate was 13.6% (n = 3) within the first 30 days after surgery and 22.7% (n = 5) within 1 year. All deceased patients were > 85 years of age. Conclusion In our patient population, posterior spondylodesis was shown to be beneficial for patients > 70 years up to age ∼ 85 years. The mortality rate increased sharply in patients > 85 years. In these patients the indication for surgery should be critically evaluated.
Background and Study Aim In contrast to the thoracolumbar spine, where pedicle screws can be inserted via a minimally invasive, percutaneous technique through small skin incisions, all previously available cervical instrumentation systems required a larger midline incision, especially for rod insertion. Screw placement via small incisions reduces the risk of wound healing disorders and blood loss, and patients can be mobilized more quickly and with less pain. In 2022, a cervical minimally invasive stabilization system became available for the complete percutaneous insertion of both cervical pedicle screws and rods. We report on the first results and experiences with this new technology.
Methods In this retrospective case series, we included patients with cervical instability treated by minimally invasive percutaneous cervical und upper thoracic spine pedicle screw and rod insertion between August 2022 and August 2023. Intra- and postoperative complications as well as revision surgeries were recorded. The screw position was evaluated by three examiners in the postoperative CT using the Bredow classification.
Results Our series includes six male patients (age=56.9±12.9 years; BMI=29.8±9.6 kg/m2). The indication for surgery was trauma, tumor and degenerative stenosis in two patients each. An excellent/good screw position (Bredow 1 and 2) was found in 84.4% of the screws (n = 27/32). None of the screws rated as Bredow 3 (n=2/32) or Bredow 4 (n=3/32) resulted in a neurological deficit or radicular pain and none had to be repositioned. No neurologic complication or revision surgery occurred. As a complication not directly related to the surgery technique, one patient died of a pulmonary lung embolism on the 7th postoperative day.
Conclusion The results of this study indicate that minimally invasive percutaneous implantation of a pedicle screw-rod system is also possible in the cervical spine with sufficient accuracy using intraoperative navigation. However, technical details, possible pitfalls and finally careful patient selection must be taken into account.
Patient safety is the tenth national health target so-called strategic objectives in Germany. Although the topic has been on the health policy agenda for more than 20 years, the need for action remains high. In inpatient care, communication, both between professional groups and with patients, has a great impact on the reduction of so-called preventable adverse events. In a health services research project funded by the Innovation Fund of the G-BA ('TeamBaby' grant number 01VSF18023), the effects of communication training on satisfaction, perceived communication skills and the reduction of preventable adverse events in obstetrics were examined. Even time-limited training sessions resulted in positive effects. Safe obstetric care, in addition to the physical health of mother and child, enhances satisfaction and strengthens family bonding for the entire family. It also increases satisfaction among professional teams. The regular implementation of communication training within working hours is therefore recommended to increase patient safety.
Background: Since the report "To err is human" was published by the Institute of Medicine in the year 2000, topics regarding patient safety and error management are in the focal point of interest of science and politics. Despite international attention, a structured and comprehensive medical education regarding these topics remains to be missing.