Saving, investment and growth in developing countries: an overview
In: Policy research working papers 1382
48 Ergebnisse
In: Policy research working papers 1382
In: Policy research working papers 1061
In: Transition and macro-adjustment
In: Policy, research, and external affairs working papers 575
In: Macroeconomic adjustment and growth
In: Banco de Espana Occasional Paper No. 1102
Working paper
In: Estudios de Economía, vol 37 (2): 161-88. 2010
This paper analyzes the relations between leadership, the policy making process, policies and institutions, and development results in Chile. It starts with a stylized model for the dynamics of development that derives a Kuznets type relation between growth and distribution of income, determined by the quality of leadership, the policy making process, institutions, and policies. This framework is applied to Chile, identifying the features of the policy making process and leadership that allowed for continuation of growth enhancing reform, with a stronger focus on equity goals, since the transition to democracy. As a result of three decades of reforms, Chile has recorded a quantum leap in economic growth, which is traced down to specific reforms. Yet Chile's equity experience is much more mixed: poverty has declined massively but income remains highly concentrated, a likely result of shortcomings in the quality of education and in labor markets. The paper reviews the major risks to the country's future development pace and points out the main reform challenges faced by policy makers.
In: International economics and economic policy, Band 3, Heft 3-4, S. 249-258
ISSN: 1612-4812
In: Pension reform in six countries: what can we learn from each other?, S. 139-169
In: Revista de Análisis Económico, 12 (2): 37-69, 1997.
In: Journal of African Economies, 5 (3):7-59, 1996.
In: World Bank discussion paper no.354
In: Managing Openness, S. 157-167
In: Journal of International Money and Finance, Band 22, Heft 7