In: SWISS REVIEW OF WORLD AFFAIRS, Band 41, Heft 1, S. 4-5
16 Ergebnisse
In: SWISS REVIEW OF WORLD AFFAIRS, Band 41, Heft 1, S. 4-5
In: Notfall & Rettungsmedizin: Organ von: Deutsche Interdisziplinäre Vereinigung für Intensiv- und Notfallmedizin, Band 24, Heft 2, S. 159-161
ISSN: 1436-0578
In: Swiss Medical Forum ‒ Schweizerisches Medizin-Forum, Band 7, Heft 7
ISSN: 1424-4020
In: Swiss Medical Forum ‒ Schweizerisches Medizin-Forum
ISSN: 1424-4020
In: Notfall & Rettungsmedizin: Organ von: Deutsche Interdisziplinäre Vereinigung für Intensiv- und Notfallmedizin, Band 8, Heft 5, S. 334-341
ISSN: 1436-0578
In: Swiss Medical Forum ‒ Schweizerisches Medizin-Forum
ISSN: 1424-4020
In: Swiss Medical Forum ‒ Schweizerisches Medizin-Forum
ISSN: 1424-4020
In: Swiss Medical Forum ‒ Schweizerisches Medizin-Forum
ISSN: 1424-4020
In: Swiss Medical Forum ‒ Schweizerisches Medizin-Forum
ISSN: 1424-4020
In: Österreichische Wasser- und Abfallwirtschaft, Band 76, Heft 7-8, S. 327-334
ISSN: 1613-7566
ZusammenfassungDie meisten Flüsse der Erde sind durch interagierende soziale und natürliche Prozesse geformt und verändert worden. Als industrialisierte Flusslandschaften (Industrialized Riverine Landscapes – IRL) sind sie Teil unserer kritischen Infrastruktur geworden, entscheidend für den Nexus Wasser-Energie-Nahrung, aber auch geprägt durch Extremereignisse und anfällig für den Biodiversitätsverlust im Zuge des globalen Wandels. Diese Situation stellt das Management von Flusslandschaften vor große Herausforderungen und erfordert dringend einen interdisziplinären Ansatz, der Natur‑, Sozial- und Ingenieurwissenschaften integriert, um die Ursachen und den Verlauf des Wandels von Flusssystemen zu analysieren und zu Lösungsansätzen beizutragen. Das FWF-Doktoratsprogramm IRL baut auf der Doktoratsschule "HR21 – Human Rivers Systems in the 21st century" (hr21.boku.ac.at) an der BOKU Wien auf und erforscht Flusslandschaften als gekoppelte sozio-ökohydrologische Systeme (SEHS). Im Rahmen von Promotionsprojekten werden die Ursachen des Wandels und der Wandel selbst analysiert und mögliche Zukunftsszenarien dargestellt. Die Erforschung von Flüssen als SEHS bringt neue Einsichten in die Koevolution von Natur und Gesellschaft als Wissensgrundlage in eine nachhaltigere Zukunft. Die Doktoratsschule ist in vier Forschungscluster gegliedert, die sich an wesentlichen Systemgrößen der aktuellen Fluss- und Nachhaltigkeitswissenschaft orientieren: (1) Konnektivität, (2) Governance und Planung, (3) Metabolismus und (4) Vulnerabilität. Die DoktorandInnen forschen gemeinsam mit Teams aus BOKU-WissenschaftlerInnen und internationalen KooperationspartnerInnen mit dem Ziel, ein umfassendes Verständnis der Kopplung von natürlichen mit sozialen Systemen zu erhalten. Drei Forschungsfelder, die gleichzeitig drängende Probleme in Flusslandschaften und für die Gesellschaft darstellen, bilden den thematischen Schwerpunkt der fünfzehn neuen Doktoratsprojekte: (1) Extremereignisse, (2) Infrastruktur und Urbanisierung und (3) der Nexus Wasser-Energie-Nahrung.
6 pags., 4 figs., 1 tab. -- Open Access funded by Creative Commons Atribution Licence 4.0 ; The first 2(+) and 3(-) states of the doubly magic nucleus Sn-132 are populated via safe Coulomb excitation employing the recently commissioned HIE-ISOLDE accelerator at CERN in conjunction with the highly efficient MINIBALL array. The Sn-132 ions are accelerated to an energy of 5.49 MeV/nucleon and impinged on a Pb-206 target. Deexciting gamma rays from the low-lying excited states of the target and the projectile are recorded in coincidence with scattered particles. The reduced transition strengths are determined for the transitions 0(g.s)(+) -> 2(1)(+), 0(g.s)(+) -> 3(1)(-), and 2(1)(+) -> 3(1)(-) in Sn-132. The results on these states provide crucial information on cross-shell configurations which are determined within large-scale shell-model and Monte Carlo shell-model calculations as well as from random-phase approximation and relativistic random-phase approximation. The locally enhanced B(E2; 0(g.s)(+) -> 2(1)(+)) strength is consistent with the microscopic description of the structure of the respective states within all theoretical approaches. The presented results of experiment and theory can be considered to be the first direct verification of the sphericity and double magicity of Sn-132. ; The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under Grant Agreement No. 654002. This work was supported by the German BMBF under Contract No. 05P15PKCIA and Verbundprojekt No. 05P2015, in part by the High Performance Computing Infrastructure Strategic Program (Grant No. hp150224), in part by MEXT and Joint Institute for Computational Fundamental Science and a priority issue (elucidation of the fundamental laws and evolution of the universe) to be tackled by using the Post "K" Computer (Grants No. hp160211 and No. hp170230), in part by the HPCI system research project (Grant No. hp170182), by the CNS-RIKEN joint project for large-scale nuclear-structure calculations, in part by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness through Project No. FPA2017-87568-P, by FWO-Vlaanderen (Belgium), by GOA/2010/010 (BOF KU Leuven), and by the Interuniversity Attraction Poles Programme initiated by the Belgian Science Policy Office (BriX network P7/12). A. V. and L. K. thank the Bonn-Cologne Graduate School of Physics and Astronomy for financial support. J. P. and D. M. C. acknowledge the Academy of Finland (Contract No. 265023). G. R. acknowledges support by Bulgarian National Science Fund under Grant No. DN08/23/16. L. P. G. has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Skłodowska- Curie Grant Agreement No. 665779. ; Peer Reviewed
5 pags., 6 figs. ; Single-neutron states in the , isotope 79Zn have been populated using the 78Zn(d, p)79Zn transfer reaction at REX-ISOLDE, CERN. The experimental setup allowed the combined detection of protons ejected in the reaction, and of γ rays emitted by 79Zn. The analysis reveals that the lowest excited states populated in the reaction lie at approximately 1 MeV of excitation, and involve neutron orbits above the shell gap. From the analysis of γ-ray data and of proton angular distributions, characteristic of the amount of angular momentum transferred, a configuration was assigned to a state at 983 keV. Comparison with large-scale-shell-model calculations supports a robust neutron shell-closure for 78Ni. These data constitute an important step towards the understanding of the magicity of 78Ni and of the structure of nuclei in the region. ; This work was supported by the European Commission through the Marie Curie Actions Contracts Nos. PIEFGA-2011-30096 (R.O.) and PIEFGA-2008-219175 (J.P.), by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación under contracts FPA2009-13377-C02 and FPA2011-29854-C04, by the Spanish MEC Consolider – Ingenio 2010, Project No. CDS2007-00042 (CPAN), by FWO-Vlaanderen (Belgium), by GOA/2010/010 (BOF KU Leuven), by the Interuniversity Attraction Poles Programme initiated by the Belgian Science Policy Office (BriX network P7/12), by the European Union Seventh Framework Programme through ENSAR, contract no. RII3-CT-2010-262010, and by the German BMBF under contracts 05P09PKCI5, 05P12PKFNE, 05P12RDCIA and 06DA9036I. R.O., R.C., J.F.W.L., V.L. and J.F.S. also acknowledge support from STFC, Grant Nos. PP/F000944/1, ST/F007590/1, and ST/J000183/2.
In: Terheyden, Jan H., Finger, Robert P., Schmitz-Valckenberg, Steffen, Agostini, Hansjuergen, Dahlke, Claudia, Kuehlewein, Laura, Lang, Gabriele E., Pauleikhoff, Daniel, Wolf, Armin, Boettger, Michael K., Luhmann, Ulrich F. O., Asmus, Friedrich, Holz, Frank G., Asmus, F., Asmus, F., Berger, M., Binns, A., Boettger, M., Bouchet, C., Brazier, J. E., Butt, T., Carapezzi, C., Carlton, J., Costa, M., Crabb, D. P., Cunha-Vaz, J., Dunbar, H., Durbin, M., Finger, R., Holz, F., Hoyng, C., Kraetzschmar, J., Luhmann, U., Luening, A., Margaron, Ph., Martinho, C., Melicio, B., Normand, G., Rowen, D., Rubin, G. S., Sahel, J., Sanchez, C. I., Fernandes, D., Schmid, M., Schmitz-Valckenberg, S., Skelly, A., Terheyden, J., Tufail, A., Wojek, C. and Zamiri, P. (2019). Development and validation of novel clinical endpoints in intermediate age-related macular degeneration in MACUSTAR. Ophthalmologe, 116 (12). S. 1186 - 1194. HEIDELBERG: SPRINGER HEIDELBERG. ISSN 1433-0423
Background Currently, no validated clinical endpoints for treatment studies exist for intermediate age-related macular degeneration (iAMD). Objective The European MACUSTAR study aims to develop and clinically validate adequate clinical endpoints for future treatment studies in iAMD and to identify early determinants of disease progression to late stage AMD. Material and methods The MACUSTAR study protocol was developed by an international consortium of researchers from academia, the pharmaceutical industry and medical device companies. The MACUSTAR project is funded by the Innovative Medicines Initiative 2 (IMI2) of the European Union. Results The MACUSTAR study consists of a cross-sectional and a longitudinal investigation. A total of 750 subjects with early, intermediate and late AMD as well as control subjects with no signs of AMD will be included with a follow-up period of 3 years. Overall, 20 European study centers are involved. Conclusion The MACUSTAR project will generate large high-quality datasets, which will allow clinical validation of novel endpoints for future interventional trials in iAMD. The aim is that these endpoints will be accepted as suitable for medication approval studies by the regulatory authorities and that understanding of the disease process will be improved.
In: Terheyden, Jan H., Finger, Robert P., Schmitz-Valckenberg, Steffen, Agostini, Hansjuergen, Dahlke, Claudia, Kuehlewein, Laura, Lang, Gabriele E., Pauleikhoff, Daniel, Wolf, Armin, Boettger, Michael K., Luhmann, Ulrich F. O., Asmus, Friedrich, Holz, Frank G., Asmus, F., Berger, M., Binns, A., Boettger, M., Bouchet, C., Brazier, J. E., Butt, T., Carapezzi, C., Carlton, J., Costa, M., Crabb, D. P., Cunha-Vaz, J., Dunbar, H., Durbin, M., Finger, R., Holz, F., Hoyng, C., Kraetzschmar, J., Luhmann, U., Luening, A., Margaron, Ph., Martinho, C., Melicio, B., Normand, G., Rowen, D., Rubin, G. S., Sahel, J., Sanchez, C. I., Fernandes, D. Sanches, Schmid, M., Schmitz-Valckenberg, S., Skelly, A., Terheyden, J., Tufail, A., Wojek, C. and Zamiri, P. (2019). Development and validation of novel clinical endpoints in intermediate age-related macular degeneration in MACUSTAR. Ophthalmologe, 116 (12). S. 1186 - 1194. HEIDELBERG: SPRINGER HEIDELBERG. ISSN 1433-0423
Background. Currently, no validated clinical endpoints for treatment studies exist for intermediate age-related macular degeneration (iAMD). Objective. The European MACUSTAR study aims to develop and clinically validate adequate clinical endpoints for future treatment studies in iAMD and to identify early determinants of disease progression to late stage AMD. Material and methods. The MACUSTAR study protocol was developed by an international consortium of researchers from academia, the pharmaceutical industry and medical device companies. The MACUSTAR project is funded by the Innovative Medicines Initiative 2 (IMI2) of the European Union. Results. The MACUSTAR study consists of a cross-sectional and a longitudinal investigation. A total of 750 subjects with early, intermediate and late AMD as well as control subjects with no signs of AMD will be included with a follow-up period of 3 years. Overall, 20 European study centers are involved. Conclusion. The MACUSTAR project will generate large high-quality datasets, which will allow clinical validation of novel endpoints for future interventional trials in iAMD. The aim is that these endpoints will be accepted as suitable for medication approval studies by the regulatory authorities and that understanding of the disease process will be improved.