446 Ergebnisse
Nudging and Other Behaviourally Based Policies as Enablers for Environmental Sustainability
Recent years have shown that traditional regulatory techniques alone are not effective in achieving behaviour change in important fields such as environmental sustainability. Governments all over the world have been progressively including behaviourally informed considerations in policy and law making with the aim of improving the acceptance and impact of sustainability-oriented measures. This led to the arrival of alternative regulatory tools, such as nudges. The effectiveness of nudges for environmental sustainability (green nudges) has been widely reported, but the practical and ethical implications are still largely neglected by academic research. In this contribution, "nudges" are conceptually distinguished from "boosts" and their ethics are briefly explained. The analysis is made in light of European and US American academic literature.
Working paper
In: Revista de estudos sociais, Band 21, Heft 42, S. 35
ISSN: 2358-7024
Este artigo parte da constatação de que o comportamento do consumidor contraria a racionalidade substantiva descrita pela Escola Neoclássica, em que o homem econômico é tido como um ser cujo comportamento pode ser explicado pelo autointeresse e baseado nas escolhas feitas por meio de um ordenamento de suas preferencias. Sugere-se a abordagem da Psicologia Econômica como forma de análise do comportamento de consumo, inspirando-se no Modelo de Integração da Conduta Econômica de Fred van Raaij. Busca-se compreender a realidade do processo de tomada de decisão de consumo e o posicionamento ante o endividamento mediante uma pesquisa com 385 pessoas residentes em Salvador-Ba, pertencentes à População Economicamente Ativa.
Working paper
Philippa of Lancaster, The English lady, who was a queenship role model in Portugal (1387-1415) ; Felipa de Lancáster, la dama inglesa que fue modelo de reginalidad en Portugal (1387-1415)
Until a few decades ago, the historians' interest in the evaluation of the power exercised by the queens, as wives or mothers of the kings who were in charge of the governance of the kingdom, was almost non-existent. However, there are enough data to prove that in Portugal, in the Middle Ages, some queens exerted political and diplomatic functions, participated with their husbands in the administration of the assets of the crown, in addition to fulfilling the obvious obligations of being good wives and mothers. Philippa of Lancaster's –wife of John I of Portugal– queenship is well documented. ; Hasta hace algunas décadas, el interés mostrado por los historiadores en evaluar el poder ejercido por las reinas portuguesas como consortes o progenitoras de los reyes era casi inexistente. Se conservan, sin embargo, suficientes datos como para poder afirmar que, en la Edad Media portuguesa, algunas reinas ejercieron funciones de naturaleza política y diplomática, y participaron junto a sus maridos en la administración de los bienes de la corona, además de cumplir con los deberes que se les atribuían como esposas y madres. Uno de los casos mejor documentados es el de Felipa de Lancáster, esposa de Juan I de Portugal, a quien llamaremos João I para evitar confusiones causadas por homonimias.
Turning challenges into opportunities in urban water governance: The case of Greater Maputo
Intense urbanization in African cities challenges the provision of water services. International development cooperation promotes water infrastructure projects to increase cities' resilience and to address the historical inequalities in water access and distribution. However, those projects fail to effectively implement the decentralization and public participation principles advanced for urban water management with the shift from 'government to governance'. This failure – aligned with the donor push for the replication of the modern infrastructure ideal in the interventions designed for African cities – prevents international development cooperation and African policy-makers from promoting innovative water governance and long lasting structural changes. Hence, this paper adopts a politicized perspective of water governance to review the decisionmaking process for improving urban water supply in Greater Maputo, Mozambique. I argue that the shift to participatory water governance is only apparent on paper and, as a result, donor interventions do not recognize and support innovative governance at the local level. This case study leads to the conclusion that investments in capacity building for water governance and the promotion of social entrepreneurship for the provision of water services could be employed as means to turn the challenge of sustainable water provision into opportunities to address the social and economic development needed for African cities.
Le bilinguisme en tant que moyen d'enrichir la relation transnationale de la famille franco-brésilienne
In: Diversité urbaine, Band 13, Heft 2, S. 67-86
ISSN: 1913-0708
L'articulation du bilinguisme dans la construction identitaire des familles franco-brésiliennes est un phénomène impliquant des constructions stratégiques identifiables servant à maintenir la relation transnationale. La transmission de la langue portugaise aux enfants des couples franco-brésiliens serait le résultat de choix intentionnels selon le modèle de la « transplantation » de la femme brésilienne en France. Les résultats de nos entretiens sur le rapport qu'ont les mères brésiliennes à la biculturalité en général et au bilinguisme en particulier sont présentés à l'aide d'une typologie des formes de la transmission culturelle. En effet, le rapport à la biculturalité n'est pas uniforme : il dépend des trois régimes de conjugalité que nous dégageons dans cet article. Ainsi, la langue maternelle est considérée comme un héritage culturel, négocié dans le couple, et pouvant faire l'objet d'une valorisation, légitimée en fonction des référents culturels identitaires de ces familles mixtes.
Economic shocks, gender, and populism: Evidence from Brazil
In: Journal of development economics, Band 174, S. 103412
ISSN: 0304-3878
Between Sticky Floors and Glass Ceilings: Trade Liberalization and Wage Inequality by Gender and Race in Brazil
In: Economic Development and Cultural Change
ISSN: 1539-2988
Práticas de cuidado, redes sociais e itinerários terapêuticos em um bairro popular de Águas Lindas de Goiás
In: Teoria e Cultura: revista do mestrado em ciências sociais da UFJF, Band 15, Heft 1
ISSN: 2318-101X
Este artigo pretende compreender os itinerários terapêuticos seguidos por moradores de um bairro popular na cidade de Águas Lindas de Goiás (GO) e analisar como essas pessoas agenciam o cuidado, quais instâncias acionam e como lidam e entendem os serviços de saúde. Foi realizado um estudo etnográfico que permitiu desenhar tais itinerários. Os itinerários terapêuticos dos moradores do bairro em questão configuram uma rede de relações sociais onde são vivenciadas sociabilidades que integram vizinhos, amigos, familiares, terapeutas populares, instituições religiosas, centros de saúde e hospitais.
Media and forced migrations: social representations of refugees in the Portuguese media in two mediatic peaks (2015 and 2019) ; Média e migrações forçadas: representações sociais dos refugiados nos média portugueses em dois momentos mediáticos (2015 e 2019)
Forced migration movements marked the economic, political, and social agenda in 2015. Consequently, these events also determined the agenda of the media, which took on an essential role in the social representation of refugees. In 2019, when humanitarian ships found it hard to dock at European ports, we saw another peak in media coverage. The purpose of this article is to analyse how the Portuguese media covered the theme of forced migration during two of the most relevant moments (2015 and 2019) and thus, how they contributed to the social representation of refugees. After a content analysis, we concluded that the newspapers on which our study focused undervalued refugees as individuals with their own identity, reducing them to a homogeneous and voiceless group. This trend, already present in 2015, was further emphasised in 2019. There was a clear absence of explanatory articles, with the media output showing a predominance of western perspective and a constant reliance on news agencies as sources. ; Os movimentos migratórios forçados marcaram a agenda económica, política e social em 2015 e, nessa sequência, a dos média, que assumiram um papel essencial na representação social dos refugiados. Em 2019, assistimos a um novo momento mediático, motivado pelas dificuldades encontradas pelos navios humanitários em atracar nos portos europeus. O objetivo deste artigo foi analisar a forma como os média portugueses cobriram a temática das migrações forçadas em dois momentos mediaticamente relevantes, em 2015 e em 2019, e de que forma contribuíram para a representação social dos refugiados. A partir de uma análise de conteúdo, concluímos que os jornais analisados subvalorizaram os refugiados enquanto indivíduos com identidade própria, reduzindo-os a um grupo homogéneo e sem voz. Esta tendência, já presente em 2015, acentuou-se em 2019 com a ausência de artigos explicativos, com a predominância de uma visão ocidental e uma dependência das agências de notícias.