"La divine sceptique": éthique et rhétorique au 17e siècle ; autour de LaMothe LeVayer
In: Études littéraires françaises 68
19 Ergebnisse
In: Études littéraires françaises 68
In: Sociologies au quotidien
La fierté blanche, scène primitive --"Je ne me sens pas américain" --Armes blanches --"Ce qui vient de dehors reste dehors" --Long Island Massacre --Kung-fu blanc --"Nous sommes les derniers à pouvoir couper le courant" --Une intellectuelle du peuple --L'alt right qui venait du froid --Platon chez les Vikings --Un cosmopolite croate --Un global white nationalist --"L'ait right remplira le vide laissé par la gauche" --La France à l'horizon de l'ait right --Un rendez-vous manqué place du Trocadéro --"Ce profond murmure dont la race berce les siens" --En Thuringe --"Tout est à terre, fracassé, tout est en morceaux".
World Affairs Online
In: Pouvoirs de persuasion
World Affairs Online
In: Quest 16.2002,1/2
In: Special issue
In: Rhetoric, knowledge, and society
In: Rhetoric, Knowledge, and Society Ser.
This work is not a history of the transition from apartheid to democracy in South Africa; instead it is an analysis of a new ecology of rhetoric. Its aim is to arrive at a general view of issues as they have taken shape in the particular South Africa experience
In: Medium: transmettre pour innover, Band 49, Heft 4, S. 48-61
ISSN: 1771-3757
Le Califat inscrit la rhétorique au cœur de sa stratégie. Chaque acte de violence porte un message. Le massacre, c'est le médium.
In: Social dynamics: SD ; a journal of the Centre for African Studies, University of Cape Town, Band 38, Heft 1, S. 48-54
ISSN: 1940-7874
In: Social science information, Band 43, Heft 2, S. 145-166
ISSN: 1461-7412
The South African ''compromise'' remains unique in the history of post-colonialism (if it belongs at all to that category, which is open to debate). Ten years after Mandela's election to the presidency, and his calm refusal of personal self-perpetuation, in contrast to most presidencies in most western-style democracies, South Africa remains somewhat of an aporia. However, the South African anchoring in compromise as constitutive of democracy unveils a concept and a practice of reconciliation which are akin to ''compromise'' yet stand out as uniquely ''rhetorical'', especially in the tension between a judicial vision of public deliberation and public deliberation itself. This article focuses on land restitution as a site for deliberative coming-together.
In: Current sociology: journal of the International Sociological Association ISA, Band 41, Heft 2, S. 77-85
ISSN: 1461-7064
In: History of European ideas, Band 16, Heft 4-6, S. 377-383
ISSN: 0191-6599
In: Droit et société: revue internationale de théorie du droit et de sociologie juridique, Band 10, Heft 1, S. 501-504
ISSN: 0769-3362