Cover -- Occhiello -- Dedica -- Indice -- Prefazione -- Capitolo 1 Microeconomia e Mercati -- Capitolo 2 Le scelte del consumatore -- Capitolo 3 Costruire una curva di domanda -- Capitolo 4 Le scelte dell'imprenditore -- Capitolo 5 I regimi di mercato -- Appendice matematica -- La mia libreria
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The research suggests how the full potential of the enterprises and organizations of the Social and Solidarity Economy in promoting sustainable development may be better understood by representing cultural, social, economic, and environmental issues within an integrated analytical framework. On these premises, an extended version of Coraggio's scheme (2015) is obtained by adding a fourth sector of economic activity, namely the global economy, as opposed to the popular economy. Looking at Coraggio's integrated scheme, an additional institutional space related to the social and solidarity economy emerges, representing the field of digital solidarity and cooperation. Then, the research helps to clarify what a local context is and how it relates to the notion of place. Finally, the notion of place is contrasted with the notion of system, as the attractiveness of the former depends on its distinctive features, while the latter emphasizes the instrumental value of its elements.
A livello internazionale è un corso un dibattito alimentato dalla UN InterAgency Task Force on Social and Solidarity Economy (UN-TFSSE) sul ruolo da assegnare all'economia sociale e solidale (ESS) nel processo di implementazione degli Obiettivi di Sviluppo Sostenibile (OSS) definiti dall'Agenda 2030. Entro tale cornice di riferimento, questa breve nota ha tre obiettivi: i) presentare in forma sintetica alcune riflessioni riguardanti il ruolo che l'ESS può svolgere nell'ambito di tale processo; ii) porre in evidenza le criticità che tale "innesto" pone in termini epistemologici; iii) presentare il contributo che l'ESS può fornire allo sviluppo di una territorialità sostenibile.
AbstractThis research poses the ethic of the common good and the institutions of the social and solidarity economy (SSE) as the foundation of commoning practices. Specifically, it illustrates how the latter may contribute to regenerating the commons, fostering open and shared access to key productive resources and essential goods and services. The analysis focuses on social and solidarity commons (SSC), defined as all those relational practices that contribute to the accumulation and regeneration of human and social (as well as other types of) critical capital. To achieve this research goal, this study collected new and old issues debated in the academic literature concerning the geographic nature of commons and their juridical and economic treatment within socioeconomic disciplines. Then, a historical overview of the commons highlights their dynamic and multifaceted nature and illustrates how they have often been co‐owned and co‐governed according to shared rules and norms. Within this general framework, SSC are introduced, and a role for the institutions of the SSE is proposed to foster an ethic of the common good as a necessary (but not sufficient) condition for expanding and enforcing people's participation in commoning practices.
Lo "sconfinamento" teorico oltre il modello di Solow con progresso tecnologico endogeno consente di costruire un ponte tra la geografia sociale ed umana e l'economia politica che apre molteplici prospettive di analisi. Queste ultime, da un lato, possono contribuire a restituire una visione integrata della dimensione sociale, economica ed ambientale dello sviluppo sostenibile, e dall'altro portano a riflettere sull'inscindibilità del concetto di sostenibilità dal concetto di sviluppo umano. ; This paper illustrates the role of SSE in narrowing the gap between development and growth and fostering a process of sustainable development. Three revised versions of the Solow growth model are developed to integrate social progress with employment, technological progress and growth rates, connecting the human and social dimension with economic development and environmental sustainability.
La tesi oggetto di discussione è che lo sviluppo di forme di Economia sociale e solidale nella regione EU-MENA sia indispensabile a: comporre il conflitto di rappresentanza tra istituzioni pubbliche e società civile; innalzare i livelli di benessere delle persone più colpite dagli effetti negativi del cambiamento climatico; gestire gli impatti negativi ed imprevisti della globalizzazione. La tesi proposta ha una natura transcalare, dunque se ne illustrano le implicazioni geopolitiche con riferimento alla posizione dell'Italia, al posizionamento europeo a livello internazionale e all'evoluzione dello scenario globale prospettata dall'Agenda 2030 delle Nazioni Unite. ; This paper illustrates how the empowerment of the Social and Solidarity Economy in the EU-MENA region might be of the utmost importance to: narrow, when existing, the political gap among public institutions and the civil society; raise the wellbeing of those most affected by the negative impacts of climate change; manage the negative and unpredictable impacts of globalization. This hypothesis has a multilevel nature, and the main geopolitical implications are discussed with respect to the Italian position within the Euro-Mediterranean region, the EU external policy and the evolution of the global scenario fostered by the UN 2030 Agenda.
Obiettivo del presente lavoro di ricerca è quello di individuare le condizioni grazie alle quali le attività turistiche possono costituire una valida leva a disposizione dei policy makers locali per implementare politiche di welfare che altrimenti risulterebbero troppo onerose, migliorando al contempo la sostenibilità sociale e la competitività economica del territorio. Si dimostra come il collegamento tra sviluppo, turismo e welfare richieda di ripensare, o quanto meno di definire, il concetto di smartness, al fine di abilitare i meccanismi classici che regolano la logica economica quali categorie analitiche utili a rappresentare le dinamiche socio-economiche e territoriali attivate. Una volta delineato un contesto di riferimento appropriato, la teoria economica possiede tutti gli strumenti per identificare il collegamento tra attività produttive, welfare e sviluppo umano nell'ambito di un'economia di mercato, a condizione di aggiungere ulteriori livelli di complessità al classico modello di domanda ed offerta. Il modello elaborato implica in ogni caso un governo pubblico delle relazioni economiche finalizzato alla conservazione di quelle caratteristiche, spesso latenti e non sempre verificate, grazie alle quali il turismo può costituire una leva per promuovere lo sviluppo sostenibile. ; The aim of this work is to identify under which conditions tourism becomes a tool available to policy makers to enhance the implementation of welfare policies that otherwise might result too expensive, improving, at the same time, the social sustainability and the economic competitiveness of the territory. The existence of a link among tourism, welfare and development requires to rethink, or redefine, the concept of smartness, in order to enable the economic theory to model the underlying socioeconomic and territorial dynamics. In a well-defined scenario, the latter is indeed able to represent the connections among productive activities, welfare measures and human development within a market framework, at the cost of adding some degree of complexity to the standard supply and demand model. The proposed approach implies, anyway, a public intervention aimed at achieving and preserving those market and non-market characteristics that make of tourism a valid support to foster sustainable development.
La crisi finanziaria è globale e colpisce tanto il sistema economico quanto i luoghi. La ricerca si concentra sul contributo che i social networks possono offrire negli interventi di trasformazione del paesaggio. In particolare, la cooperazione culturale può aumentare la resilienza dei luoghi alla recessione globale, affrontando direttamente il tema dei diritti umani. Alla socioeconomia spetta, invece, il compito di integrare l'equità e la sostenibilità nei giudizi di valore riguardanti il benessere economico della collettività e degli individui. L'analisi delle vulnerabilità del sistema economico italiano individua nella maggiore partecipazione dei cittadini e delle imprese alla vita politica, economica e sociale una possibile via di uscita dalla crisi che sia equa, duratura e sostenibile. ; The financial crisis is global and involves both the economic system and the places. The research focuses on the additional value that social networks can provide in landscape transformation practices. Specifically, cultural cooperation can increase the resilience of places, having a direct impact on the enforcement of human rights. At socioeconomic level, social justice and sustainability should be integrated in the assessments of economic welfare and individual well-being. An in-depth analysis of the Italian economic system stresses the importance of citizens and firms' participation at political, economic and social level in finding an equitable, sustainable and durable way out of the crisis.
ABSTRACTWe propose a microeconomic model aimed at describing, in a dual production process, the interaction between the formal and the informal sector. The adopted framework is characterized by the absence of information asymmetries. The latter assumption is motivated by the focus of the paper, which chooses a cooperative rather than a competitive interaction between the for‐profit and not for profit sectors, as the non‐profit sector offers services which enable and increase the labour productivity of the workers employed in the for profit sector. Specifically, the non‐profit industry can lower the monetary costs of labour by paying a share of wages and dividends in real terms. As a result, at aggregate level, consumption expenditure decreases proportionally to the share of goods and services that are not bought on the market. In this scenario the non‐profit sector can play an important role in elaborating a way out of the crisis, by: i) reducing the income inequality between the employed and the unemployed, ii) lowering labour costs, and iii) endowing workers with an alternative source of employment. The theoretical analysis, complemented by empirical evidence built on Italian data collected for the period 2005–2012, shows that the model is not yet applicable in the Italian context as the non‐profit industry is growing, but it is still inadequate in size to complement the activities of the for profit sector. However, we claim that Italy should elaborate a way out of the crisis by empowering the Third Sector, and, more in general, a 'good informal economy' made of non‐profit institutions.
PurposeThis paper proposes an analysis of occupational accidents in Italy at the regional level. For this purpose, our panel is composed of 20 regions over the 2010–2019 time span.Design/methodology/approachWe apply different econometric estimation techniques (pooled OLS model, panel fixed and random effects models and semiparametric fixed model) using INAIL and ISTAT data. Our models investigate workplace accidents at the regional level by accounting for socioeconomic, labour market and productive system variables and controlling for possible underreporting bias.FindingsOverall results reveal the existence of a relevant under-notification phenomenon of accidents at work with respect to moderate accidents, that is higher especially for the southern regions of Italy. However, when considering as outcome variable an alternative set of more severe workplace accidents our model specification remains highly jointly statistically significant. Among our main findings, the analysis shows that worker skills (blue collar) strongly affect the regional pattern of workplace accidents, i.e. an increase of 1% of low paid employees generates about an increase of 1.8 severe workplace accidents per thousand workers. Moreover, we provide evidence that the size of the firm is inversely related to the occupational accident rates. Finally, our results highlight a nonlinear relationship between GDP and occupational accidents for the Italian regional context, confirmed by the high statistical significance of the quadratic term in all the estimated linear models and by the semi-parametric analysis.Originality/valueA first element of originality of our study consists of investigating the macro determinants of occupation accidents at a regional Italian level. Second, the empirical literature (Boone and Van Ours, 2006) highlights the possible bias of underreporting behaviours on nonfatal accidents in contrast to fatal accidents that are always reported. From this perspective, we have identified a few analyses (namely, Boone et al., 2011) considering different accident sets characterised by different severity degrees. Thus, this paper contributes to the literature considering five alternative subsets of accidents stratified by degree of severity (i.e. moderate, severe, moderate plus severe, severe plus fatal and total accident rates) to test for possible underreporting bias affecting our econometric model.