Arqueología de la Minería: Propuesta de un Marco Teórico
In: Revista chilena de antropología, Band 0, Heft 17
ISSN: 0719-1472
14 Ergebnisse
In: Revista chilena de antropología, Band 0, Heft 17
ISSN: 0719-1472
In: Panorama centroamericano. Pensamiento y acción, Heft 24, S. 5-16
ISSN: 1018-1822
Centro America presenta hoy un delicado cuadro economico y social, caracterizado por un nivel de vida comparable con el que ya habia sido alcanzado en la decada de los anos sesenta. El deterioro de la demanda externa de productos centroamericanos, la inestabilidad politica, el agudizamiento de los conflictos armados y la deficiente administracion de las economias provocaron una especie de cataclismo economico que significa un extraordinario sacrificio para la presente generacion de centroamericanos
World Affairs Online
In: Revista mexicana de sociología, Band 45, Heft 1, S. 69
ISSN: 2594-0651
In: Anuario Electrónico de Estudios en Comunicación Social "Disertaciones", Band 8, Heft 1, S. 11-26
ISSN: 1856-9536
The following study seeks to review the states of policies and the institutional development of them in the area of Transparency and Right of Access to the information in the region, to, once within the pertinent conceptualization where diverse sources about Accountability are consulted, generate a comparison that, subsequently, allows to identify which the conditions would be for the tools present in each of the analyzed countries, according to their own legislation, to allow the exercise of Accountability and the configuration of access to information as a right in itself and a way of social control to public management ; El presente estudio busca revisar el estado y el desarrollo institucional de las políticas en materia de transparencia y derecho de acceso a la información presentes en la región. Una vez dentro de la conceptualización pertinente, donde se consultan diversas fuentes que tratan el Accountability, se realiza una comparación que permite identificar posteriormente las condiciones para que las herramientas presentes en cada uno de los países analizados, conforme a su propia legislación, permitan ejercer el Accountability y configurar el acceso a la información, tanto como derecho autónomo como medio efectivo de control social a la gestión pública
In: Gobernar: the journal of Latin American public policy and governance, Band 2, Heft 1
ISSN: 2474-2678
We are analyzed forty samples of raw milk commercialized at the Callao Market between January and March 2009 using presumptive method for β-lactamics and tetracycline antibiotic residues from IDEX laboratories, to comply with the limits of sensitivity of residues of the FDA. We found 40% of samples tested positive for β-lactamic residues in raw milk. There were no positive outcame to analyze tetracyclines. The results suggest that we should establish policies for legislation, regulation and training and that the NTP 202.001.2003 should be reviewed. The results suggested that should be established policies for legislation, regulation and training, and the NTP 202. 00102003 should be reviewed. ; Se analizaron cuarenta muestras de leche cruda comercializada en mercados del distrito del Callao, entre enero y marzo del 2009, empleando el método presuntivo para antibióticos β-lactámicos y tetraciclinas de IDEX Laboratories, el cual cumple con los límites de sensibilidad de residuos de la FDA. Se encontró 40% de muestras con resultado positivo para residuos de β-lactámicos en leche cruda. No se registran resultados positivos al analizar tetraciclinas. Los resultados sugieren que se deberían establecer políticas de legislación, regulación y capacitación, y que la NTP 202.001.2003 debería ser revisada.
In: Economic and social issues in agricultural biotechnology, S. 193-201
In: Globalization and the developing countries: emerging strategies for rural development and poverty alleviation, S. 219-234
In: Natural hazards and earth system sciences: NHESS, Band 12, Heft 11, S. 3287-3306
ISSN: 1684-9981
Abstract. In this paper, we analyse the effectiveness of flood management measures based on the concept known as "retaining water in the landscape". The investigated measures include afforestation, micro-ponds and small-reservoirs. A comparative and model-based methodological approach has been developed and applied for three meso-scale catchments located in different European hydro-climatological regions: Poyo (184 km2) in the Spanish Mediterranean, Upper Iller (954 km2) in the German Alps and Kamp (621 km2) in Northeast-Austria representing the Continental hydro-climate. This comparative analysis has found general similarities in spite of the particular differences among studied areas. In general terms, the flood reduction through the concept of "retaining water in the landscape" depends on the following factors: the storage capacity increase in the catchment resulting from such measures, the characteristics of the rainfall event, the antecedent soil moisture condition and the spatial distribution of such flood management measures in the catchment. In general, our study has shown that, this concept is effective for small and medium events, but almost negligible for the largest and less frequent floods: this holds true for all different hydro-climatic regions, and with different land-use, soils and morphological settings.
The present study was carried out to determination the frequency intestinal parasitisms and its associated sanitary hygienic factors in the rural localities Orinoco La Peña, Quebrada Seca and San Juan River. A total of 562 feces samples were analyzed, by different coproparasitological methods: microscopic evaluation in 0.85% physiological saline solution and lugol, Ritchie, as well as the Zielh-Neelsen stainin. The highest frequencies of intestinal parasites was found in Orinoco La Peña and Quebrada Seca. Blastocystis hominis (44.9%, 21.82%, 33.74%) and Giardia duodenalis (20.41%, 9.7%, 19.02%) were most commonly observed. The frequency of helminths varied depending on the studied community, but observing more frequently Ascaris lumbricoides, Trichuris trichiura and Ancylostomids. When evaluating the sanitary and hygienic factors associated to parasitosis we found a relationship between feces excretion (X2: 23,85***; p<0,001), water treatment (X2: 34,00***; p<0,001), and hygienic habits with presence of protozoans in individuals from QuebradaSeca, as well as with the presence of garbage disposal services (X2: 5,17*; p<0,05 ), presence of helminths were associated with the water source (X2: 13,97***; p<0,001) and hygienic habits. In Orinoco La Peña and San Juan River water treatment (X2: 11,56*; p<0,05; and X2: 21,5 **; p<0,01 ) wasassociate to presence of protozoans. The high frequencies of parasites indicates that the sanitary conditions and hygienic habits were favorable factors for the infection and infestation of parasites, combined to the environmental factors and deficiency health of services characteristic of these rural communities. Sanitary intervention from governmental authorities is necessary to improve environmental reparation and preventive sanitary education. ; El presente trabajo de investigación tuvo como objetivo general determinar la frecuencia de las parasitosis intestinales y su asociación con los factores higiénicos sanitarios en localidades rurales Orinoco La Peña, Quebrada Seca y Río San Juan. Se analizaron un total de 562 muestras de heces, por métodos coproparasitológicos: evaluación microscópica en solución salina fisiológica al 0,85% y lugol, Ritchie, además de la coloración de Zielh- Neelsen. La mayor frecuencia de parásitos intestinales se encontró en Orinoco La Peña y Río San Juan, seguido de Quebrada Seca. Blastocystis hominis fue el parásito mayor mente observado (44,9%, 21,82%, 33,74%) y como patógeno Giardia duodenalis (20,41%, 9,7%, 19,02%) para Orinoco La Peña, Quebrada Seca y Río San Juan respectivamente. Los helmintos variaron de acuerdo a la localidad de estudio, encontrándose presentes Ascaris lumbricoides, Trichuris trichiura y los Ancylostomídeos en mayores frecuencias. Al evaluar los factores higiénicos sanitarios se obtuvo asociación de la disposición de excretas (x 2:23,85***; p < 0,001), tratamiento del agua (x 2:34,00***; p < 0,001), hábitos higiénicos con protozoarios en individuos de Quebrada Seca, así como el servicio de aseo urbano (x 2: 5,17*; p < 0,05), mientras que los helmintos se asociaron con la fuente de agua (x 2:13,97***; p < 0,001) y hábitos higiénicos. En Orino co La Peña y Río San Juan resultó asociado el tratamiento de agua (x 2:11,56*; p < 0,05), (x 2:21,5**; p < 0,01) con los protozoarios. Las elevadas frecuencias de parásitos indican que las condiciones sanitarias e higiene son favorables para las infecciones parasitarias, además de factores ambientales propios de estas zonas rurales y a la carencia de servicios de salud; resultando indispensable la intervención de las autoridades sanitarias y gubernamentales para aplicar programas de saneamiento ambiental y educación sanitaria preventiva.
In: Futures: the journal of policy, planning and futures studies, Band 159, S. 103362
ISSN: 1873-6378
BACKGROUND: Asthma is one of the leading chronic illnesses among children in the United States. Asthma prevalence is higher among African Americans (11.2%) compared to European Americans (7.7%). Bronchodilator medications are part of the first-line therapy, and the rescue medication, for acute asthma symptoms. Bronchodilator drug response (BDR) varies substantially among different racial/ethnic groups. Asthma prevalence in African Americans is only 3.5% higher than that of European Americans, however, asthma mortality among African Americans is four times that of European Americans; variation in BDR may play an important role in explaining this health disparity. To improve our understanding of disparate health outcomes in complex phenotypes such as BDR, it is important to consider interactions between environmental and biological variables. RESULTS: We evaluated the impact of pairwise and three-variable interactions between environmental, social, and biological variables on BDR in 233 African American youth with asthma using Visualization of Statistical Epistasis Networks (ViSEN). ViSEN is a non-parametric entropy-based approach able to quantify interaction effects using an information-theory metric known as Information Gain (IG). We performed analyses in the full dataset and in sex-stratified subsets. Our analyses identified several interaction models significantly, and suggestively, associated with BDR. The strongest interaction significantly associated with BDR was a pairwise interaction between pre-natal smoke exposure and socioeconomic status (full dataset IG: 2.78%, p = 0.001; female IG: 7.27%, p = 0.004)). Sex-stratified analyses yielded divergent results for females and males, indicating the presence of sex-specific effects. CONCLUSIONS: Our study identified novel interaction effects significantly, and suggestively, associated with BDR in African American children with asthma. Notably, we found that all of the interactions identified by ViSEN were "pure" interaction effects, in that they were not the ...