Consumers and Food Price Inflation
This report provides information on the current status and outlook for U.S. food prices, measuring their changes and how such changes relate to U.S. consumers.
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This report provides information on the current status and outlook for U.S. food prices, measuring their changes and how such changes relate to U.S. consumers.
From Introduction: "This report describes the relevant WTO rules governing domestic support programs under the Agreement on Agriculture (AoA) and the Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures (SCM). This report then reviews the current U.S. farm safety net programs, including changes made under the 2014 farm bill, particularly to Title I price and income support programs, in light of their potential for compliance with the AoA and SCM and their potential to affect the success of the current Doha Round of multilateral trade negotiations."
This report discusses heightened commodity price volatility. It also discusses an array of cost that is layered on top of the price of a raw agricultural commodity at each stage of the marketing chain as it moves to the customer.
This report reviews the evolution of the U.S. biofuels sector and the role that federal policy has played in shaping its development. In addition, it highlights emerging issues that are critical to the biofuels sector and of relevance to Congress.
This report reviews the evolution of the U.S. biofuels sector and the role that federal policy has played in shaping its development. In addition, it highlights emerging issues that are critical to the biofuels sector and of relevance to Congress.
This report provides a brief overview of the World Trade Organization's (WTO) commitments most relevant for U.S. domestic farm policy.
Since the 1970's, federal incentives have played a major role in encouraging agriculture-based renewable energy production. Policy goals include the stimulation of alternative uses of domestic grain and oilseeds, the promotion of national security through greater energy independence, and the encouragement of rural economic development.
Many countries that participate in international markets for livestock and natural products have in place some form of animal identification and traceability system. In the U.S., livestock industry groups, animal health officials, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture have been working together to establish a nationwide animal identification system capable of tracking animals from birth to slaughter. This report contains information on animal identification, pros and cons of an animal identification system, the development of a national animal identification system, goals and standards of such a system, pending issues, Congressional actions, and more.
This report discusses about Farm to food dynamics. It also discusses about an array of cost that are layered on top of the price of a raw agricultural commodity at each stage of the marketing chain as it moves to the consumer.
This report provides background as well as details of the World Trade Organisation dispute settlement case between Canada and U.S
This report provides background on both the U.S. and Canadian corn sectors as well as the historical development of their corn trade dispute.In addition, it discusses the potential implications of the case for U.S. farm policy.
This report provides a brief description of the current farm safety net programs as a background for the congressional debate that is expected to precede the next round of omnibus farm legislation in 2012. The report also examines budget and policy issues and discusses implications for U.S. farm policy in the context of the World Trade Organization (WTO).
This report compares farm support in the United States and the European Union, given available quantitative data and information for these two economies.
This report discuses the periodic omnibus farm bill, which is renewed about every five years, and governs federal farm and food policy. The report contains congressional actions and a summary of the conference agreement provisions.
This report provides a short overview of Canada's political scene, its economic conditions, and its recent security and foreign policy, focusing particularly on issues that may be relevant to U.S. policymakers.