5 Ergebnisse
Working paper
Libra - Concept and Policy Implications
The announcement of the Libra Association to issue a private global currency has triggered a heated debate about the concomitantadvantages and risks. Proponents expectLibra to unfetter money from its "governmental chains" and liberalize and cheapen monetary transactions around the globe. Opponents argue that a private currency imposes unforeseeable risks forboth individualsand the whole financial system. Furthermore, Libra could hamper monetary policies of national central banks. This paper contributes to the debate in two ways. First, we offer a comprehensive overview of the concept of Libra and its possible benefits and downsides to analyze its market potential. Second, we discuss potential implications that a private currency as Libra poses for monetary policy and financial regulation.
Libra – Konzept und wirtschaftspolitische Implikationen
Die Ankündigung der Libra Association, mit Libra eine private globale Währung zu emittieren, hat eine heftige Debatte über die damit verbundenen Chancen und Risiken ausgelöst. Befürworter erwarten, dass Libra das Geldsystem von seinen "staatlichen Fesseln" befreien und den Zahlungsverkehr weltweit liberalisieren und verbilligen kann. Gegner argumentieren, dass eine private Währung erhebliche Risiken für den einzelnen Nutzer und das gesamte Finanzsystem mit sich bringt. Darüber hinaus könne Libra die Effizienz der nationalen Geldpolitiken einschränken. Dieser Beitrag erläutert das Konzept von Libra und leitet aus deren Vor- und Nachteilen das Marktpotenzial von Libra ab. Zudem werden Implikationen für die Geldpolitik und die Finanzmarktregulierung beleuchtet.
The Legal Liability of a Private Security Guard Company for the Criminal Acts of Third Parties: An Overview
In: The annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Band 498, Heft 1, S. 91-97
ISSN: 1552-3349
The circumstances in which a private security guard company will be held monetarily liable to victims of criminal acts by third parties are examined. The standard of care imposed upon private security companies by general legal principles throughout the United States is identified as well as those classes of persons to whom such a duty is owed. Several common-law principles that mitigate the imposition of any liability imposed upon private security firms are also noted.
The Legal Liability of a Private Security Guard Company for the Criminal Acts of Third Parties: An Overview
In: The annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Band 498 (July), S. 91
ISSN: 0002-7162