In der Dissertation versucht der Autor aufzuzeigen, dass die politische Bildung eines Landes in einem sichtbaren Zusammenhang mit der jeweiligen politischen Kultur steht. Hierfür werden zunächst die politischen Kulturen der Untersuchungsländer Deutschland und Frankreich dargestellt, um in einem nächsten Schritt deren Wirkung auf die politische Bildung nachzuweisen. Um den Untersuchungsgegenstand im Sinne wissenschaftlicher Arbeitsweise zu präzisieren, beschränkt sich der Autor insbesondere auf die Untersuchung der institutionenkundlichen Inhalte politischer Bildungsarbeit. Die Nachweisführung erfolgt auf der Grundlage einer Lehrwerksanalyse der wichtigsten zugelassenen Schulbücher und durch die qualitative Untersuchung von Examensarbeiten zur Lehramtsbefähigung und einzelner Unterrichtsstunden.
This study examines the language attitudes of members of three (formerly) Afrikaans-speaking congregations of the multilingual Moravian Church in South Africa (MCSA) with regard to current language practices within the Church and their ideas for a future language policy. It is based on interviews held with members of these congregations, while concepts of identity serve as a theoretical framework. Through these, it is shown that the MCSA could neither pursue a monolingual nor a consistently multilingual language policy in order not to aggravate the identification of its members with the Church.
Schule, Ausbildung, Weiterbildung und Arbeit prägen unser Leben. Die Soziologin Jutta Allmendinger erforscht, wie Lebensverläufe aussehen können und sollen. Seit Jahren ist sie als meinungsstarke Mahnerin eine zentrale Figur in der Diskussion um Bildung. Im Gespräch mit uns erklärt sie, warum sie die Diskussion um lebenslanges Lernen nicht mag, warum Deutschland in der Bildungspolitik nicht alles falsch macht und warum sie noch keinen Burn-out hatte.
Within the field of early childhood education, the Nordic model is characterised as being child-centred and holistic, based on children's participation, democracy, autonomy, and freedom. Despite a strong tradition of incorporating children's perspectives, research has identified it as a democratic problem that children continue to occupy a non-privileged position in which their voices are often unheard or disregarded in many contexts. Similarly, there is a tendency to apply adult-led methods, such as interviews, which can hinder the openness to children's diverse ways of communicating, which is not just through verbal expressions. In this article, we position ourselves within what we perceive as the second wave of research on child perspectives in which the research interest converges on exploring how children's perspectives are connected with the contexts in which children participate. Drawing on agential realism and an empirical example from a daycare centre, we demonstrate how children's perspectives emerge from and become entangled with pedagogues, ethics, spaces, materials and discourse. Thus, the question is not about gaining access to children's perspectives, but rather to be concerned with the interactions wherein children's perspectives can emerge. This involves a critical view of the structures and basic assumptions that manifest themselves in the daily life of daycare centres and which underlie, and can result in, a subordination of children and children's perspectives.
Med den reviderede dagtilbudslov og »bekendtgørelse om pædagogiske mål og indhold i seks læreplanstemaer« står de danske daginstitutionspædagoger midt i en forandringsproces, hvor gamle læreplanspraksisser må vige for nye. Til at understøtte forandringen har Børne-og Socialministeriet (nu Børne- og Undervisningsministeriet) i samarbejde med Danmarks Evalueringsinstitut udgivet en række vejledningsmaterialer, som skal støtte pædagogers oversættelse af lovens intentioner og centrale begreber. I denne artikel vil vi undersøge, hvordan et policy-begreb som 'spontane aktiviteter' skal understøtte forandringsprocessen, og hvordan begrebet kan styre pædagogers blikke for og arbejde med børns legekultur og udtryksformer. Formålet er gennem policy-analyse, litteratur-review og video observationer fra tre daginstitutioner at beskrive og forstå, hvad spontane aktiviteter dækker over både som politisk og som pædagogisk fænomen. Spon tane aktiviteter i policy-dokumenterne optræder som modvægt til de voksenstyrede lærings aktiviteter, der har domineret hverdagsstrukturen i daginstitutionerne i Danmark med stigende intensitet siden indførelsen af de første læreplaner i 2004. På baggrund af litteratur-review og empiriske analyser identificeres 5 indholdselementer i spontane aktiviteter. Disse perspektiverer vi til improvisationsteorien med henblik på at kunne diskutere, hvordan spontane aktiviteter kan producere (nye) fagligheder for pædagogerne.
Cancer is now considered a multifactorial disorder with different aetiologies and outcomes. Yet, all cancers share some common molecular features. Among these, the reprogramming of cellular metabolism has emerged as a key player in tumour initiation and progression. The finding that metabolic enzymes such as fumarate hydratase (FH), succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) and isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH), when mutated, cause cancer suggested that metabolic dysregulation is not only a consequence of oncogenic transformation but that it can act as cancer driver. However, the mechanisms underpinning the link between metabolic dysregulation and cancer remain only partially understood. In this review we discuss the role of FH loss in tumorigenesis, focusing on the role of fumarate as a key activator of a variety of oncogenic cascades. We also discuss how these alterations are integrated and converge towards common biological processes. This review highlights the complexity of the signals elicited by FH loss, describes that fumarate can act as a bona fide oncogenic event, and provides a compelling hypothesis of the stepwise neoplastic progression after FH loss. ; MS and CF are funded by an MRC Core Funding to the MRC Cancer Unit MRC_MC_UU_12022/6, CS is funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 722605.
Purpose Entomophagy (i.e. human insect consumption) is seen as one promising route to substantially reduce food-related carbon footprints as insects can be produced at a fraction of the carbon emitted by traditional Western meat production (e.g. beef, pork, poultry). In this light, the purpose of this paper is to address how prices may affect preferences for insects as food. Design/methodology/approach Drawing on consumer research on positive functions of prices (e.g. the widely held belief that price and quality are positively correlated), the authors present two behavioural experiments that manipulated price cues to estimate the effect on expectations, eating behaviour and willingness-to-pay as central preference indicators. Findings Consistent with the predictions, high prices as initial anchors positively affect food preferences. Furthermore, they incur a positive spill-over effect to subsequent consumption of insects that are unprocessed (i.e. truffles in which mealworms are visible in their entity) and for which no price information is available. Additionally, the authors show that the positive effects of high prices on preferences are muted if prices are artificially lowered (e.g. by means of government subsidies, Experiment 2). Practical implications Taken together, the authors show that preferences for novel foods such as insects can be promoted by systematically taking into account behavioural economic theories. This suggests that behavioural theory can be used to reap environmental benefits of entomophagy. Originality/value This research links behavioural economics with the actual consumption of insects and therefore complements survey research on behavioural intentions.
In: Aabro , C M , Schmidt , C H & Nielsen , S B 2019 , ' A New Type of ECEC Professionalism? Self-organised symposium (SIG) ' , EECERA 29th Conference , Thessaloniki , Greece , 20/08/2019 - 23/08/2019 pp. 195-196 .
The ECEC area – traditionally located in the "outskirts" of societal interest – has gradually moved towards a more central position, as an politicized area of social intervention and learning. New demands for evidence, new relations of economic interests, new research focusing on "what works" and new monitorial demands are evolving. At the same time, both transnational and national learning agendas is being implemented at a very large scale, carrying commercial systems, strong didactical implications and intensified requirements regarding control and documentation. This development has transformed the role of the ECEC institutions. But what about the professional? The question is whether we are looking at a completely new type of professionalism of the ECEC pedagogue. The aim of this symposium is to discuss the change in professionalism of edagogues, in the light of this drastic development, based on three different perspectives on this question, drawing on three different empirical studies. ; The ECEC area – traditionally located in the "outskirts" of societal interest – has gradually moved towards a more central position, as an politicized area of social intervention and learning. New demands for evidence, new relations of economic interests, new research focusing on "what works" and new monitorial demands are evolving. At the same time, both transnational and national learning agendas is being implemented at a very large scale, carrying commercial systems, strong didactical implications and intensified requirements regarding control and documentation. This development has transformed the role of the ECEC institutions. But what about the professional? The question is whether we are looking at a completely new type of professionalism of the ECEC pedagogue. The aim of this symposium is to discuss the change in professionalism of edagogues, in the light of this drastic development, based on three different perspectives on this question, drawing on three different empirical studies.
In: Journal of risk research: the official journal of the Society for Risk Analysis Europe and the Society for Risk Analysis Japan, Band 16, Heft 3-4, S. 407-420
Italy and Belgium have been among the first western countries to face the Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) emergency, imposing a total lockdown over the entire national territories. These limitations have proven effective in slowing down the spread of the infection. However, the benefits obtained in public health have come with huge costs in terms of social, economic, and psychological well-being. In the current study, we aimed at investigating how the period of home confinement affected self-reported sleep characteristics in Italians and Belgians, with special regard to sleep timing and subjective quality. Using an online survey we collected data from 2272 participants, 1622 Italians (Mage=34.1±13.6 years, 1171 F), and 650 Belgian (Mage=43.0±16.8 years, 509 F). Participants reported their sleep pattern (e.g., bedtime, risetime) and perceived sleep quality during and, retrospectively, before the lockdown. During the lockdown, sleep timing was significantly delayed, time spent in bed increased, and sleep quality was markedly impaired in both Italians and Belgians. The most vulnerable individuals appeared to be women, subjects experiencing a more negative mood, and those perceiving the pandemic situation as highly stressful. However, the two samples differed in the subgroups most affected by the changes, possibly because of the different welfare systems of the two countries. In fact, in the Italian sample sleep quality and timing underwent significant modifications especially in unemployed participants, whereas in the Belgian sample this category was the one who suffered less from the restrictions. Considering that the novel coronavirus has spread across the whole globe, involving countries with different types of health and welfare systems, understanding which policy measures have the most effective protecting role on physical and mental health is of primary importance. ; Peer reviewed
ABSTRACT Connectivity is a fundamental process driving the persistence of marine populations and their adaptation potential in response to environmental change. In this study, we analysed the population genetics of two morphologically highly similar deep-sea sponge clades (Phakellia hirondellei and the 'Topsentia-and-Petromica' clade, (hereafter referred to as 'TaP clade')) at three locations in the Cantabrian Sea and simultaneously assessed the corresponding host microbiome by 16S rRNA gene sequencing. A virtual particle tracking approach (Lagrangian modelling) was applied to assess oceanographic connectivity in the study area. We observed overall genetic uniformity for both sponge clades. Notably, subtle genetic differences were observed for sponges of the TaP clade and also their microbiomes between a canyon and bank location, < 100 km apart and with the same depth range. The Lagrangian model output suggests a strong retention of larvae in the study area with variable inter-annual connectivity via currents between the three sampling regions. We conclude that geologic features (canyons) and the prevailing ocean currents may dictate sponge holobiont connectivity and that differentiation can emerge even on small spatial scales. ; ABBREVIATIONS TaP cladeTopsentia-and-Petromica clade ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We dedicate this study to Hans Tore Rapp, friend, mentor and esteemed colleague whose outstanding expertise in deep-sea sponge taxonomy will be dearly missed. We greatly acknowledge the crew and scientific party of RV Ángeles Alvariño cruise SponGES0617 for their valuable support at sea. As well as members of the IEO Gijón for logistical support during a guest stay of KB before the cruise. We appreciate Andrea Hethke's and Ina Clefsen's, as well as Thomas Hansen's assistance in the laboratory after the cruise while generating the microbial amplicon and flow cytometry data. We thank Willi Rath for support in technical issues with the modelling part, and Lara Schmittmann and Ina Clefsen for technical support with 18S ...