37 Ergebnisse
Police administration and management
In: Criminal justice series
Effective climate clubs require ambition, leverage and insulation: Theorizing issue linkage in climate change and trade
In: The review of international organizations
ISSN: 1559-744X
AI and consciousness
In: AI & society: the journal of human-centred systems and machine intelligence, Band 39, Heft 4, S. 2139-2140
ISSN: 1435-5655
Does institutional proliferation undermine cooperation?: theory and evidence from climate change
In: International studies quarterly: the journal of the International Studies Association, Band 65, Heft 2, S. 461-475
ISSN: 1468-2478
Global politics has undergone a tremendous institutional proliferation, yet many questions remain about why states join these new institutions and whether they support cooperation. I build on existing work to develop a general theory of state participation in dense institutional environments that also helps to explain cooperative outcomes. I argue that states may be dissatisfied when cooperation proceeds either too slowly or too quickly and that these two types of dissatisfaction motivate opposing participation behaviors. Deepeners are states that are dissatisfied with the slow pace of cooperation and join institutions to support cooperation, while fragmenters are states dissatisfied with the quick pace and join institutions to undermine cooperation. I evaluate my argument using new data on sixty-three climate institutions and states' greenhouse gas mitigation targets in the Paris Agreement on Climate Change. I find that membership in climate institutions designed to facilitate implementation is associated with more ambitious targets, while membership in general is unrelated to targets.
World Affairs Online
Infrastructure and Economic Growth: The Nigeria Experience, 1980–2006
In: Journal of infrastructure development, Band 2, Heft 2, S. 121-133
ISSN: 0975-5969
This article analyzed theoretically and empirically the influence of infrastructure investment on economic growth in Nigeria from 1980–2006. The study employed the use of vector error correction estimate (VECM). The variables were found to be stationary at order 1, and there exists a long-run equilibrium relationship between the dependent and the explanatory variables. However, the two variables for infrastructure show a steadily declining rate on the long run as shown by the result of the variance decomposition and impulse response functions. It is suggested that the government should intensify their efforts in mobilising more resources towards the provision and improvement of basic infrastructure.
Deterring Corruption by Prison Personnel: A Principle-Based Perspective
In: The prison journal: the official publication of the Pennsylvania Prison Society, Band 89, Heft 1, S. 21-45
ISSN: 1552-7522
This article discusses corruption in U.S. prison institutions and proposes effective methods to deter its continuance. Unlike other research that has advocated increasing pain and brutality, this article presents a principle-based approach, not weak, spineless, or soft but indeed earnest, steadfast, and well disciplined. It balances the continuum between reinforcing rational and reasonable rules to control the behavior of inmates and mature and professional performance by enlightened correctional officers. This article is based on a solid assumption: The more civil the correctional institution is, the more civil, and the less violent, its residents will be. It questions the traditional belief that most prison inmates are subhumans who can be controlled only by violence, understand only the crunch of force, and detest the universal norms of fairness, dignity, and humanity. This article concludes by presenting a few practical propositions to better assist prison administrators in performing their duties more effectively and civilly.
Outflanking the mind‐body problem: Scientific progress in the history of psychology
In: Journal for the theory of social behaviour, Band 22, Heft 2, S. 145-173
ISSN: 1468-5914
Enhancing Ethics and the Competitive Environment by Accounting for Conflict of Interest in Project Procurement
In: Leadership and management in engineering, Band 13, Heft 2, S. 86-95
ISSN: 1943-5630
Engineering and Leadership in American Politics
In: Leadership and management in engineering, Band 9, Heft 4, S. 160-164
ISSN: 1943-5630
Top Ten Qualities of Project Manager Heroes: An Interview with David B. Perini
In: Leadership and management in engineering, Band 7, Heft 2, S. 50-60
ISSN: 1943-5630
The native and customary courts of Nigeria: by E. A. Keay and S. S. Richardson
In: Law in Africa 18
Ethics in criminal justice: in search of the truth
"Introducing the fundamentals of ethical theory, Ethics in Criminal Justice: The Search for Truth, 7th Edition, exposes the reader to the ways and means of making moral judgments by exploring the teachings of the great philosophers, sources of criminal justice ethics, and ethical issues in the criminal justice system. It is presented from two perspectives: a thematic perspective that addresses ethical principles common to all components of the discipline, and an area-specific perspective that addresses the state of ethics in criminal justice in the fields of policing, corrections, and probation and parole. The seventh edition features discussion of current critical issues in criminal justice: accusations of racism, police shootings, stop-and-frisk policy, marijuana laws, mass incarceration, life sentences, prison privatization, the swift and certain deterrence model of probation, excessive probation fees, and the good lives model in corrections. The seventh edition also offers completely revised coverage of capital punishment and the rehabilitation debate and a discussion of how juvenile justice often fails to live up to its ideals. Finally, the book features new case studies of recent ethical dilemmas in criminal justice to enhance students' understanding of real-life ethics decision making. Suitable for advanced undergraduates or graduate students in Criminal Justice programs in the US and globally, this text offers a classical view of ethical decision making and is well-grounded in specific case examples"--
The new terrain of global governance
In: The journal of conflict resolution: journal of the Peace Science Society (International), Band 67, Heft 6, S. 1248-1269
ISSN: 1552-8766
We present a new dataset of membership in informal international organizations—IOs founded with non-binding instruments—which constitute one-third of operating IOs. We introduce state-IO-year–level membership data for 195 countries that complements the dataset on formal IOs from the Correlates of War Project. We explain our conceptualization of an informal IO, contrast it with other approaches, and detail the data collection process. We illustrate similarities and differences across formal and informal IOs, and across states and regions. We explain how our data validate or challenge conjectures about informal cooperation that have been inaccessible for lack of data. We demonstrate that while formal and informal IOs are similar in size, the composition of informal memberships in informal IOs is more fragmented. While informal IOs are a growing part of the governance portfolios of most states, some countries and regions participate more. We conclude by outlining elements of the research program our dataset unlocks.
World Affairs Online