Establishment of human biomonitoring at EU level within the framework of the EHBMI (European Human Biomonitoring Initiative, HBM4EU): final report
In: Texte 2020, 168
In: Ressortforschungsplan of the Federal Ministry for the Enviroment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety
Protecting human health and the environment is one of the key aims of European policy. A lot has been achieved over the last decades but still a lot of substance related data are missing to enable politicians to take most appropriate decisions and actions. Especially human exposure data are necessary to verify estimates made in risk assessments and to monitor the presence of chemicals in the human body and hence in the environment. In order to obtain such human exposure data national authorities and research organisations in Europe joined efforts over the last years and are working towards a sustainable and harmonised human biomonitoring network in Europe. As the process is a step by step approach it is important to ensure that results are transferred among consecutive and parallel running projects. The present project aimed to use and further develop the knowledge and experience from the BRIDGE HEALTH project within the HBM4EU project (subtask 1). The experiences and results of BRIDGE HEALTH were assessed, and recommendations were made for relevant HBM4EU work packages. Besides this task, organisational support was provided for the annual HBM4EU consortium meetings of the partners, as well as the annual general assembly of the state actors controlling the national monitoring programmes (Governing Board) involved in HBM4EU. A strategic workshop was organised for the management team of HBM4EU and first organisational steps to prepare a high level HBM conference under the auspices of the German EU Council Presidency, which will take place on 2nd October 2020, were completed.