Non-financial risks in the banking sector risk management system
In: SHS web of Conferences: open access proceedings in Social and Human Sciences, Band 212, S. 01013
ISSN: 2261-2424
Issues of non-financial risk management in the banking sector in the context of the development of modern economic relations are characterized by a high level of uncertainty in the environment of their functioning, which determines their importance and relevance for the banking sector of the Russian Federation. This group of risks can significantly affect the stability, competitiveness and financial performance of the banking sector. Therefore, ignoring this group of risk factors can lead to negative consequences.The authors of the study examined the list of non-financial risks of the banking sector, which mainly include strategic, operational, regulatory, political, reputational and other risks. The study analyzed statistical data on the participation of the banking sector of the Russian economy in questionable transactions, namely in the withdrawal of funds abroad, laundering of proceeds from crime, etc. These operations have a negative impact primarily on the reputational risk of the bank, but the reason for its manifestation may be the implementation of operational banking risks. As a result of the study, directions for minimizing non-financial banking risks were proposed.