Economics of competition
In: Economic issues, problems and perspectives
In: Global economic studies
Intro -- ECONOMICS OF COMPETITION -- ECONOMICS OF COMPETITION -- LIBRARY OF CONGRESS CATALOGING-IN-PUBLICATION DATA -- CONTENTS -- PREFACE -- Chapter 1: COMPETITION AND ANTITRUST POLICY: AN AUSTRIAN ECONOMICS PERSPECTIVE -- Abstract -- 1. Introduction -- 2. The "Austrian" Understanding of Competition -- 2.1. Competition as Dynamic, Rivalrous Market Process -- 2.2. The Knowledge Problem -- 2.3. Competition as a Discovery Procedure -- 2.4. The Entrepreneur as the Driving Force of Competition -- 3. Crucial Requirements Crucial to Unleash and MaintainCompetition as a Discovery Procedure -- 3.1. Institutional Conditions -- 3.2. Barriers to Entry -- 4. Is Market Power a Problem in the AustrianUnderstanding of Competition? -- 5. The Case Against Antitrust -- Conclusion -- References -- Chapter 2: THE MARKET FOR SELF-MEDICATION IN AUSTRIA: THE COMPETITION ECONOMIST'S POINT OF VIEW -- Abstract -- A. Introduction -- B. The Austrian OTC Market -- 1. Market Definition -- C. Regulation of the OTC Market -- D. Price Formation by a Chain of Monopolies -- E. International Practices to Regulate the OTC Market -- F. Consumer Information -- G. Market Performance - Summary Evaluation -- Chapter 3: THE GREED FACTOR: THE INSIDIOUSENEMY THAT IS BEING IGNORED -- Abstract -- Introduction -- From Ambition to Greed -- A Comparative Analysis -- Differences in the Practices -- Destructive Practices of the Greedy -- Key Practices of the Ambitious -- Combatting Greed -- Ethical Counter Greed -- Legal Counter Greed -- Financial Counter Greed -- Conclusion -- References -- Chapter 4: ESSAYS ON CONSUMPTION BEHAVIORS IN A VERTICAL DIFFERENTIATION MODEL -- Abstract -- 1. Introduction -- 2. BenchmarkModel -- 3. Relative Preferences for Quality (RPQ) -- 3.1. RPQ Model's Specifications -- 3.2. RPQ's Market Outcome -- 4. Addictive Ordinary Goods (AOG) -- 4.1. AOG Model's Specifications.