An Emission Inventory for the Central European Initiative 1988
This paper presents the first consistent inventory of emission of sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxides (NOX), particulate matter (PM), and carbon dioxide (CO2), for the countries co-operating in the Central European Initiative (CEI): Austria, Croatia, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Italy, Poland, and Slovenia. The inventory is based on national and regional statistics as well as on information from collaborating institutions. National data has been verified and converted into a common format, consistent with the database used by the European Environmental Agency and the European Community ("the CORINAIR" system). The inventory describes emissions in the year 1988, before the restructuring process began in the socialist economies. Data has been collected on the national level, for administrational units and for large point sources. The database on point sources contains specific information on 400 large plants in the region (e.g., capacity, commissioning year, fuel use, production, etc.).