A Evolução da "Diversidade Sexual" no Currículo Escolar Português: da revolução dos cravos ao neoconservadorismo
In: Currículo sem fronteiras: revista para uma educação crítica e emancipatória, Band 19, Heft 3
ISSN: 1645-1384
17 Ergebnisse
In: Currículo sem fronteiras: revista para uma educação crítica e emancipatória, Band 19, Heft 3
ISSN: 1645-1384
In: Revista do Serviço Público, Band 95, Heft 4, S. 26-40
ISSN: 2357-8017
A atividade organizadora no Serviço Público Federal ainda não se alçou de um nível rudimentar, ressentindo-se, quase sempre da falta de subordinação aos aspectos formais pertinentes. As fases do trabalho organizador geralmente suprimidas, digo, omitidas são as que respeitam à preparação psicológica, à implantação e ao controle dos resultados. Sendo a Organização e Métodos uma função especializada, há o trabalho organizador de ser conduzido por órgãos próprios, adequadamente providos de recursos, principalmente de especialistas permanentes. Todo problema de organização ou reorganização é uma constelação de problemas que exigem tratamento prévio, uns; concomitante, outros e, posterior, ainda outros à aprovação da medida básica pelo Legislativo ou Executivo. Cada um desses problemas pede um planejamento particular dentro do planejamento geral. Os projetos de organização ou reorganização elaborados pelas Repartições Federais cogitam apenas, quase sempre, da estrutura, não dando atenção aos métodos, aos processos, treinamento, entre outros, dados importantes ao sucesso do trabalho. Em que pesem outros fatores, que convimos serem altamente perturbadores (delineamos alguns na Justificação deste Estudo), mas cujo estudo, aqui, nos conduziria para fora dos limites que nos traçamos — uma constante e correta atitude do técnico de organização no desempenho da sua tarefa há de capitalizar alguns bons resultados em benefício de uma Administração Pública mais eficiente.
The tale of procedural fairness is, by now, familiar and well worn. People ́s Republic of China criminal system of justice, which is currently gearing towards the pathway of procedural fairness, has (for the better or for the worse) attracted a wide global gaze. Irrespective of the underlying fairness (or the lack thereof) of the grievances brought forth by a worldwide phalanx of critics, China is steadily toiling towards the path of procedural justice, which is rooted firmly in the Rule of Law. Whilst procedural justice and procedural fairness map seamlessly on to the context of corporate criminal procedure law, there is bevy of critical questions that are in dire need of being consistently addressed nonetheless. One which is whether and to what extent politically- charged tools, which seemingly belie the western-borne concept of separation of powers (as the Supreme People ́s Procuratorate Guiding Cases and, to some degree, Supreme People ́s Court Judicial Interpretations) are amenable to forge the path ahead to meeting the fundamental tenets of due process in corporate criminal procedure law in Mainland China. Against this background, this paper aims to answer two sweeping research questions. Firstly, the degree to which corporate governance (and corporate compliance) subdues (and foremost trumps) corporate criminal liability. Secondly, whether and to what extent SPP Guiding Cases have catalyzed a seismic shift in People ́s Republic of China criminal procedural law. Conversely,one central contention of this paper is that a set of fairness-fraught corollaries can be withdrawn from SPP Guiding Cases with a view to map the path forward to fulfilling the baseline standards of both procedural fairness and procedural justice in People ́s Republic of China corporate criminal procedure law. ; A narrativa que gravita em torno da justiça processual é, no mo- mento que nos interpela, assaz conhecida. O sistema de administração de justiça penal chinês, que está a encetar uma consistente trajectória de ...
In: DELOS: Desarrollo Local Sostenible, Band 16, Heft 48, S. 3104-3118
ISSN: 1988-5245
Cities do not perform assertive water resources' management, mainly due to lack of hydrological studies in the literature. Volta Redonda City fits this context, since it experiences several extreme rainfall events. The aims of the current study are to present estimates for evapotranspiration, water shortage and percolation, to address critical water-availability months and to feature the climate in the investigated region, based on the water balance method by Thornthwaite and Mather. Meteorological data recorded between 2001 and 2021, provided by the National Water and Basic Sanitation Agency and by the State Environmental Institute, were used to analyze water availability in the investigated city. Volta Redonda presented actual evapotranspiration equal to 90.6 mm month-1; water deficit equal to 13.0 mm month-1 and water surplus equal to 22.8 mm month-1. Climate in the region is humid; it presents small water shortage throughout the year and critical water availability from March to October. These months require greater attention in water management processes due to high deficit values recorded for water balance. Results in the current study are pioneering, since they present the analysis of meteorological data previously used for air quality control, only. Volta Redonda needs assertive water management, since it recorded higher water deficits than surpluses in 13 of the 20 analyzed years.
Purpose: This article explores different strands of educational discourse about sexual diversity in Portuguese schools, from the students' perspectives.Method: The methodological approach consisted in conducting focus groups discussions: 36 with 232 young students (H = 106, M = 126) in 12 public secondary schools.Findings: Students reveal a polyphony of discourses that gravitate between liberal acceptance, conditional acceptance and intolerance.Research implications: Attention is drawn not only to discriminatory processes that question school as a democratic place for LGBT youth, but also to the gap between what is legally decreed and a lack of know-how in the approach to sexual diversity in school.
In: Interfaces Científicas. Humanas e Sociais, Band 4, Heft 1, S. 10-21
ISSN: 2316-3801
O artigo objetiva traçar um panorama sobre a educação nutricional no Brasil desde o seu surgimento até a atualidade, através de pesquisas bibliográficas dos últimos anos, discutida no campo da história, da cultura, da nutrição e da alimentação em nosso país, a fim de destacar as bases das políticas públicas, muito bem salientada por Monteiro Lobato e Josué de Castro em suas obras literárias. Este contexto indica que a finalidade das propostas educativas em alimentação e nutrição é mais subsidiar os indivíduos com informações adequadas, corretas e consistentes sobre alimentos, alimentação e prevenção de problemas nutricionais e menos os auxiliar na tomada de decisões. As mudanças sociais, culturais e econômicas refletem o modo de vida da população. No início do século XX, os males que afligiam a população eram as epidemias causadas por doenças transmissíveis e algumas ainda não foram debeladas, como a dengue. Já no século XXI, ocorreram transformações no perfil epidemiológico e, hoje, disseminam-se as doenças crônicas não transmissíveis. Atualmente, a importância desta modalidade de educação na vida dos cidadãos e sua comunidade residem na conscientização, através de estratégias de ensino, no respeito e na valorização dos aspectos culturais, econômicos, psicológicos, ambientais e sociais, alicerçados na educação. Mensurar constantemente o impacto que os hábitos de alimentação inadequados podem causar a uma população, é resultante de uma melhora da qualidade de vida do indivíduo e sua comunidade.
In: Environmental science and pollution research: ESPR
ISSN: 1614-7499
In: Environmental science and pollution research: ESPR, Band 28, Heft 15, S. 18309-18313
ISSN: 1614-7499
In: Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi. Ciências naturais, Band 5, Heft 2, S. 195-205
ISSN: 2317-6237
The goal of this paper is to describe a new occurrence of †Mawsoniidae in the Morro do Chaves Formation, Sergipe-Alagoas Basin. This stratigraphical unit is represented by an intercalation of coquina and shale beds, deposited in a lacustrine paleoenvironment during the Upper Barremian (Lower Jiquiá local stage). The description is accomplished on the basis of new and more complete material, represented by articulated bones of the palatoquadrate and lower jaw, as well as by gular plate. It was assigned to the genus Mawsonia based on the presence of a stout angular conspicuously ornamented with wrinkles and ridges, as well as palatoquadrate with a single strengthening ridge on its lateral surface. When this new occurrence of Mawsonia was compared with the other genera of Mawsoniidae occurring in Brazil (i.e., Axelrodichthys and Parnaibaia), it was verified that it differs clearly from Axelrodichthys by the inclination of the suspensorium (obliquely oriented in Mawsonia versus vertically oriented in Axelrodichthys). Regarding Parnaibaia, the ornamentation of the angular and gular plate is more delicate in this genus.
This paper summarizes the results of HealthVent project. It had an aim to develop health-based ventilation guidelines and through this process contribute to advance indoor air quality (IAQ) policies and guidelines. A framework that allows determining ventilation requirements in public and residential buildings based on the health requirements is proposed. The framework is based on three principles: 1. Criteria for permissible concentrations of specific air pollutants set by health authorities have to be respected; 2. Ventilation must be preceded by source control strategies that have been duly adopted to improve IAQ; 3. Base ventilation must always be secured to remove occupant emissions (bio-effluents). The air quality guidelines defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) outside air are used as the reference for determining permissible levels of the indoor air pollutants based on the principle that there is only one air. It is proposed that base ventilation should be set at 4 L/s per person; higher rates are to be used only if WHO guidelines are not followed. Implementation of the framework requires technical guidelines, directives and other legislation. Studies are also needed to examine the effectiveness of the approach and to validate its use. It is estimated that implementing the framework would bring considerable reduction in the burden of disease associated with inadequate IAQ.
In: Carrer , P , de Oliveira Fernandes , E , Santos , H , Hänninen , O , Kephalopoulos , S & Wargocki , P 2018 , ' On the Development of Health-Based Ventilation Guidelines: Principles and Framework ' , International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health , vol. 15 , no. 7 , 1360 . https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph15071360
This paper summarizes the results of HealthVent project. It had an aim to develop health-based ventilation guidelines and through this process contribute to advance indoor air quality (IAQ) policies and guidelines. A framework that allows determining ventilation requirements in public and residential buildings based on the health requirements is proposed. The framework is based on three principles: 1. Criteria for permissible concentrations of specific air pollutants set by health authorities have to be respected; 2. Ventilation must be preceded by source control strategies that have been duly adopted to improve IAQ; 3. Base ventilation must always be secured to remove occupant emissions (bio-effluents). The air quality guidelines defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) outside air are used as the reference for determining permissible levels of the indoor air pollutants based on the principle that there is only one air. It is proposed that base ventilation should be set at 4 L/s per person; higher rates are to be used only if WHO guidelines are not followed. Implementation of the framework requires technical guidelines, directives and other legislation. Studies are also needed to examine the effectiveness of the approach and to validate its use. It is estimated that implementing the framework would bring considerable reduction in the burden of disease associated with inadequate IAQ.
In: Revista família, ciclos de vida e saúde no contexto social: REFACS, Band 8, S. 773
ISSN: 2318-8413
Esta é uma revisão estruturada que teve como objetivo identificar e sistematizar a produção acadêmica sobre a violência, identificando possíveis gaps nos estudos. Realizada em outubro de 2019, atemporal, adotou-se como descritores violence against children, protection network, referrals, treatment, child protection, e protection system. Categorizou-se os estudos em sete dimensões: tipo de violência, tratamento e acolhimento do caso, citações às redes de proteção, exibição ou não de protocolos, método de pesquisa, capacitações de profissionais e o setor de atuação mais estudado. Nos principais resultados destacam-se: que os profissionais desconhecem o trabalho em rede; inexistência de fluxos conforme os tipos de violação; predomínio de estudos no setor saúde; e, presença de barreiras que interferem no trabalho em rede. Conclui-se que a violência sexual se mantém como desafio para as redes protetivas e que, há capacitação dos profissionais que não contempla protocolos em rede.
In: Revista família, ciclos de vida e saúde no contexto social: REFACS, Band 8, S. 736
ISSN: 2318-8413
Este é um estudo transversal com abordagem quantitativa e caráter descritivo, realizado em 2016, com objetivo de identificar o perfil dos profissionais do Sistema de Garantia de Direitos da Criança e do Adolescente, caracterizar as instituições que compõem esse sistema e suscitar o debate sobre as contribuições dos profissionais de enfermagem para a rede de proteção. Participaram 44 profissionais do Sistema, sendo 88,6% mulheres, 11,4% profissionais da área da saúde, e 2,3% de enfermeiros. O Terceiro Setor representou 27,38%. Houve expressivo número de profissionais que integravam os Serviços de Proteção Social quando considerados os serviços públicos e aqueles do Terceiro Setor. A Atenção Primária e a Proteção Social Básica podem desempenhar papel fundamental na rede de proteção à criança e ao adolescente, devido à ampla inserção nos territórios. Urge o fortalecimento da prevenção primária às violências aliada à capacitação dos profissionais.
In: Semina: revista cultural e científica da Universidade Estadual de Londrina. Ciências agrárias, Band 43, Heft 6, S. 2499-2516
ISSN: 1679-0359
The objective of this study was to evaluate the forage mass, morphogenetic and structural characteristics, and nutritional value of tropical forage grasses in semiarid conditions. Nine grasses were evaluated, namely, three cultivars of Urochloa brizantha (Marandu, MG4, and Piatã); Urochloa decumbens cv. Basilisk; Urochloa humidicola cv. Llanero; Urochloa ruziziensis cv. Kennedy; and three cultivars of Megathyrsus maximum (Massai, Mombaça, and Tanzania). The experiment was laid out in a randomized complete block design in a split-plot arrangement in which the main factor were the grass cultivars and the secondary factor the seasons, with five replications per treatment. The statistical model included the fixed effect of treatment (grass), whereas the season was included as a random effect within treatments. Urochloa brizantha cvs. Marandu, MG4, and Piatã and Urochloa decumbens cv. Basilisk produced on average 858 kg ha-1 more forage mass than cvs. Kennedy and Basilisk. Megathyrsus maximum cv. Mombaça produced 40% more forage mass than the other cultivars of M. maximum (4205 vs. 3001 kg ha-1). Urochloa ruziziensis cv. Kennedy showed the lowest water use efficiency (36%). Urochloa ruziziensis cv. Kennedy exhibited the lowest leaf weight among the Urochloa cultivars (740 vs. 1319 kg ha-1). There was no treatment effect for leaf weight in the M. maximum cultivars. Urochloa ruziziensis cv. Kennedy showed the highest values of total digestible nutrients and dry matter digestibility (1.84 and 2.34%, respectively) among the other Urochloa cultivars. The M. maximum cultivars showed little differences in nutritional values. Cultivars Marandu, Piatã, and Massai exhibited better productive responses in the edaphoclimatic conditions of this study. However, future studies must be conducted evaluating the adaptation of the forage grass under semiarid conditions. Considering the settings of this study, the grasses Urochloa brizantha cvs. MG4, Marandu, and Piatã, as well as Megathyrsus maximum cvs. Massai and Mombaça, can be used in the semiarid condition.
In: Environmental science and pollution research: ESPR, Band 31, Heft 51, S. 60880-60894
ISSN: 1614-7499