6 Ergebnisse
HBM4EU Occupational Biomonitoring Study on e-Waste-Study Protocol
This article belongs to the Special Issue 2nd Edition: Human Biomonitoring of Environmental and Occupational Exposures ; Study Protocol ; Workers involved in the processing of electronic waste (e-waste) are potentially exposed to toxic chemicals. If exposure occurs, this may result in uptake and potential adverse health effects. Thus, exposure surveillance is an important requirement for health risk management and prevention of occupational disease. Human biomonitoring by measurement of specific biomarkers in body fluids is considered as an effective method of exposure surveillance. The aim of this study is to investigate the internal exposure of workers processing e-waste using a human biomonitoring approach, which will stimulate improved work practices and contribute to raising awareness of potential hazards. This exploratory study in occupational exposures in e-waste processing is part of the European Human Biomonitoring Initiative (HBM4EU). Here we present a study protocol using a cross sectional survey design to study worker's exposures and compare these to the exposure of subjects preferably employed in the same company but with no known exposure to industrial recycling of e-waste. The present study protocol will be applied in six to eight European countries to ensure standardised data collection. The target population size is 300 exposed and 150 controls. Biomarkers of exposure for the following chemicals will be used: chromium, cadmium and lead in blood and urine; brominated flame retardants and polychlorobiphenyls in blood; mercury, organophosphate flame retardants and phthalates in urine, and chromium, cadmium, lead and mercury in hair. In addition, the following effect biomarkers will be studied: micronuclei, epigenetic, oxidative stress, inflammatory markers and telomere length in blood and metabolomics in urine. Occupational hygiene sampling methods (airborne and settled dust, silicon wristbands and handwipes) and contextual information will be collected to facilitate the interpretation of the biomarker results and discuss exposure mitigating interventions to further reduce exposures if needed. This study protocol can be adapted to future European-wide occupational studies. ; This work has received external funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No. 733032 and received co-funding from the author's organizations and/or Ministries. ; info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
HBM4EU chromates study ; determinants of exposure to hexavalent chromium in plating, welding and other occupational settings
Funding Information: Funding: This research was conducted under the HBM4EU project and was funded by European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement no. 733032 and received co-funding from the author's organizations and/or Ministries. Luxembourg entered the study at a later stage and thus financed the study at its own means. Publisher Copyright: © 2022 by the author. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. ; Work-related exposures in industrial processing of chromate (chrome plating, surface treatment and welding) raise concern regarding the health risk of hexavalent chromium (Cr(VI)). In this study, performed under the HBM4EU project, we focused on better understanding the determinants of exposure and recognising how risk management measures (RMMs) contribute to a reduction in exposure. HBM and occupational hygiene data were collected from 399 workers and 203 controls recruited in nine European countries. Urinary total chromium (U-Cr), personal inhalable and respirable dust of Cr and Cr(VI) and Cr from hand wipes were collected. Data on the RMMs were collected by questionnaires. We studied the association between different exposure parameters and the use of RMMs. The relationship between exposure by inhalation and U-Cr in different worker groups was analysed using regression analysis and found a strong association. Automatisation of Cr electroplating dipping explained lower exposure levels in platers. The use of personal protective equipment resulted in lower U-Cr levels in welding, bath plating and painting. An effect of wearing gloves was observed in machining. An effect of local exhaust ventilation and training was observed in welding. Regression analyses showed that in platers, exposure to air level of 5 µg/m3 corresponds to U-Cr level of 7 µg/g creatinine. In welders, the same inhalation exposure resulted in lower U-Cr levels reflecting toxicokinetic differences of different chromium species. ; publishersversion ; published
HBM4EU chromates study - Reflection and lessons learnt from designing and undertaking a collaborative European biomonitoring study on occupational exposure to hexavalent chromium
Multicenter Study ; The EU human biomonitoring initiative, HBM4EU, aims to co-ordinate and advance human biomonitoring (HBM) across Europe. As part of HBM4EU, we presented a protocol for a multicentre study to characterize occupational exposure to hexavalent chromium (Cr(VI)) in nine European countries (HBM4EU chromates study). This study intended to collect data on current occupational exposure and to test new indicators for chromium (Cr) biomonitoring (Cr(VI) in exhaled breath condensate and Cr in red blood cells), in addition to traditional urinary total Cr analyses. Also, data from occupational hygiene samples and biomarkers of early biological effects, including genetic and epigenetic effects, was obtained, complementing the biomonitoring information. Data collection and analysis was completed, with the project findings being made separately available. As HBM4EU prepares to embark on further European wide biomonitoring studies, we considered it important to reflect on the experiences gained through our harmonised approach. Several practical aspects are highlighted for improvement in future studies, e.g., more thorough/earlier training on the implementation of standard operating procedures for field researchers, training on the use of the data entry template, as well as improved company communications. The HBM4EU chromates study team considered that the study had successfully demonstrated the feasibility of conducting a harmonised multicentre investigation able to achieve the research aims and objectives. This was largely attributable to the engaged multidisciplinary network, committed to deliver clearly understood goals. Such networks take time and investment to develop, but are priceless in terms of their ability to deliver and facilitate knowledge sharing and collaboration. ; Highlights: Feasibility of conducting harmonised Pan-European biomonitoring study on occupational exposure demonstrated; Developing a successful network and implementation of systematic methodology takes significant dedication from all involved; Methodological improvements were identified which will benefit future large-scale occupational biomonitoring campaigns; Developed multicentre network allows and promotes further opportunities for future research, knowledge sharing and collaboration; Data produced supports science to policy interface in the scope of REACH and occupational safety and health regulations. ; This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 733032 and received co-funding from the author's organizations and/or Ministries. ; info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
From inequitable to sustainable e-waste processing for reduction of impact on human health and the environment
Recycling of electric and electronic waste products (e-waste) which amounted to more than 50 million metric tonnes per year worldwide is a massive and global operation. Unfortunately, an estimated 70-80% of this waste has not been properly managed because the waste went from developed to low-income countries to be dumped into landfills or informally recycled. Such recycling has been carried out either directly on landfill sites or in small, often family-run recycling shops without much regulations or oversights. The process traditionally involved manual dismantling, cleaning with hazardous solvents, burning and melting on open fires, etc., which would generate a variety of toxic substances and exposure/hazards to applicators, family members, proximate residents and the environment. The situation clearly calls for global responsibility to reduce the impact on human health and the environment, especially in developing countries where poor residents have been shouldering the hazardous burden. On the other hand, formal e-waste recycling has been mainly conducted in small scales in industrialised countries. Whether the latter process would impose less risk to populations and environment has not been determined yet. Therefore, the main objectives of this review are: 1. to address current trends and emerging threats of not only informal but also formal e-waste management practices, and 2. to propose adequate measures and interventions. A major recommendation is to conduct independent surveillance of compliance with e-waste trading and processing according to the Basel Ban Amendment. The recycling industry needs to be carefully evaluated by joint effort from international agencies, producing industries and other stakeholders to develop better processes. Subsequent transition to more sustainable and equitable e-waste management solutions should result in more effective use of natural resources, and in prevention of adverse effects on health and the environment. ; Highlights: Most e-waste is informally and inequitably recycled in developing countries; Informal recycling is reported to damage human health and the environment; The currently practised e-waste management system is inequitable and unsustainable; Developing formal and safe e-waste management should be a global priority. ; This work was supported by the Diagnosis, Monitoring and Prevention of Exposure-Related Noncommunicable Diseases (DiMoPEx) COST Action project (CA15129) and its Final Action Dissemination Grant from the European Union ; info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
HBM4EU chromates study - Overall results and recommendations for the biomonitoring of occupational exposure to hexavalent chromium
Exposure to hexavalent chromium [Cr(VI)] may occur in several occupational activities, e.g., welding, Cr(VI) electroplating and other surface treatment processes. The aim of this study was to provide EU relevant data on occupational Cr(VI) exposure to support the regulatory risk assessment and decision-making. In addition, the capability and validity of different biomarkers for the assessment of Cr(VI) exposure were evaluated. The study involved nine European countries and involved 399 workers in different industry sectors with exposures to Cr(VI) such as welding, bath plating, applying or removing paint and other tasks. We also studied 203 controls to establish a background in workers with no direct exposure to Cr(VI). We applied a cross-sectional study design and used chromium in urine as the primary biomonitoring method for Cr(VI) exposure. Additionally, we studied the use of red blood cells (RBC) and exhaled breath condensate (EBC) for biomonitoring of exposure to Cr(VI). Personal measurements were used to study exposure to inhalable and respirable Cr(VI) by personal air sampling. Dermal exposure was studied by taking hand wipe samples. The highest internal exposures were observed in the use of Cr(VI) in electrolytic bath plating. In stainless steel welding the internal Cr exposure was clearly lower when compared to plating activities. We observed a high correlation between chromium urinary levels and air Cr(VI) or dermal total Cr exposure. Urinary chromium showed its value as a first approach for the assessment of total, internal exposure. Correlations between urinary chromium and Cr(VI) in EBC and Cr in RBC were low, probably due to differences in kinetics and indicating that these biomonitoring approaches may not be interchangeable but rather complementary. This study showed that occupational biomonitoring studies can be conducted successfully by multi-national collaboration and provide relevant information to support policy actions aiming to reduce occupational exposure to chemicals. ; This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 733032 and received co-funding from the author's organizations and/or Ministries. ; info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion