81 Ergebnisse
The Impact of El Niño - Southern Oscillation Events on South America
The presence of ENSO Events in South America is felt in two ways: a) through its effects on both the atmosphere and ocean systems, and b) through its impacts on natural ecosystems (both marine and terrestrial) and on societal and economical sectors (like fisheries, health, and agriculture). The main effects of El Niño/La Niña are: Increment/Decrement of sea surface temperature and salinity, Increment/Decrement of sea level and wave activity, Increment/Decrement of air temperature and amount of ultra violet radiation reaching the surface of the earth, and Changes in the rainfall and evaporation patterns. It is not easy to make an "average" pattern of ENSO impacts for a variety of reasons: the impacts depend greatly of factors like geographical extent and position of the oceanic anomalies, and intensity and timing of the anomalies; also the influence of social, economic and political structures determines whether climate anomalies caused by ENSO in a particular region will lead to severe societal and economical impacts. The scientific community also plays a potential role in the extent of the impacts that ENSO can produce, if scientists can provide information on the impact of the presence of ENSO by identifying and focusing on its precursors, intervention could be taken early enough. There is however, something to be said against that: information can be misleading, target inappropriate at-risk groups, or generate a false sense of security.
The Impact of El Niño - Southern Oscillation Events on South America
International audience ; The presence of ENSO Events in South America is felt in two ways: a) through its effects on both the atmosphere and ocean systems, and b) through its impacts on natural ecosystems (both marine and terrestrial) and on societal and economical sectors (like fisheries, health, and agriculture). The main effects of El Niño/La Niña are: Increment/Decrement of sea surface temperature and salinity, Increment/Decrement of sea level and wave activity, Increment/Decrement of air temperature and amount of ultra violet radiation reaching the surface of the earth, and Changes in the rainfall and evaporation patterns. It is not easy to make an "average" pattern of ENSO impacts for a variety of reasons: the impacts depend greatly of factors like geographical extent and position of the oceanic anomalies, and intensity and timing of the anomalies; also the influence of social, economic and political structures determines whether climate anomalies caused by ENSO in a particular region will lead to severe societal and economical impacts. The scientific community also plays a potential role in the extent of the impacts that ENSO can produce, if scientists can provide information on the impact of the presence of ENSO by identifying and focusing on its precursors, intervention could be taken early enough. There is however, something to be said against that: information can be misleading, target inappropriate at-risk groups, or generate a false sense of security.
The Impact of El Niño - Southern Oscillation Events on South America
The presence of ENSO Events in South America is felt in two ways: a) through its effects on both the atmosphere and ocean systems, and b) through its impacts on natural ecosystems (both marine and terrestrial) and on societal and economical sectors (like fisheries, health, and agriculture). The main effects of El Niño/La Niña are: Increment/Decrement of sea surface temperature and salinity, Increment/Decrement of sea level and wave activity, Increment/Decrement of air temperature and amount of ultra violet radiation reaching the surface of the earth, and Changes in the rainfall and evaporation patterns. It is not easy to make an "average" pattern of ENSO impacts for a variety of reasons: the impacts depend greatly of factors like geographical extent and position of the oceanic anomalies, and intensity and timing of the anomalies; also the influence of social, economic and political structures determines whether climate anomalies caused by ENSO in a particular region will lead to severe societal and economical impacts. The scientific community also plays a potential role in the extent of the impacts that ENSO can produce, if scientists can provide information on the impact of the presence of ENSO by identifying and focusing on its precursors, intervention could be taken early enough. There is however, something to be said against that: information can be misleading, target inappropriate at-risk groups, or generate a false sense of security.
Brazil and Indonesia: Horizons of a Strategic Partnership
In: International Relations and Diplomacy, Band 8, Heft 5
ISSN: 2328-2134
Transferring Landscape Values: How And How Accurately?
In: Environmental Value Transfer: Issues and Methods; The Economics of Non-Market Goods and Resources, S. 45-75
Carta de J.G. de los Santos a C. Antonio Vasquez, 23 de mayo 1830, Goliad
Handwritten document, 2pp, [incomplete] Sustaining a widow's claim of title to her deceased husband's lands, and suspending additional claims until the Supreme Government of the State reviews the matter. Goliad, Bexar (current day Texas)
Letter from J.G. de los Santos to Captain Antonio de Vasquez, May 23, 1830, Goliad
Handwritten document, 2pp, [incomplete] Sustaining a widow's claim of title to her deceased husband's lands, and suspending additional claims until the Supreme Government of the State reviews the matter. Goliad, Bexar (current day Texas) ; This document is an English translation of the "Carta de J.G. de los Santos a C. Antonio Vasquez, 23 mayo, 1830." Translated by Cecilia Bonnor. The language of the original document is Spanish.
Organisational factors and academic research agendas: an analysis of academics in the social sciences
The demands for academic research placed on contemporary universities are closely related to the levels of innovative research they are expected to produce. Concurrently, both governments and university management strive to make the production of academic research more cost-efficient and have implemented measures to ensure this. Top-down policies influenced by the concepts of new public management and managerialism have been introduced, pushing for competitiveness and increased performativity in academic research setups. These policies and guidelines have been criticised by academics as having eroded collegiality and autonomy, which are considered necessary to achieve quality research. The focus of this study is on the social sciences and aligns with this critique, demonstrating that autonomy and collegiality are the key organisational features fostering multidisciplinary, collaborative and riskier research agendas that lead to breakthroughs. Academics with high levels of organisational commitment are more likely to create research agendas that assume more conservative, discipline-bound and risk-averse traits, with less potential to achieve the intended innovative research outcomes. ; info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersion
Práticas de gestão de recursos humanos nas organizações sociais em Portugal: um estudo exploratório
In: Administração Pública e Gestão Social: APGS
ISSN: 2175-5787
Os recursos humanos são apontados como um importante ativo para as organizações em geral, sendo particularmente relevante para as organizações sociais. Este estudo procede à recolha de dados primários, por questionário, junto dos responsáveis das organizações sociais em Portugal, com o objetivo de conhecer as suas práticas de gestão de recursos humanos. Um objetivo complementar do estudo consistiu em compreender se essas práticas variavam (ou não) em função do perfil da organização social e do seu responsável.A investigação quantitativa realizada indicou uma forte valorização das práticas de gestão de recursos humanos, com perfis distintos em função das organizações sociais. Assim, enquanto algumas organizações procuram valorizar a gestão de colaboradores remunerados, outras tendem a concentrar a sua atenção essencialmente na gestão de voluntários. A investigação revela ainda que a valorização de diferentes práticas de gestão de recursos humanos é condicionada pelas características do empreendedor social e do nível de concorrência do ambiente em que as organizações atuam.
A Relevância da Gestão de Recursos para o Desempenho Aplicação da Teoria Baseada nos Recursos ao Empreendedorismo Social em Portugal
In: Revista portuguesa de estudos regionais: RPER = Portuguese review of regional studies, Heft 50, S. 123-139
ISSN: 2184-9269
O empreendedorismo social é reconhecido como um importante instrumento para a criação de valor para a sociedade, bem como para o desenvolvimento regional. No entanto, pelo facto de combinarem uma orientação social e empreendedora, as organizações sociais deparam-se com frequência com um cenário de escassez de recursos, que poderá comprometer a capacidade para prosseguir a sua missão social. Com esta investigação pretende-se compreender em que medida a forma como são geridos os recursos nas organizações sociais Portuguesas é capaz de influenciar o desempenho que estas são capazes de alcançar. A investigação adota uma metodologia quantitativa, através de inquérito por questionário on-line enviado aos gestores de organizações sociais em Portugal. A investigação indica que a forma como os responsáveis gerem os recursos influencia o nível de desempenho geral das organizações, quer sejam de natureza tangível (recursos financeiros e recursos tecnológicos) quer intangível (identidade, envolvimento dos grupos-alvo e perceção da qualidade).
An investigation of the relationship between counterfeiting and culture: evidence from the European Union
International counterfeiting affects adversely producers, consumers and domestic economies. Some attempts have been made in the last years by international organisations (European Union, World Trade Organisation) to deal with this complex problem. Though some success has been achieved, the number of seizures of counterfeited goods detected in the external borders of EU has increased. This study examines the impact of Hofstede's cultural variables (power distance, individualism, masculinity, uncertainty avoidance) on the level of counterfeiting in European ...