Cover -- Half Title -- Dedication -- Title -- Copyright -- Contents -- Acknowledgements -- Introduction -- 1 Theoretical Approaches to Economic Transformation: A Comparison -- 2 Economic Models and Market Images in Scholarly and Political Discourse Prior to the Collapse of the Soviet System -- 3 Conditions and Outcomes of the First Stage of post-Soviet Economic Reforms -- 4 Early Privatization: Expectations and Realities -- Conclusion -- Bibliography -- Index
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Foreword and Acknowledgments; Introduction. Images, Concepts and History of a Borderland; Chapter One. The Making of a Borderland; Chapter Two. Ex Oriente Lux: the Belarusian National State and the Soviet Union; Chapter Three. Borderland Forever: Modern Belarus; Conclusion. Whither Belarus?; Bibliography; Index.
Quality of transport infrastructure determines the quality of the provision of services for the transportation of goods and passengers. The infrastructure sector is a guarantee of efficiency, mobility and uninterrupted economic activity. However, the high quality of the transport infrastructure implies significant and long-term investments. According to a McKinsey research report, to support sustainable economic growth in the world in line with forecasts for 2030, it is necessary to cover the need for additional investment of $ 3.3 trillion annually, equivalent to 3.8% of world GDP. The purpose of this work is to analyze the existing European approach to assessing transport infrastructure expenditures and costs, their impact on transport performance at the country level, as well as trends in Ukrainian policy regarding the support and development of road infrastructure. Transport infrastructure costs include the investment in new infrastructure, the cost of upgrading the existing infrastructure, the cost of maintaining the infrastructure, and the operating costs to enable the use of the transport infrastructure. Directive 2011/76 / EU prescribes that the weighted average infrastructure charges should be linked to construction costs, as well as the costs of operation, maintenance and development of the corresponding infrastructure network. The official Eurostat data of investment and O&M costs of transport infrastructure based on the citizenship principle was taken for this study, namely: - the number of ton-kilometers traveled per year; - the volume of investments in road infrastructure per year; - the amount of funds for the maintenance of road infrastructure per year. The indicators were taken for countries of the EU for which statistics were available for 2016 and 2019. According to the study, the effect of investments in transport infrastructure is strongly manifested both in the same year and affects subsequent years in terms of the volume of annual transport work. That is, an increase in investment in ...
The relevance. Multidirectionality of artistic searches in the musical art of the first half of the XX century fully complies with the worldview and values of European culture of that time. The change of perception of the world, matter, time and space is objectified in the sound matter of musical works. Among the composers who have a defining role in paving the ways for new music, we should mention C. Debussy.
The purpose of the article is to identify and systematize of "non-classical" features in the orchestral manner of C. Debussy.
The novelty of the article is the study of the orchestral manner specifics of C. Debussy as "non-classical" in certain traits.
The methodology. The article uses functional, historical, comparative, analytical and complex methods. The theoretical basis of the study are the works of V. Bobrovskyi (2018), H. Golovynskyi (1981), S. Iskhakova (1998), L. Kokoreva (2010), S. Mozhot (2006).
The result. Extrapolation of scientific statements of V. Bobrovskyi, H. Golovynskyi, S. Iskhakova, L. Kokoreva, S. Mozhot to the sphere of orchestral thinking and orchestral manner of C. Debussy allowed to reveal signs of "non-classical" as the ones that draw a boundary between the principles of classical-romantic orchestration (based on functional harmony) and new music of the XX century. It is the "non-classical" features that allow to create a new sound matter, a new perception of space and time in the orchestral works of the composer. In our opinion, the manifestations of the "non-classical" are: 1) functional restructuring of the orchestral texture on the basis of non-hierarchy as the dominant principle; 2) building a dense, "concrete" in terms of eventfulness and, at the same time, light (massless), broad musical space, 3) levelling the boundary between the exposing (more integral and continuous) type of orchestration and developing (smaller, dialogical, discrete); 4) interpenetration of continuity and discreteness (discrete continuity) at the level of thematics and orchestration as a consequence of erasing the boundary between the functions of background and relief and the exposing and developing orchestration types.
The practical significance. The results of the work can be applied in the training courses "History of orchestral styles", "History of foreign music", which are studied in higher education institutions; in further scientific researches.
The problem of Ukrainian village situation in Khrushchev era is the subject of the scientific study of a constellation of home scholars. In modern Ukrainian historiography, it is relevant to highlight the issue of the anti-peasant character of the agrarian policy during the Soviet era in general and during the 'Thaw' in particular. Peasant studies are characterized by the analysis of agrarian transformations of 1953-1964 and the place of Ukrainian village in those processes, the coverage of certain issues of the life of Ukrainian peasantry in the days of the 'Thaw', among which the functioning of personal plots of collective farmers, the material well-being of Ukrainian peasantry, etc. A number of scientific works of V.Marchuk, M.Pliushch, L.Berenshtein, V.Lysak, I.Lubko, and others are devoted to these aspects. The goal of the paper is to characterize the key moments of restraining the development of personal plots of the Ukrainian peasantry after the time when Khrushchev became the sole leader of the party and the state. It is proved that when the government began to implement a number of measures that contradicted the postulates of a new course of agricultural policy, introduced by the September (1953) plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU, the state initiated a rather strict restriction of personal initiatives of the collective farm peasantry by aggressive administrative and coercive methods, which quickly reminded the peasants of the previous Stalin era, which they had not yet forgotten. A mass ideological campaign was launched, convincing that the private agricultural sector was a survival of the past, inefficient and impractical in a socialist society. All those measures in the aggregate gave only a negative result: first of all, it was an aggravation of material well-being of collective farmers since the personal plot was that foundation which gave the chance to a peasant family to earn appreciable incomes and to satisfy their own needs. Restrictions had led to a decrease in the number of agricultural products and rising prices for them on collective farm markets. The state did not take into account the fact that personal plots were an active and considerable component of agricultural production. The process of personal plots restricting was not logical, but was entirely initiated by the state. Accordingly, the process of weakening the agricultural sector of the economy as a whole began. ; Досліджено ставлення радянської держави до особистих присадибних господарств українського селянства у роки «відлиги». Проаналізовано ключові моменти у протіканні процесів стримування розвитку особистих господарств колгоспників після утвердження М.Хрущова як одноосібного лідера партії та держави. З'ясовано, що влада почала реалізовувати низку заходів, які йшли врозріз із постулатами щодо нового курсу аграрної політики, визначеного вересневим (1953р.) пленумом ЦККПРС. Доведено, що держава ініціювала досить жорстке обмеження особистих ініціатив колгоспного селянства агресивними адміністративно-примусовими методами.
In: Visnyk Nacionalʹnoi͏̈ akademii͏̈ kerivnych kadriv kulʹtury i mystectv: National Academy of Managerial Staff of Culture and Arts herald, Band 0, Heft 2
The article is devoted to the typological development of Poltava architecture of the late 19th - early 20th centuries. The study period includes intensive economic, cultural and social development of the city, which directly influenced the expansion of the typology of buildings. First of all, the city was built up by public buildings, which provided all spheres of public life -administrative, financial, commercial, educational, medical institutions and establishments. Their typological varieties depended on economic, political, social and cultural factors. Thus, the development of the economy contributed to the spread of financial and commercial institutions. The revival of cultural and social life led to the emergence of educational buildings, theaters, libraries. The development of education has influenced the creation of an extensive system of educational institutions. Local self-government demanded new administrative buildings. In parallel with public buildings, dwelling has developed intensively. Its typology reflected the class structure of society. A mansion became a common type of urban housing for the wealthy. In the development of Poltava, town mansions on a par with other types of buildings formed a compositional - spatial environment of the central part of the city.A characteristic, special type of housing for became an apartment house. The buildings of the late 19th and early 20th centuries still make up a significant part of the central part of the city. On the basis of archival, scientific, literary sources and field surveys, the objects of the studied period are identified, their functional purpose is analyzed and a register of types of buildings depending on the time of construction is compiled. This work can be used in the further study of the architecture of Poltava of the late XIX - early XX centuries, to become a basis for studying the stylistic and compositional features of the architecture of the city of the studied period. ; Присвячено типологічному розвитку архітектури Полтави кінця ХІХ – початку ХХ століть. На період дослідження припадає інтенсивна економічна, культурна та соціальна еволюція міста, що безпосередньо вплинуло на розширення типології будівель. У ході аналізу передумов та факторів розвитку архітектури міста цього періоду виявлена залежність між економічним і культурним піднесенням та появою будинків нового функціонального призначення. На основі архівних, наукових, літературних джерел та натурних обстежень виявлені об'єкти досліджуваного періоду, проаналізовано їх функціональне призначення. Авторкою складено реєстр типів будівель в залежності від часу будівництва. Дана робота може бути використана в подальших дослідження архітектури Полтави кінця ХІХ – початку ХХ століть, стати підґрунтям для вивчення стильових та композиційних особливостей архітектури міста цього періоду.
The article is devoted to the analysis of the subjects and legal consequences of professional pathology. The article deals with the legal consequences of recognition of professional pathology. The rights of subjects of professional pathology have been listed. They are identified as the principal participant in the occupational pathology relationship of an employee who, as a result of his or her professional activity, has suffered a deterioration in health or illness. The main subjects of occupational pathology, the author refers to a sick employee and employer. The author includes the following subjects of occupational pathology: specialized professional pathological treatment-and-prophylactic institution; medical expert commission; state sanitary and epidemiological service; commission to investigate the causes of occupational disease; Occupational Accident and Occupational Disease Insurance Fund; the primary organization of the trade union or an employee authorized by the employees; representatives of other bodies as needed. It is stated that the main duty of the employer in the field of pathology is to ensure that the harmful effect of the work process on the health of the employee is reduced and the level of probability of his / her occupational disease. The procedure for the establishment and functioning of the commission for the investigation of the causes of occupational disease is disclosed. The scientific article states that in addition to the employee, legal consequences also arise for the employer. First of all, they will manifest themselves in the need to eliminate the reasons that led to the pathology. If this is not possible, the employer should make every effort to reduce the likelihood of occupational disease in other workers. If it is proven that an occupational disease has occurred due to a breach of production and labor standards or standards, the employer may be subject to administrative or criminal liability. The legislation of Ukraine stipulates that a person who has received a professional ...