Brain gain: claims about its size and impact on welfare and growth are greatly exaggerated
In: Policy research working paper 3708
19 Ergebnisse
In: Policy research working paper 3708
In: Policy research working paper 3190
In: ERS staff report 850827
In: ERS staff report 850827
In: World development: the multi-disciplinary international journal devoted to the study and promotion of world development
ISSN: 0305-750X
World Affairs Online
In: A World Bank publication
World Affairs Online
In: Discussion paper / IZA, 4938
World Affairs Online
In: Discussion paper series 3378
This paper examines the impact of North-South trade-related technology diffusion on TFP growth in small and large states in the South. The main findings are: i) TFP growth increases with North-South trade-related technology diffusion, with education, and with the interaction between the two, and it decreases with the emigration of skilled labor (brain drain); ii) these effects are substantially (over three times) larger in small states than in large ones. Small states also exhibit a much higher brain drain level. Consequently, the brain drain generates greater losses in terms of TFP growth both because of its greater sensitivity to the brain drain and because the brain drain is substantially larger in small than in large states. -- Brain drain ; technology diffusion ; trade ; productivity growth
In: Discussion paper series 3383
This paper examines the relative contribution of openness and the R&D content of trade to TFP growth for North-South trade-related technology diffusion. The measure of foreign R&D used in the literature on trade-related technology diffusion imposes identical contributions of openness and the R&D content of trade to TFP. We allow these contributions to differ and show that openness has a greater impact on TFP growth than R&D. These results imply that the impact of openness on TFP in developing countries is larger than previously obtained in this literature. In other words, developing countries can obtain larger productivity gains from trade liberalization than previously thought. -- Technology diffusion ; R&D ; openness ; North-South
In: Trade and development series
In: Journal of development economics
ISSN: 0304-3878
World Affairs Online
In: Economic development and cultural change: a journal designed for exploratory discussion of the problems of economic development and cultural change. Supplement
ISSN: 0013-0079
Es ist verbreitete Meinung, daß die Preiselastizität landwirtschaftlicher Produktion in Entwicklungsländern zwar für einzelne Produkte groß sein kann, im Aggregat jedoch niedrig ist. Dieses Argument war wesentlich für die Vernachlässigung des Agrarsektors in der Dritten Welt und die Verschlechterung seiner internen Terms of Trade verantwortlich. Ziel dieses Beitrags ist es, eine Reihe von noch unbeantworteten Fragen im Hinblick auf die Preiselastizität aggregierter landwirtschaftlicher Produktion zu beantworten. Grundlage sind 400 Beobachtungen aus 18 Entwicklungsländern, die die Jahre von 1960 bis 1985 abdecken. Da sich die kontroverse Diskussion zu dieser Frage hauptsächlich auf Subsahara-Afrika bezieht, steht diese Region bei der Analyse im Vordergrund. Das differenzierte Ergebnis bestätigt nur in Teilen eine unelastische Agrarproduktion in Afrika. (DÜI-Hlb)
World Affairs Online
In: Discussion paper series 3393
It has been argued that the brain drain's negative impact may be offset by the higher remittance levels skilled migrants send home. This paper examines whether remittances actually increase with migrants' education level. The determinants of remittances it considers include migration levels or rates, migrants' education level, and source countries' income, financial sector development and expected growth rate. The estimation takes potential endogeneity into account, an issue not considered in the few studies on this topic. Our main finding is that remittances decrease with the share of migrants with tertiary education. This provides an additional reason for which source countries would prefer unskilled to skilled labor migration. Moreover, as predicted by our model, remittances increase with source countries' level and rate of migration, financial sector development and population, and decrease with these countries' income and expected growth rate. -- Migration ; remittances ; education level ; brain drain
In: Trade and Development Series
International migration has become a central element of international relations and global integration due to its rapidly increasing economic, social, and cultural impact in both source and destination countries. This book provides new evidence on the impact of migration and remittances on several development indicators, including innovative thinking about the nexus between migration and birth rates. In addition, the book identifies the effect of host country policies on migration flows, examines the determinants of return and repeat migration, and explores the degree of success of return migr
In: The journal of development studies
ISSN: 1743-9140
World Affairs Online
In: The journal of development studies: JDS
ISSN: 0022-0388
World Affairs Online