7 Ergebnisse
Segmenting global markets by generational cohorts: determining motivations by age
In: Journal of consumer behaviour, Band 4, Heft 1, S. 51-63
ISSN: 1479-1838
AbstractMarketing has long rested on the use of market segmentation. While birth age has been a useful way to create groups, it describes segments but in itself does not help to understand segment motivations. Environmental events experienced during one's coming‐of‐age years, however, create values that remain relatively unchanged throughout one's life. Such values provide a common bond for those in that age group, or cohort. Segmenting by 'coming‐of‐age' age provides a richer segmentation approach than birth age. This approach, known to work in America, is used in this paper to create generational cohorts in Russia and in Brazil. Copyright © 2004 Henry Stewart Publications Ltd.
Prepaid vs. Promised Monetary Incentives to Questionnaire Response: Further Evidence
In: Public opinion quarterly: journal of the American Association for Public Opinion Research, Band 40, Heft 1, S. 105-107
ISSN: 0033-362X
While the effect of prepaid, overpromised monetary incentives appear stronger, not all research situations allow prepayment of cash inducements. The results are reported of a study that tested the promised incentive rates of $1, $2, $3, & $5 as well as no incentive. Drivers of 900 randomly-selected automobiles were approached as they stopped at a turnpike toll gate & handed a postage-paid return envelope containing a cover letter, a 10-page questionnaire &, in some packets, a sheet promising a cash incentive for questionnaire completion. Envelopes testing no incentive logically contained no incentive sheet. The different incentive values were randomly distributed. The promised incentive values of $2 with a response rate of 41% resulted in a appreciable increase in response over lower values & represents a statistically significant difference from the $1 cash incentive with a 25% response rate, & from offering no incentive which resulted in a 28% response rate. The incentive value of $0 & $1 are not significantly different & similarly no significant differences are seen between $2 & $3 (40.5% response rate) & between $3 & 1225 (44% response rate). $2 appeared to be the most effective promised monetary incentive rate. 1.
Racial Attitudes, Educational Level, and a Personality Measure
In: Public opinion quarterly: journal of the American Association for Public Opinion Research, Band 40, Heft 1
ISSN: 0033-362X
Are today's Millennials splintering into a new generational cohort? Maybe!
In: Journal of consumer behaviour, Band 12, Heft 1, S. 20-31
ISSN: 1479-1838
ABSTRACTA new generational cohort is emerging from the Millennial market segment as a result of cataclysmic events that have occurred since 2008. Interviews with college upperclassmen in the United States identified significant events influencing their values, the values arising from these events, and new values not associated with older Millennials. The most important events identified included the Great Recession, 9/11, and the election of the first African‐American president. Values of Millennials were assessed in online surveys of college juniors and seniors in the United States in the fall of 2009 and 2010 and among older Millennials, aged 27–31, during the summer of 2010. The values most strongly differentiating the younger and older Millennials were "piety" and "thrift." Younger Millennials in the United States are less thrifty and more secular and sexually permissive than older Millennials. They are also less patriotic and less concerned about politics, sustainability, saving, and making mistakes in life. This suggests a splintering of the Millennials cohort as a result of the Great Recession and the potential emergence of a younger "entitlement" cohort. It also suggests further investigation of cross‐national value shifts among younger Millennials, prompted by the Great Recession. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.